I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1371 Lin Fei wakes up

Chapter 370

Longyou was caught in the shallow water by a shrimp show, and the tiger fell in Pingyang by a dog.

This is a true portrayal of the major forces in the fairy world.

In the past, when the Queen Mother of the West was around, who would dare to go to Xihua Mountain?

In the past, when Daoist Sanqing was around, who would dare to go to the three palaces of Yuxu, Biyou, and Bajing to do evil?

In the past, when God Haotian was around, who would dare to sit on top of the Lingxiao Palace and kick over the table in front of him?

I'm afraid that the immortals never dreamed that there would be such a day.

But such a thing just happened.

Under the circumstances of the collapse of heaven and the instability of order, the fairy world is already in danger from internal and external troubles.

A group of demons attacked, and the demonic energy soared to the top of the sky, turning into thousands of lead clouds and hanging down, covering the sky above the majestic Lingshan Mountain.This sacred Buddhist holy place, even if there is a golden light at this moment, it is difficult to break through the layers of dark clouds.

A group of fierce demon powerhouses suddenly hit the fairy mountain.

The lowest level of existence in Lingshan, that is, the "non-return fruit", was almost killed and injured in an instant, the screams were endless, and golden blood was splashed everywhere.

Even Arhat was bleeding on the spot, it was difficult to parry.

"Bold and monstrous, how dare you come to my Lingshan to play wild!" A majestic golden body sitting on a golden lotus is clearly manifested. Its breasts are exposed, but it has an infinite majesty and sacred meaning.

"Little Tathagata, hurry up and grant your head!" Accompanied by a stern voice, a man shrouded in blazing demon flames stepped out of the air.

He has disheveled hair and doesn't hold a weapon, but there is a purple magic light behind him, which turns into a halo and floats behind his head.

"Who are you?" Tathagata showed a solemn expression, realizing that the person opposite was also half-stepped to the ultimate realm.

"Wu Shuang Mo Hou, Wu Shuang in the world." Before the man could finish his sentence, he flew up, and there were several flaming dragons appearing behind him.

Tathagata's complexion changed immediately.

The Heavenly Demon dances wildly!

"Hey! Who dares to offend your grandpa grandpa?" Accompanied by a monkey's shout, a golden monkey rose into the air.

He waved a golden cudgel in his hand, and it rose against the wind, like Cui Wei, a pillar of the Buzhou Mountain. With a sweep, all the strong demons were wiped out in an instant.

"Sun Wukong, I will be your opponent!" Accompanied by an excited voice, a burly demon stepped forward, and in his hand was a jet-black light that condensed into a long stick.

"Who are you? Are you worthy to fight against my old grandson?" Dou Zhanfo scratched the monkey hair on his cheek, his golden eyes were particularly piercing, as if he could penetrate directly into the soul.

"There is no right demon, there is no right in the world." The burly demons looked at him, showing disappointment: "The great sage Equaling Heaven who made troubles in the heavenly palace is now under the Tathagata, a well-behaved fighter who defeated the Buddha. ?"

Dou Zhanfo's expression changed slightly, and then he bared his teeth fiercely like a cat or a monkey and yelled at him: "Take a stick from my old grandson!"


72 Changes, Tathagata Divine Palm, Eighteen Arhats Formation, Heavenly Demon Divine Art...

In an instant, the entire Lingshan trembled violently, and the palace collapsed, as if the landslide and the earth were torn apart.

Countless Buddha Arhats and Bodhisattvas were frightened and angry, and the voices of Zen singing converged, turning into a golden Buddha light all over the sky, condensing the patterns of the Buddha Sect, protecting the Lingshan and hindering powerful enemies.

But in the end it was futile.

The entire Lingshan Mountain was still smashed to pieces, and countless Buddhist disciples fled hastily under the instructions of Tathagata to avoid unnecessary sacrifices and invite the past Buddha to light their lamps.

But what made these Buddhas desperate was that the Ancient Burning Lamp Buddha was too busy to take care of himself and was besieged by five demon heads.

Surrounded by an array of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, five demon heads sat cross-legged on the ground, trying their best to refine the ancient burning lamp Buddha, trying to make him the most precious relic in the world.

On the other hand, Ran Deng's face was calm and calm, and he sat on the lotus platform with his eyes closed, clasped his hands, and chanted scriptures in his mouth, turning himself into pieces of Buddha light runes to cover himself and protect him.

Clearly at an impasse.

In the central heavenly court, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun was covered in blood, Nezha was out of breath, and the pagoda of Tota Li Tianwang was smashed, a horrible situation.Princess Longji was even beaten back to her original form, turning into a colorful red luan, weeping blood and moaning like a sob;

The entire Beihai fell. After Emperor Zhenwu collapsed, there was no one who could stand up.Either offer the soul to the Yuan Mingpan, or die, which can be called bleeding and drifting;

The entire fairy court in the South China Sea fell apart, and the Feng clan rebelled with hatred. The fire of Nirvana burned blazingly, almost burning the entire fairy court to death.At least when the Eastern Emperor Taiyi used the phoenix soul to refine the extreme emperor's soldiers, he absolutely never imagined that there would be today;

Needless to say, Xihai, the Ten Witches couldn't hold Xihua Mountain at all, and Mrs. Yunhua even died, forever.

Only the East China Sea has huge variables.

Changxi, the mother of the twelfth month, and Xihe, the mother of the tenth day, turned into the sun and the moon and soared into the sky, calming the turmoil in the East China Sea.

Hou Yi reappeared in the fairyland and pulled the sunset bow.

There are also Emperor Jun's sons Yijun, Yanlong, Heyuhao, grandson Yinliang, great-grandson Panyu, great-grandson Xizhong, and grandson Jiguang...

A powerful enemy in the demon world would never have dreamed that a goddamn immortal emperor would be so able to give birth!

Because Di Jun was just a three-legged fire crow back then, not the noble-blooded golden crow.It is also because he married early, had many wives, and lived a long life.

I'm sorry, people can really do whatever they want when they are prosperous.

The East China Sea is simply a nightmare in the demon world, with strong men like clouds and golden immortals appearing frequently, sweeping the world and sweeping all directions.

Xi He even put on the emperor's crown that belonged to the Golden Crow tribe.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

The mighty luck of the Golden Crow tribe brought by Emperor Jun's countless years of operation was all added to Xihe.

Without the divine thunder from the sky, the Sun Empress was born.

Inadvertently insert willows and willows.

Tai Yi is lonely and has no fellow clan, and it is even more impossible to manage the luck of the same clan, or leave something behind.

But Di Jun is different, everything he has done has been turned into endless blessings.

But even so, it is nothing more than forcing the rebellious forces in the fairy world to unite to occupy the North Sea and compete with the entire East China Sea.

The situation in the Immortal World has temporarily stabilized. Although there are constant conflicts and casualties from time to time, there will be no chaos in a short period of time.

And the war on the Great Desolate Continent has just begun.

Cai Beiyu was in a hurry and called on all the powerful men from the heavens to gather in the Great Desolate Continent to defend against powerful enemies.

It has to be said that this relieved their urgent need.

In response to the order of the Sun Empress, the strong men of the Golden Crow tribe from all the heavens gathered;

Under the order of the dragon, the powerful dragon clan of the heavens came;

The descendants of the suzerain and Empress Shura also resolutely left the Rakshasa Palace and the Shura Palace and went straight to the Great Desolate Continent.

There are even more righteous and indignant beings, unable to sit back and watch Lin Fei sacrifice his life while his orthodoxy is on the verge of extinction, so they came impassioned.

A powerful person ascended to the Great Desolate Continent, instantly turning this supreme plane into the main battlefield.

In this way, the chaos of the entire continent was edited, and a dozen lasted for ten years.

When the life was overwhelmed, countless strong men perished.

Until the Central Heavenly Court was besieged, they fought with their backs and struggled until the seventh day.

In the depths of the endless darkness, a pair of icy pupils slowly opened.

Lin Fei woke up.

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