I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 155 Are the apprentices so fierce?

"Stop!" Wu Yang roared with his eyes tearing apart, and rushed towards Bai Zhan with a gust of wind.

Unfortunately, after all, it was half a beat too late.


When Bai Zhan stepped down, the black dog's head burst like a watermelon.Red and white splattered everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody and cruel.

"You're looking for death!" Wu Yang roared angrily, surrounded by the body-protecting energy, and punched Bai Zhan's head directly with a mighty thunderous punch.

Bai Zhan sneered, his whole body was filled with black protective energy, and he bent his arms to block the punch.


Bai Zhan's feet sank into the ground with such force as to destroy mountains and mountains, but his whole body was not shaken by the impact.

Wu Yang's heart shook violently, he never expected that the young man in front of him would be able to take his punch hard without a hair being hurt.

Such a young grandmaster is already amazing enough, not to mention that he has the strength to match his own grandmaster's sixth level, which is simply unbelievable!

Naturally, he would not have imagined how many shortcuts Bai Zhan took along the way to practice with Lin Fei as his teacher.Not to mention breaking into the Grandmaster Pass first, and then getting the help of the spirit bud grass in the cultivation world, it skyrocketed and directly entered the sixth floor of the Grandmaster.

It is said that it is a plug-in, but it is actually not impossible.

As members of the ancient martial arts community in Rongcheng, the four maids naturally knew of the existence of Bai Zhan, and even more that he was the master's apprentice.At this moment, seeing the master's disciples rushing to the rescue in time, they pinned all their hopes on him.

He is the master's apprentice, and he will definitely be able to deal with this gang of thugs!

Bai Zhan was also completely enraged by the actions of this group of thugs, without a word of extra nonsense, he directly launched the most violent and fierce offensive against Wu Yang.

"Bai Lie-"

With Bai Zhan as the center, the strong wind surged and swept across the four directions in a mighty manner, and all the dead branches and fallen leaves were swept aside.

"Fist wind teeth!"

Bai Zhan yelled violently, his muscles swelled, his veins bulged, and his shirt was shattered again, revealing his strong and strong body.

In an instant, the shadows of fists criss-crossed, and the sound of sonic booms could be heard endlessly in the air.

Just the wind of the fist, with a distance of several meters, cut off the trees behind Wu Yang's side on the spot!

Wu Yang's pupils shrank sharply, and only four words popped out of his mind in a flash: Unstoppable!

It is definitely too late to escape, and a head-to-head confrontation with this kind of trick will only result in serious injury or even sudden death.

As a seasoned powerhouse, Wu Yang, relying on his rich experience in actual combat, almost reflexively made the most correct way to deal with it—block!

He crossed his arms to protect his head, face and chest, and his right leg was bent and lifted up, firmly pressing against his chest and abdomen.

Muay Thai parry stance.

This posture can protect the vital points to the greatest extent, and even if there is a chance, the legs that are on the chest and abdomen can be kicked out suddenly, and the attack will be counterattack.Similarly, it also has a disadvantage - the base plate is unstable.

But this disadvantage is exactly what Wu Yang wants.

"Bang bang bang-"

A series of thousand-weight fists slammed on Wu Yang's body, and the powerful strength immediately destroyed his body's protective energy.Not only that, even if he used his arms and legs to block, the huge force was still unbearable for Wu Yang.

Under such an impact from Pei Ran Mo Yu, Wu Yang was directly blown away!


The little brother who was standing behind him was directly knocked and flew backwards in all directions.

This scene was like playing bowling.

Bai Zhan roared like a wild beast, and pursued Wu Yang who was flying upside down like a tiger descending a mountain.

With a "bang", Wu Yang crashed into a huge rock before stopping.He immediately spit out a mouthful of blood with a "poof", and stood up forcefully under the horrified gaze on his face.

Although all internal organs were traumatized by Bailie Quan Fengya's unparalleled attack, his goal was achieved - he escaped from Bailie Quan Fengya's attack range through the force of the impact.

He had suffered forty or fifty punches before, and he was already injured like this.If he hadn't opened a safe distance in time and let Bai Zhan follow up and attack fiercely, he might die suddenly on the spot!

The four maids were also extremely shocked, and faintly excited.

As expected of the master's apprentice, he is so strong that he is unreasonable!

"Stop!" Wu Yang roared in desperation, and directly pulled out the long sword made of ice soul black iron behind his back.

Bai Zhan had sensed the extraordinary aura of this long sword a long time ago, and immediately frowned, stopped in his steps, and stepped into a sunken hole in the ground.

Wu Yang was panting violently, feeling the burning pain in his internal organs, and he was terrified in his heart.

Horse riding, how could such a young and strong man jump out, it's so monstrous that it doesn't make sense!

"Brother, what's the relationship between you and Lin Fei? There's no need to fight to the death with me, right? If you really push me, it's not certain who will live and who will die. Is it necessary?" Wu Yang was not sure about the power of the long sword in his hand, He could only threaten Bai Zhan with a gloomy face, hoping to force Bai Zhan to retreat.

"Lin Fei is my mentor," Bai Zhan sneered, and said firmly, "Since I see you guys who dare to touch him, even if I risk my life, I can't just sit idly by!"

After his words fell, Wu Yang and his subordinates were stunned.

"Fuck Nima!"

"He still has the upper hand in the confrontation with the masters of the sixth floor, but he is only this Lin Fei's apprentice?"

"You're paralyzed! All apprentices are like this, so how fierce is this master Lin Fei?"

Hearing this, Wu Yang was so frightened that his heart was beating wildly, and a terrifying thought suddenly came to his mind: "Grass mud horse, this Lin Fei must be a great master, right?!"

I'm fucking the hometown of a great master? !

He was really frightened by his own thoughts, and his back was drenched in cold sweat instantly.

At this moment, Wu Yang swallowed in shock.In addition to being afraid, there is also unparalleled gratitude——damn, it's lucky that this Lin Fei is not at home!

Even if Lin Fei is not a great master, he is still better than Bai Zhan as a master, and it is absolutely no problem to crush them to death.

"No, we can't delay. If he comes back, I will die!" Thinking of this, Wu Yang was extremely anxious.

He violently activated his true essence, and the long sword was immediately covered with raging flames, and the high temperature distorted the surrounding scene.

"Wind and fire!" Wu Yang shouted angrily, and slashed at Bai Zhan with his sword.

It is obvious that he doesn't know how to use a sword, and he just walks the way of opening and closing the sword.

Bai Zhan's pupils contracted sharply, and he immediately chose to avoid the sharp edge.

Wu Yang pressed on step by step, the flames and blades intertwined like a curtain, and the offensive continued like a storm.

After all, Bai Zhan is a person who is good at aggressive attacks, and he has shortcomings in his body skills, which soon showed his flaws.Unable to dodge, he had to bend his arms to take the knife.


With a crisp sound, Bai Zhan's protective energy was broken, and the sword edge was deeply embedded in the arm bone.

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