The next morning.

Ji Yaoguang woke up from the coma and found himself lying in a familiar bedroom, a little stunned for a while.

After a brief absence, she hurriedly stood up and slammed open the bedroom door.

"Mo Ling, are you alright?!"

"Those killers—" Ji Yaoguang's voice came to an abrupt end.

Because she found that there was an extra man in the bedroom, looking at an antique vase on the table.

And the man turned his head when he heard the movement, and reminded with a smile: "It's all gone."

Ji Yaoguang's pretty face climbed up with a red glow

She glared at Lin Fei angrily, and hurriedly covered it with her arms.

In fact, such a cover-up doesn't make much sense.

"Get out of my house, or I'll call the police!" Ji Yaoguang immediately warned Lin Fei, believing that Lin Fei was a burglar.

In fact, she had already taken out her mobile phone and was about to call the police.

Wu Moling, who heard the movement, arrived in time, hurried forward to grab Ji Yaoguang's arm, and stopped him: "Sister Yaoguang, he is not a thief."

Ji Yaoguang stopped what he was doing and asked suspiciously, "Is he your friend?"

Wu Moling shook his head, and explained: "Sister Yaoguang, his name is Lin Fei. He was the one who dealt with those killers earlier, and he also cured you of the poison."

Ji Yaoguang laughed dumbly: "Are you kidding me again?"

Just this mediocre young man, can he deal with a group of killers with guns, and deal with the poison that the world's top medical methods are ineffective?

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Wu Moling argued in a low voice, "Sister Yaoguang, what I said is true..."

"Hmm, okay, I see." Ji Yaoguang smiled perfunctoryly, then skipped the topic and asked Wu Moling to drive her out.

When Lin Fei heard this, he smiled and asked, "I happen to be going out too, why don't you take me for a ride?"

Ji Yaoguang glanced at him and said indifferently, "I'm in a hurry, so you should take a taxi by yourself."

When the words fell, she took Wu Moling, who was hesitant to speak, to leave.

Wu Moling gave Lin Fei an apologetic look, and the latter just smiled faintly.

After the two left the villa, Lin Fei raised his index finger slightly.

A wisp of purple-black mist appeared out of thin air, entangled between his fingers, and disappeared invisible with his light wave.

What Lin Fei has to do is to find out who is behind Ji Yaoguang's poison.

The poison in Ji Yaoguang is called "Thousand Spiders and Ten Thousand Poisons", and it seems impossible to have this poison now, because this poison comes from the mother of ten thousand spiders.

Lin Fei knew a member of the Di tribe in Miaojiang, and a female spider he raised could do it.

During the Xia Qi period, the Di tribe in Miaojiang was facing a crisis of genocide. Qing Yuntian, a member of his clan, knelt in front of Lin Fei’s gate and begged for his rescue in March. Lin Fei gave him a mother of ten thousand spiders. in difficulty.

Undoubtedly, this matter is inseparable from his descendants.

The Di people have a family of the Qing family and a family of the Bai family, and now they have each established a group company in Rongcheng.

Lin Fei showed a cold smile: "Interesting."

After that, he left Ji's villa and soon arrived at the Qing's Group Building, but was stopped at the entrance.

Hearing the two security guards declare that he did not have a badge and would not let him in, Lin Fei immediately took action like lightning.The two security guards didn't even have a chance to react, so they fell to the ground.

He strolled leisurely, walked into the elevator as if in a no-man's land, and pressed the button on the highest floor.

At the same time, the security guards in the monitoring room were stunned.

He hastily picked up the walkie-talkie and said anxiously: "Someone injured the security guard and broke into the elevator, it seems to be going to the top floor!"

"Go and stop him!"

What is the concept of the top floor?The offices of the general manager, president, and chairman are all on the first floor. If something goes wrong, no one can take the responsibility.

Hearing this news, a swarm of security guards hurried to the tenth floor.


The elevator door opened slowly, and when Lin Fei stepped out of the elevator, he saw a security guard in a corridor.

Armed with electric batons, they surrounded him aggressively.

"Come on, let's talk when you are stunned!" The security captain gave an order, and a group of security guards rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Go away!" Lin Fei said coldly and took the lead.

He moved faster than they could imagine, leaving a large afterimage in their retinas, followed by a series of "thump-thump-thump" sounds.

Almost in an instant, the group of security guards felt a sharp pain, and flew upside down like a goddess scattering flowers, hitting the wall and the floor hard.

The security captain clutched his chest weakly, and looked at Lin Fei with horror as if he had seen a ghost.

Did it take a total of one second to overthrow so many people?

Fuck, is this Nima really a human? !

However, Lin Fei walked down the corridor unhurriedly as if he had completed a trivial matter, and pushed open the door of the nearest office.

President Office.

Sitting behind the desk was a beautiful woman, wearing a white shirt and a black hip-wrapping skirt, which perfectly set off her exquisite figure.

Seeing the uninvited guest breaking in, Qing Lixue frowned immediately and scolded him with a cold face: "Get out of here!"

Lin Fei smiled lightly, pulled over the stool and sat down in front of her: "Do you know that thousands of spiders are poisonous?"

Qing Lixue's expression changed, but she quickly pretended to be calm: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh?" Lin Fei laughed jokingly, "The Di clan can preserve their bloodlines so far, thanks to the mother of all spiders. I didn't expect that today, the descendants of the Di clan don't know the poison of thousands of spiders. Knowing this, I'm afraid the coffin boards won't be able to hold it down!"

Qing Lixue opened the drawer and slowly stretched her hand in, but her eyes were fixed on Lin Fei: "Presumptuous! Who are you, you dare to slander the ancestors of my Qing family!"

Lin Fei saw her small movements, but he didn't care at all.

He sighed softly, full of emotion: "It's been only 4000 years, I can't imagine that the descendants of the Di people don't know me anymore! It's really a vicissitudes, the world has changed!"

But at this moment, Qing Lixue pulled out the pistol suddenly and pointed it at Lin Fei.

Although her hand was trembling slightly, it was not as firm as it looked, but the threat was beyond doubt.

But facing the threat of guns, Lin Fei remained so indifferent that Qing Lixue couldn't believe it: "You should be glad that you are a descendant of the Di people, otherwise, based on your current behavior, your entire family will be wiped out at this moment!"

Qing Lixue felt that she was being provoked, and was a little annoyed: "You think I dare not shoot?"

At this moment, there was the sound of hurried footsteps of leather shoes stepping on the floor in the corridor.

Soon, a burly middle-aged man in a brand-name suit appeared at the door.His face was rough and wild, and he didn't look Han Chinese.

It is the chairman of Qingshi Group, Qingfen.

Seeing his father arriving, Qing Lixue suddenly showed a surprised look: "Dad, you came just in time, this person dares to slander Yuntian ancestors!"

"Presumptuous! I want to see who dares to slander my Qing family..." Before Qing Fen could finish speaking, his face changed drastically when he saw Lin Fei's face, "Are you... ..”

"Do you recognize me?" Lin Fei laughed.

"Dad, what's wrong with you..." Qing Lixue was a little confused by her father's words.

"Put the gun down, do you know who he is?!"

Qing Fen's stern voice was also full of fear that could not be concealed.

Qing Lixue was stunned and looked at Qing Fen in disbelief.

Lin Fei just smiled faintly at Qing Fen, and the latter shivered all over.

Then he rushed forward quickly, grabbed the pistol from Qing Lixue's hand, and slammed it against the wall with a "smack".

Under Qing Lixue's shocked gaze, Qing Fen knelt down in front of Lin Fei with a "pop": "Qing Fen, the contemporary head of the Qing family, pays respects to Immortal Master Lin!"

Lin Fei gave a soft "um" and accepted the gift calmly.

Qing Lixue only felt a thunder in her head, she widened her bright eyes, and her delicate lips formed an "o" shape.

She really couldn't understand the scene in front of her!

Why would a father with a net worth of several billion knelt down to such an arrogant and domineering young man, and what kind of immortal teacher would he call him?


"Father, get up quickly!" Qing Lixue hurried to help Qing Fen.

Unexpectedly, the latter was extremely stubborn, unwilling to get up, even took her arm, and said anxiously: "Don't you kneel down to Immortal Master Lin?"

Qing Lixue couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately broke away from Qing Fen's hand and said angrily, "Father, I don't know who you take him for!"

"But don't take me ashamed, okay?"

"We don't kneel to the sky or the ground, we only kneel to the ancestral hall. What kind of thing is he, why should I kneel?"

What is he?

When Qing Fen heard this, his face turned pale with fright: "You unfilial daughter, you bastard!"

He got up quickly, and was about to slap Qing Lixue on the face, but Lin Fei grabbed his wrist with a "slap".

"It's okay." Lin Fei said calmly without any waves in the ancient well.

Seeing that Lin Fei was not angry, Qing Fen felt relieved, and then scolded Qing Lixue again with a stern face: "Don't you thank Lin Xianshi for your generosity?"

Qing Lixue was so angry that her whole body was shaking.


Simply incomprehensible!

"I don't!" She blushed, slammed a word, and rushed out the door.

Qing Fen smiled embarrassedly, and apologized to Lin Fei on behalf of Qing Lixue: "My little girl has been spoiled, and I don't know about your existence, Immortal Master, please don't take offense."

Lin Fei waved his hand at will, indicating that he did not take it to heart, and went straight to the topic: "The mother of ten thousand spiders, where is she now?"

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