With the infusion of true energy from the two great masters, the Shuiyun mirror burst into dazzling white light.

At this moment, ripples like water waves appeared on the mirror surface, which seemed extremely mysterious.

According to past experience, the picture of Ji Yaoguang's previous life will be presented next.

Su Mingyue and Su Qing stared at the mirror, stared at the mirror, unwilling to miss any picture.

And at this moment, an invisible repulsive force suddenly burst out from the Shuiyun mirror!


The light surrounding the water cloud mirror exploded like a sphere, and the violent shock wave hit all directions in an instant.

The two great masters were thrown out directly, and hit the wall made of mysterious ice in the palace with a "boom".


The two almost spat out a mouthful of blood at the same time, their faces full of horror.

In just an instant, they had been severely injured and their vitality was seriously injured.

"Can't spy?!" Su Qing was shocked, and looked at Shui Yunjing in disbelief.

Su Mingyue's heart was also shocked, and she said in a trembling voice: "Don't think about it, this Ji Yaoguang was definitely a fairy in her last life, and I'm afraid her background is not small!"

How can mortal eyes peep into the past of immortals?

"The people from Dao Zong and Yin Zong are still waiting outside, do you want to tell them the news?" Su Qing hesitated for a while and asked.

This time, it was people from these two sects who came up to ask for evidence, so that the two Supreme Elders of Dou Que Palace, who could not be seen in the world, knew the news.

Su Mingyue frowned slightly, and then sighed: "Tell them. If you think about it, you can't hide it. Even if we deny it, they will go to investigate in person. After all, it is about the reincarnated immortal, which sect can remain indifferent?"

What does the reincarnation of immortals mean?

If she can be brought under the sect, once she awakens, the entire sect will be able to shine in the world.How glorious and prosperous would a sect with immortals be?

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if he can't be awakened and reborn as a fairy, with the talent of a fairy, he is definitely a genius who can restore the sect!

"Senior sister, should we just sit back and ignore it?" Su Qing couldn't help asking.Obviously, she was also moved.

"Of course not," Su Mingyue sighed lightly, but she had to be more thoughtful and prudent when considering things, "but you and I are seriously injured now, and the Palace Master is on a life-and-death test. If we act rashly, I'm afraid that Shadow Sect, The Demon Sect, Illusion Sect, and the Corpse Exorcism Sect will directly attack the mountain gate, and then..."

Su Qing's expression froze, and he realized in an instant: "Senior Sister, you want our disciples to recruit this Ji Yaoguang?"

Su Mingyue nodded and said: "That's right, that's exactly what I mean. Presumably, with my unique status in the ancient martial arts world, she should know how to choose."

Speaking of this, she sighed softly again: "Even if she doesn't want to enter my Douque Palace, it doesn't matter if she can join other famous and decent sects. I'm afraid..."

She seems to always like to talk in half, point to the end.

Su Qing immediately became a little anxious, and asked directly: "What are you afraid of? Does she still have to take refuge in evil ways?"

Su Mingyue shook her head and explained: "The Demon Sect has the art of gathering yin to replenish yang, and double sleep, and the exorcising corpse sect has the art of refining corpses. In addition, there is also the sorcery of refining medicine with living people-a fairy reincarnation His body is like a fairy medicine that walks in the world!"

"These evil spirits are crooked, and most of them are insidious means to steal the power of others. If it falls into their hands, it is hard to imagine how miserable this Ji Yaoguang will die. And in this way, the power of these evil spirits will inevitably grow. It's a catastrophe!"

Su Qing's heart shuddered, and only then did he deeply realize what was behind this incident.

The ancient martial arts world will usher in a dispute to compete in the world.

And Ji Yaoguang is that deer.


Ji Yaoguang, who was at the center of the vortex of the incident, knew nothing about it.

Early the next morning, she went to work in the company as usual.

Lin Fei was at his leisure, and there were four maids taking care of the manor, so he went to Mount Qingcheng leisurely.He planned to visit Zhang Xiaoling and help him quickly break through his cultivation by the way.

But under such circumstances, a group of uninvited guests came to Feiyun Villa.

This group of people exuded ferocity all over their bodies, with scars all over their bodies, and there were terrible marks like bullet holes.

"Damn it, Heigou, are you sure that the two people who came out of Heizhugou live here? I think this place is too extravagant. Compared with it, the Wu family compound is a shabby house!" Wu who took the lead Yang froze for a moment, then cursed like this.

"Brother Yang, this is absolutely true!" The strong man known as the black dog said quickly, "Although time is limited, the information I inquired about should be correct. It is said that this person is called Lin Fei, and he is a top-notch rich man. There was a big family in Rongcheng before who collectively pleaded guilty to him, and it was quite a sensation!"

Black Dog never dreamed that things were far from as simple as he imagined.

The key reason is that the channels he inquired about did not involve the ancient martial arts world in Rongcheng.The question is for a secular person, so naturally he only knows about such secular things.

If you ask anyone in the ancient martial arts world of Rongcheng, I am afraid that the news they get will be enough to make them tremble with fear-breaking Tao Qian, overthrowing the medical school in a single thought, defeating the mother of all spiders, and the ancient martial arts world in Rongcheng recognizes that he has the realm of a great master!

"Hehe, he seems to be a rich and powerful person." Wu Yang smiled sarcastically, and said disdainfully, "It's a pity that such a thing is useless in the ancient martial arts world!"

No matter how rich and powerful you are, I can control your life!

"Let's go, go with me to meet this Lin Fei." Wu Yang took the lead and decided to forcibly break into Feiyun Villa.

The black dog felt that something was wrong, and immediately said: "Brother Yang, why don't you wait? I think we are a little impulsive. Since someone saw them come out of Heizhugou alive, maybe they are some experts!"

Wu Yang was a little annoyed, and glared at him: "Didn't you see his photo when you stepped on the horse? At such a young age, no matter how talented he is, how can he be so powerful?"

"If you die, you will be a low-level master. What are you afraid of if I am here? Damn, what a useless waste!"

Hearing this, the black dog smiled awkwardly and fell silent.

But he didn't say a word, and the other younger brother couldn't help asking: "Brother Yang, I don't think Steward Wu and the others may have been killed by them. There's no need for us to act like this, right?"

Wu Yang smiled sadly, and said in a cold voice, "Does it really matter whether they killed Wu Mou?"

The younger brother's expression changed suddenly, as if he understood something.

Sure enough, Wu Yang said directly: "That woman named Ji Yaoguang has an ancient sword on her back and an oil lamp in her hand. This is the most important thing."



It's killing and seizing treasure!

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