I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 1376 Dominate Diversity, Dominate For Eternity

Chapter 370 and Six

With the emergence of a powerful man, Satan's heart gradually collapsed.

Originally, he still had at least one Golden Immortal position, but when he was in trouble, he "wittedly" chose to avoid its edge.

At that time, Ye Daoran was still in the realm of the half-step inner universe, which was the period when Tiandao was fighting against him with all his strength.Taking advantage of the Heavenly Dao, the Dao began to erode some of the lower planes, causing various strange phenomena to appear, but it was not invincible.

Yinglong, Nvyu, Yang Luan, Linglu, Tusky and others were all struggling to resist, but Satan wisely slipped away.

Just like this, Jinxian's personality completely missed him.

Satan's remorse was in stark contrast to Jiang Qingyue's elation.

After a short period of excitement in Feiyun Villa, a stream of light rose from the ground, turned into a rainbow and pierced the sky, disappearing like a shooting star.

Even Qing Fen became immortal, so high-spirited, he couldn't help laughing out loud, feeling happy, wandering in the sky, swept away his old age.

Such an abnormality naturally aroused the envy of countless people.

It is true that one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

Everyone knew that as long as they were close to Lin Fei, it would be extraordinary.

On the contrary, if there is any grudge with Lin Fei... Well, then his life is no different from a horror movie.

At this time, Lin Fei had only Ying Long and Nv Xian by his side.

That's not exactly accurate.

In fact, there is also a corpse sealed in mysterious ice.

Jiang Huanhuan.

Lin Fei had defeated two demon emperors in the first battle in the Ten Thousand Demon Palace, but he also caused his own injuries to occur and almost fell.

But it was in those weak and difficult years that Jiang Huanhuan, this girl, accompanied him through too much suffering.

Those many experiences were unimaginable for Lin Fei before this.

regarded as a lunatic;

Thanks to Jiang Huanhuan, Li Hua, and Han Meimei to take care of;

Rescue Jiang Huanhuan and be hunted down by the cultivating black society;

Even Jiang Huanhuan, a pure, kind and gentle girl, resolutely elopes with him and lives a short and peaceful cohabitation life...

Jiang Huanhuan buys food and cooks, counts money with his fingers, bathes and changes clothes for him, puts his arms around him to sleep at night, hugs Lin Fei tightly without fear of injury when he is on the verge of going mad, and lies on the bed together with the quilt and watching TV...

Until Lin Fei regained his memory and realized his identity.

But just as the story of the two was about to officially begin, it had already come to an end.

When Lin Fei woke up, he saw how Jiang Huanhuan died tragically.How arrogant and arrogant that vicious cultivating black evil force is, trampling on the last bit of humble dignity of the deceased.

Until the time of his death, Jiang Huanhuan was worried that Lin Fei's accident would happen, and he was worried that he would look ugly when he saw his body covered in injuries...

Although after that, Lin Fei had already experienced too many treacherous things in Poland. On the road full of thorns and blood, he stood on the top of the diversity of ancient, modern and future with corpses one after another.

But he never forgot this girl.

Lin Fei put his hand on Xuan Bing and looked at her face with a complicated expression.

Jiang Huanhuan's body never rotted, and his eyes were closed, as if he had fallen into a peaceful and peaceful slumber.

Ying Long and the female scorpion stood behind Lin Fei, and they were silent for a while when they saw this scene.

They naturally knew the story between the two.

"I'm late." Lin Fei said in a deep voice, "I wanted to find the elixir of immortality for you, but it seems that I don't need it now. It's just—can you still recognize me?"

His palms stretched slightly.


The mysterious ice covered a large crack, and then exploded, turning into ice crystal debris and splashing in the sky.

Jiang Huanhuan was shrouded in Rui Caixia light, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she opened her eyes.

She had a dazed look on her face, apparently still hadn't been able to react to what happened.

"Huanhuan, it's me." Lin Fei said softly, and put his hand on top of her head.

That generous palm gave Jiang Huanhuan an unparalleled warmth and familiarity.

A large amount of unfamiliar information rushed into her mind like a tide.

Not only that, but her cultivation level is climbing wildly, going straight to the realm of the Golden Immortal!

The immortal strokes my top and bears longevity?

That's nothing.

A head-touching kill, directly turning mortals into golden immortals!

Sun Wukong will be silent when he sees it, and Nezha will cry when he sees it.

Huanhuan trembled, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly at Lin Fei in front of her.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably, filled with joy, shock and other emotions.

"I didn't expect it?" Lin Fei pinched her nose and teased warmly.

Huanhuan shook her head like a rattle.

How can this be imagined!

She simply felt that her mind was overturned, and she could hardly think normally.

How could it be possible?

The lunatic who Jiang Huanhuan eloped to the countryside with, turned out to be the legendary All Saints Heavenly Venerate!

For a time, she only felt that she had a thousand words to say, but she couldn't say anything. She just threw herself into Lin Fei's arms, sobbing and crying.

She said that she was in great pain. She was mutilated by Liu Zhongxing's group of villains at that time. It was really painful.I haven't felt so much pain since I was a child;

She said that she was very afraid. At that time, she was really afraid of death and Lin Fei's accident. She felt that she would never see him again...

Lin Fei hugged Jiang Huanhuan, patted her on the back lightly, and comforted her gently: "It's all over, no one will be able to bully you again."

"Yeah!" Jiang Huanhuan snorted, and tears soaked Lin Fei's shoulders.


Half a month later, a new sect came out to dominate the heavens and the world, and there was a trend of unity and diversity.

Its name is Feiyunzong.

How brilliant is this sect?

In the Immortal World Branch, there are the Second Emperor of the East, the God of Haotian, the Queen Mother of the West, and the Emperor Zhenwu as the Supreme Elders;

In the Great Desolate Continent, there are Ye Wudi and the Great Emperor of the Golden Crow as Supreme Elders...

The most powerful people in almost all planes are included in such a peerless Taoism.

To open up such a terrifying Taoism is already unprecedented, and no one has come since.

Lin Fei even created a third way of heaven with a single thought to stabilize the rules of multiple order.

But this way of heaven is not fair.

Because Lin Fei has absolute control over it.

What is the unity of the plane?

The current Feiyun Sect seems to have unified the entire multiverse.

And such a supreme Taoism, its headquarters is not located in the highest plane, but on the earth.

Even the Second Emperor of the East Heaven could only sigh with emotion.

"The era of the All Saints has begun." Donghuang Taiyi looked at the earth from a distance, with yearning and reverence, "Do you think his rule will end one day?"

"Go to bed early, there may be such a day in your dreams." Emperor Jun glanced at him and joked.

After a pause, he asked back: "Tianzun's wedding will be in three days. What kind of grand occasion will you say?"

Tai raised his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

I am afraid it is a multi-faceted wedding.

Unparalleled in the world.

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