I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 162 Yinglong here, give Lin Tiandi a peach blossom!

"Thank you Brother Lin!" Chen Xiangyu immediately thanked him sincerely.

Lin Fei waved his hand casually, and sat directly on the back seat of the Maserati: "Don't thank me, my ears are getting callused after hearing this word of thank you recently. If you really want to thank me, just be my guide and show me around. .”

Chen Xiangyu responded, unable to hide his excitement.When the Yizong parted, she had said that if Lin Fei came to Jinling in the future, she would take him around to play around. She never thought that this day would come so soon.

It's just that Lin Fei declined her proposal to go to the famous scenic spots, but asked her to take him to the Peach and Plum Blossom Forest first.

"Peach and plum flower forest?" Chen Xiangyu was a little surprised, "Brother Lin, it's not the flowering season yet, why are you going there?"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said, "It's all about revisiting the old place."

Chen Xiangyu let out an "oh", secretly guessing in his heart, what special significance does the Peach and Plum Blossom Forest have to Lin Fei?Could it be the place where he and his other half met for the first time?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt like an invisible hand clenched her heart slightly.

The Maserati galloped all the way, and soon arrived at the parking lot near Taolihualin.After getting off the car, the two arrived at their destination on foot like a couple going out for fun.

The Peach and Plum Blossom Forest occupies a wide area, and at a glance, there are densely packed peach and plum trees.They grow together, and the emerald green leaves sway in the wind, making a soft rustling sound.At a glance, it looks like an emerald green ocean, undulating.

"By the way, Brother Lin," Chen Xiangyu seemed to be a competent tour guide, and described the peculiarities of the scenic spot, "It is said that the peach and plum flower forest is formed naturally, not artificially planted. One generation withered and another generation reproduced naturally, thousands of years It has never been extinct!"

"There seems to be a local myth and legend about it, saying that a fairy planted a peach branch here."

A trace of nostalgia flashed across Lin Fei's face, and he said with a faint smile, "This is not a myth or legend, but a fact. The so-called fairy in your mouth is actually Ying Long."

Chen Xiangyu was stunned: "Ying Long? This name seems a bit familiar..."

Suddenly, she widened her eyes and said: "I remembered! The God of Heavenly Dragon, the legendary Kuafu who descended to the earth to help the Yellow Emperor kill Chi You, right?"

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and added: "At the same time, she is the concubine of the Immortal Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and the mother of Jianma, Qilin, Phoenix, and Luanniao."

Chen Xiangyu asked puzzledly: "Brother Lin, how do you know that fairy is Ying Long?"

Lin Fei sighed softly, and pointed out a flash of light: "Look for yourself."

In an instant, Chen Xiangyu's eyes widened suddenly.

In her mind, the picture of that year emerged.

At that time, this place was not called Peach and Plum Blossom Forest, but there were only plum trees all over the mountains and plains.The flowers and branches are luxuriant, the breeze blows, and the fallen flowers are flying.

There was a girl in silver armor with a spear on her back.Although the appearance is beautiful, but the whole body is full of heroism, extraordinary.

And on the opposite side of her is a person Chen Xiangyu is very familiar with - Lin Fei!

But Lin Fei in the picture is wearing a white silk robe, with long hair tied up in a crown and holding a folding fan.

When the breeze blows, his sleeves and long hair will fly together with the plum blossoms all over the sky.

And that girl with a silver armor and long spear and a heroic figure looked at Lin Fei with tenderness and tenderness in her eyes.Let Li Hua fly, the scenery is picturesque, and it seems that there is only that indifferent and gentle young master in his eyes.

Everyone in Chen Xiangyu was frightened.

Because, she had already guessed the identity of the woman in the picture.

Should be... Yinglong? !

What shocked her even more was Ying Long's next move.

This heroine of Zhan Feng Bo, Yu Shi, Chi You, and Kua Fu, like a young girl in love facing her beloved, cautiously stretched out her hands behind her back.

In her hand was a peach branch.

Chen Xiangyu thinks this world is too crazy!

The legendary god of dragons, the concubine of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the mother of Qilin and Fenghuang, like a little girl, wanted to give Lin Fei a peach branch as a gift?

Jiangnan has nothing, just give a sprig of spring.

"Give me a peach branch, but it will be fragrant for a while."

"If you plant it in the soil, it will last forever. When future generations come again, there will be a forest of peaches and plums." Lin Fei in the picture spoke with a smile, and gently closed the paper fan.

Ying Long turned his head slightly, and smiled: "Will future generations remember you and me when they come here?"

Lin Fei said lightly, "Maybe."

Ying Long then stopped talking and inserted the peach branch into the soil.

Under the catalysis of divine power, the peach branch grew rapidly and turned into a luxuriant peach tree.

Peach trees rose from the plum forest in a short moment, sprouting branches and leaves, blooming flowers again, revealing fragrance.

The silver-armored dragon god pointed like a sword, cut off a section of the mountain, and blatantly smashed at the entrance of this place.

Using his finger as a knife, Ying Long carved four large characters and a line of small characters.

"Peach and plum blossom forest."

"Yinglong is here to give Lin Tiandi a peach blossom, which should be remembered forever."


"This..." Chen Xiangyu's eyes widened, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

She just felt a thunderbolt explode in her mind, it was completely blank, and she was so shocked that she was almost stunned.

Chen Xiangyu knew that Lin Fei was very strong, very mysterious, and had an unimaginable inheritance in ancient times, but he never dreamed that Ying Long would call him "Lin Tiandi"!

Lin Fei let out a long sigh, shook his head and said: "It is recorded in later generations that Yinglong exhausted her immortal power and could no longer return to the Heavenly Court... This is actually a wrong inference. She just didn't want to return to the fairyland, to the Eastern Emperor Taiyi Just by your side."

Chen Xiangyu suddenly felt terrified and didn't dare to think about the reason!

Scary, this is so fucking scary!

Chen Xiangyu swallowed, and asked, "Then what happened to her?"

Lin Fei looked neither sad nor happy, and said indifferently: "Dead."

Chen Xiangyu was stunned again.

God of Dragons!

Phoenix and Qilin are just her daughters, how could she die? !

"A concubine went to the common people, but misses the secular world and is unwilling to return to the emperor's side - what do you think the emperor will do?" Lin Fei sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Chen Xiangyu's heart was shocked, and he blurted out: "Execute her?"

Lin Fei didn't answer any further, as if acquiescing to what she said.

"Do you want to see peaches and plums blooming?" Lin Fei asked abruptly.

"Ah?" Chen Xiangyu was stunned for a moment, "I would like to, but this is not the flowering period."

Lin Fei smiled lightly: "If you think about it, that's enough."

He brushed it casually, and the world was like a scroll, embellished with new scenes by invisible brushes.

Peach blossoms and plum blossoms are dotted on the branches and leaves at this moment, pulling their hearts out.

Chen Xiangyu stared blankly at this poetic and picturesque scene, thought of a line of poem for no reason, and murmured to himself:

"Suddenly like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of pear trees bloom..."

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