I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 20 The wolf's ambition is obvious

Ji Chongwei and Ji Yaoguang came to the Song family villa, and soon met the Song family father and son.

Song Qingyun had a hypocritical smile on his face, and pretended to be enthusiastic: "Old Ji, why didn't you say hello when you came here? Look at me, I'm not prepared at all."

Ji Chongwei was displeased in his heart, but he still maintained the surface etiquette: "Old Song, we don't need to be so polite in our relationship."

Song Qingyun chuckled, and gestured to come in: "Old Ji, niece Xian, please sit inside."

Ji's father and daughter sat down on the sofa, and Song Qingyun immediately asked the nanny to bring tea.

The best premium Shifeng Longjing is brown and green, clear and translucent.The white smoke is dense, and the tea fragrance is overflowing.

However, neither Ji Yaoguang nor Ji Chongwei obviously had any intention of tasting tea.

Song Hao looked at Ji Yaoguang from the side, with a smug smile on his lips.

"Old Song, based on our friendship, I won't be more polite to you." Ji Chongwei thought about his words a little, and said straight to the point, "This time I want to talk to you about the chip, and sign the contract as soon as possible. ."

Song Qingyun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile: "Old Ji, have I told you? I really can't decide this matter, why don't you talk to Gouzi?"

Let the juniors talk to themselves?

Ji Chongwei was displeased, but nodded with a smile: "That's fine."

Song Qingyun nodded slightly, then got up, looked at Song Hao pretendingly, and said, "Xiaohao, discuss it with your Uncle Ji. Our two families have been friends for so many years, we can't treat you Uncle Ji badly."

Song Hao grinned, and a trace of teasing flashed in his eyes: "Father, I know how to measure."

Seeing Song Qingyun leave, Song Hao immediately sat opposite Ji Chongwei, and said in embarrassment: "Uncle Ji, you also know that chips are expensive now. Compared with the price we negotiated before, the cost of our import agency has actually increased. Quite a few..."

In fact, both sides are well aware that this statement is purely false.

Ji Yaoguang frowned slightly, and then relaxed it calmly.

Ji Chongwei is more mature, and his emotions and anger are almost invisible in front of outsiders.He had expected this a long time ago, without any surprise, he immediately laughed and said, "Nephew, you don't have to be in such a difficult situation, I also know your difficulties. We are all businessmen, there is no reason to let your Song family suffer."

Song Hao raised his eyebrows and smiled, and continued pretending to be a snake: "It's good that Uncle Ji understands."

Ji Chongwei pondered for a while, and then proposed: "Nephew, how about we add three hundred million more on the original basis?"

Although his psychological bottom line is one billion, shopping malls have never been in the style of directly quoting the reserve price.

Song Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled, but didn't answer.

Ji Chongwei was unhappy in his heart, but still smiled: "It seems that I can't keep up with the market conditions, and the price estimate is not well thought out."

"[-] million, what does my nephew think?"

Song Hao sighed, his face full of embarrassment: "Uncle Ji, it's not that I have trouble with you. Our agency in China is also limited. It is not easy to get through the joints of such a large number of imports."

The smile on Ji Chongwei's face also gradually disappeared, and he said in a deep voice, "Eight hundred million."

"Nephew, this price is enough to make people jaw-dropping. Naturally, we are happy to sign the contract. But if we can't negotiate this way, it will be difficult for me to offer a higher price. I don't have qualified products to supply, you guys There is also a huge source of income missing.”

He paused, leaning forward slightly, showing a little aggressiveness: "Both will suffer, there is no need."

A strong look of disdain flashed in Song Hao's eyes, and he sneered in his heart - the initiative is all in my hands, and you still play these tricks with me?I don't like your set!

Song Hao picked up the tea, leaned back on the sofa, and said lazily, "Uncle Ji, why don't you go back first? I'll think about it later."

After his words fell, both Ji Chongwei and Ji Yaoguang changed their faces, obviously out of control.

Ji Chongwei gave Ji Yaoguang a wink, the latter bit his lip, full of unwillingness and aggrieved.But in the end, she squeezed out a smile, raised her teacup and said, "Brother Song, I have offended you a lot in the past, so please don't take it to heart. Yaoguang is here to use tea instead of wine, and I will give you something wrong."

Song Hao smiled smugly, and didn't say anything, just stared at Ji Yaoguang.

Ji Yaoguang gritted her teeth and drank the still hot tea in one gulp.Her pretty face was flushed from the heat, her lips, teeth, and mouth were numb and painful, and even sparkling tears were swirling in her eye sockets.

Ji Chongwei showed a look of impatience, and turned his head slightly.

Ji Yaoguang took a deep breath and said with a difficult smile: "Brother Song, one billion, do you think it's okay?"

After a short round of negotiations, the Ji family has repeatedly made concessions, causing the price to increase by [-] million!

For most people, this is already an astronomical figure.Even for the Song family, it is definitely a coveted price.

Song Hao secretly exclaimed in his heart, his father was really scheming, and even the Ji family's price was right!

But if that's the case... don't you waste a great opportunity?

Song Hao felt that the time was almost up, and suddenly sighed: "Yaoguang, Uncle Ji, we are both friends from the world, so it's too vulgar to keep your mouth shut?"

Ji Yaoguang trembled all over, and once wanted to get up and leave.

Why didn't you talk about money and vulgarity before, but now you're being nice when you get the cheap?

But Ji Chongwei smelled something unusual.If Song Hao is still not satisfied at such a price, then his scheme must be bigger!

Sure enough, Song Hao said with a smile: "Yao Guang, we have known each other for so many years. To tell you the truth, I have always been attached to you. As long as you and Uncle Ji nod, we will get married and become a family. The project is difficult and dangerous, and I will definitely win it!"

"The one billion yuan you gave, I, the Song family, don't take a penny, and the right should be a dowry gift. I don't think there is such a large amount of money in the whole of China, right?"

The picture is poor and the dagger sees, the wolf's ambition is obvious!

Ji Chongwei was trembling with anger, and the tea in his hand rippled in circles, as if his heart was not calm.

At his age, he was rarely so angry.But at this moment, he still wanted to swear, and even greeted Song Hao's matriarchal family.

He, Ji Chongwei, only has such an only daughter, so everything in the Ji family will not belong to her in the future?If Song Hao and Ji Yaoguang get married, it will naturally be equivalent to mastering the Ji Group.

And this Song Hao is also shameless, making a fuss about the billion that Ji's family was ripped off.Even though he could not afford a penny, he still pretended to be grand, saying that he had given one billion betrothal gifts...

Why do not you go to hell? !

Ji Chongwei's face was extremely ugly, and he was almost unable to suppress his anger: "Nephew, we are talking about business. Marriage is your freedom. You can communicate in private, and you don't have to use commercial interests as bargaining chips!"

Song Hao smiled noncommittally, and looked at Ji Yaoguang again: "Yaoguang, what do you mean?"

Ji Yaoguang has a delicate and pretty face, and her voice almost pops out from between her teeth: "I think so too."

"It's a pity." Song Hao raised Erlang's legs pretending to regret, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, "Then do as Uncle Ji said. In business, let me think about it. Please go back, I don't have many delivered."

Ji Chongwei stood up stunned: "I'll talk to your father!"

Song Hao sneered, full of sarcasm and disdain.

But when Ji Yaoguang was about to leave, Song Hao suddenly stopped her: "Yaoguang, wait a minute."

Ji Yaoguang's expression was cold, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost: "What else do you want?"

Song Hao smiled wickedly and threw a bunch of keys over.

After Ji Yaoguang caught it subconsciously, Song Hao walked over to Ji Yaoguang and whispered in her ear: "Whenever you change your mind, remember to come to me."

"Oh yes, I hope you can come tonight."

The hall was filled with Song Hao's unscrupulous and rampant laughter.

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