I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 132 Happy Han Enci

Lin Fei wasn't in a hurry, anyway, it didn't matter if it happened sooner or later, it didn't matter much.

The tearing space can reach Heizhugou in an instant, just like when I first saw Ji Yaoguang, it appeared in another place out of thin air.

Yes, but not necessary.

In a long life of [-] million years, if everything is done in a hurry, it would be too boring.This method of directly reaching the target location can only be done by young people who are hundreds or thousands of years old.

Any little demon of ten thousand years would try his best to find some fun.In the past, there was no shortage of such monsters in the cultivation world. Just for fun, they tortured the ant-like humans in their eyes to death, and enjoyed the "good show" they directed.

When humans were heartbroken and asked why it was so cruel with blood and tears, the latter replied helplessly: "I'm bored, what's wrong with crushing a group of ants to death? Don't you humans often do this kind of thing?"

See, this is the miserable end of powerlessness.

Life and death, glory and poverty, are all in the mind of the superior.

Of course, the monster who felt that life was boring died in the end.

And died horribly.

Because Lin Fei happened to be bored too, so he played it to death when he passed by this place—it was like some kind of karma.

And it was Lin Fei's style that made this big monster despair and collapse the most.He didn't crush and kill the big monster directly, but pretended to be a little monk and killed two little monsters.

Da Yao didn't take it seriously at first, and randomly sent a few men to try to kill him, but in the end, only the skeleton was handed back.Lin Fei also wrote him a letter, saying that the pheasant and weasel tasted pretty good, and he was looking forward to how it tasted.

Was it okay to be so provoked by a little monk like an ant?

Da Yao decided to let Lin Fei experience the tragedy that life would be worse than death.Lin Fei was so bored that he was terribly bored, so he simply acted with him, and was "captured alive" and returned to the cave.In the end, when the big demon was extremely arrogant, Lin Fei gave it a "surprise".

The tiger demon couldn't close his eyes until he died, and died extremely broken and desperate.

Therefore, ordinary people simply cannot imagine what kind of things the immortal beings would do if they were extremely boring.

The tiger demon is too boring and has become a devil in the eyes of humans.

But in its eyes, Lin Fei is no longer a devil?

"Master, we're here!" Wu Moling's crisp voice brought Lin Fei back from his memories.

Lin Fei said "hmm", then looked at Ji Yaoguang again, and suggested casually, "By the way, do you want to go on a trip with me?"


The corner of Ji Yaoguang's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't laugh or cry in his heart.

"Are you a devil?" She even wanted to ask jokingly.

Only a ruthless character like Lin Fei can regard a magical place like Heizhugou as a tourist attraction.

Ji Yaoguang subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when he thought of the mysterious veil of Heizhugou, he couldn't help hesitating.

How long has it been since you went on a trip?

Thinking about it this way, she was a little dazed.

It turned out to be a long, long time.

Ji Yaoguang didn't notice it, and she also subconsciously regarded Heizhugou as a tourist attraction.

Just because Lin Fei was with him.

This is the absolute sense of security, subtly ingrained in her heart.

Wu Moling saw her hesitation and wavering, and immediately persuaded: "Go, sister Yaoguang, didn't you say you wanted to travel last year? The company has Uncle Ji and..."

Speaking of this, she looked a little weird, but she continued: "There is also Han Enci."

This Han Enci didn't know what was going on, he seemed like a different person.Ever since the turmoil caused by the Song family, she has been standing unswervingly on the side of the Ji family, and she has an exaggerated feeling of being loyal and devastated for the Ji family...

I have to say that this guy is not idle anymore, but has shared a lot of workload for the high-level.

When Ji Yaoguang heard this, he sighed slightly, then raised a bright smile, looked at Lin Fei and said, "Okay, as long as you don't find me troublesome."

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said, "Then let's go."

Wu Moling laughed at the side, and joked, "I'm full of this dog food, thank you both for your hospitality."

Ji Yaoguang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and slapped her lightly: "What are you talking about? By the way, do you want to go with us?"

She belatedly thought that it seemed a little inappropriate to travel with a big man.It's just that you have already agreed, so how can you go back on it?

Wu Moling shook his head like a rattle: "I don't want to be a light bulb!"

Ji Yaoguang gave her an annoyed look, but said nothing.

Anyway, Lin Fei is not the kind of person who messes around, so there is no need to worry about anything.

She glanced at Lin Fei, her jade-like pretty face blushed slightly.

Does this count...first date with a guy?

After Wu Moling waved goodbye to the two of them, he went to the company alone and went straight to the president's office.Because of Ji Yaoguang's absolute trust in her, she can handle many affairs on her behalf.

And on the way, she met Han Enci.

"Morning, Mo Ling, why didn't you see President Ji walking with you?" Han Enci smiled and nodded at her.

Originally, when meeting this guy, Wu Moling was reluctant to say hello.But recently, Han Enci's impression on him has improved, and when others took the initiative to say hello, she also smiled and replied casually: "Sister Yaoguang and Lin Fei are on a date, and they are going on a trip."

When Han Enci heard this, his face was slightly astonished, and then he sighed secretly in his heart.

The baby is heartbroken.

If the rival in love was someone else, I would still dare to fight.The key is that Lin Fei is a big devil, I don't dare to mess with him, shit!

After all, Han Enci had already been mentally prepared, and quickly recognized the situation and calmed down, but he was a little bit emotional: "It's all developed to this point."

Wu Moling looked strange, and secretly cursed in his heart: What is this step?They've all grown to the point where they can't help but do that sort of thing on the couch in broad daylight...

Even though she thought so in her heart, she never dared to talk about this kind of thing.The two exchanged a few simple greetings before returning to their offices.

Not long after Han Enci sat down, he received a call.


This Song Hao's dog leg is very good at following others, seeing the Song family's downfall and the Han family following the Ji family's strong rise, he simply clings to Han Enci's side.

Although Han Enci has been pretending to be well-behaved recently, he is not a good thing in essence.Coveting Meng Zhe's sister's beauty, she simply accepted this dog leg, hoping to cooperate with him inside and outside, and eat Meng Xue to the bone.

"Young Master Han," Meng Zhe flattered as always, but the object of the flattery has changed. "The villa will be auctioned at [-] o'clock tonight, and the venue will remain the same."

"Well," Han Enci nodded in satisfaction, and said quite swollen, "I'll take you there tonight and see how I managed to take pictures of this sky-high villa! By the way, don't forget to call your sister. "

Han Enci was in high spirits and extremely proud.

The Song family has long since fallen, and I have not heard the news that the Ji family and the Qing family are going to take pictures of this villa in the villa. Didn’t I just do it at my fingertips?

At that time, spend a lot of money, and coax Meng Xue again, saying that as long as you are with me, this mountain villa will be yours, won't it make her fascinated?

Hey, it seems that tonight can be a storm in the villa in the villa.

Finally, there is no young master like Song Hao and I pretending to be in the limelight.

"It's beautiful." Han Enci felt that life was so wonderful, and even hummed a ditty happily.

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