I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 266 Guo Zhiqiang: Invincible, Lonely

"Lin Xianren?" Guo Zhiqiang frowned slightly, and then remembered the news he had heard recently.

It is said that Lin Fei is the reincarnation of an immortal, and in his previous life he was a big man whom even Princess Longji respected!

Guo Zhiqiang sneered, thinking that no matter how strong he was, it was just his previous life.In this dharma-ending era, Lao Tzu, the black flame and fire phoenix, is the existence that sweeps away everything.

"If you don't remind me, I almost forgot." He chuckled and said domineeringly, "Ji Yaoguang and Lin Fei, two immortal reincarnations, these are two walking immortal medicines!"

Guo Zhiqiang pinched Mo Wan'er's juicy face, and said in high spirits, "Baby, how about I catch them and refine medicine for you?"

Mo Wan'er was overjoyed in an instant, hugged Guo Zhiqiang's face and kissed her: "I love you to death, my husband is the best!"

Seeing this scene, Song Yufeng almost lost his temper on the spot.

Damn it, these two sluts are so crazy!

"Song Yufeng," Guo Zhiqiang said again, "don't pretend to be tough with me here, you're wasting time! Don't you guys claim to be well-known and upright, honest and gentleman? Well, no problem, I'll give you two choices now. "

"Either hand over the "Shen Nong's Medical Classic", and I will spare you and this group of trash. Or if you don't hand it over, I will kill them all."

Song Yufeng's expression changed instantly.

He can sacrifice his life for righteousness, and prevent Shennong's fairy art of hanging the pot to benefit the world and benefit the common people from falling into the hands of such scourges.

But when it comes to the lives of other innocent people, this matter is difficult to decide.

As soon as the others heard this, they quickly persuaded Song Yufeng, "Sovereign Song, just give it to him!"

"That's right, suzerain, whether he can get the Shennong Medical Classic, he is invincible in the world!"

These people hurriedly opened their mouths, wanting to fight for that chance of life for themselves.

Seeing Song Yufeng's expression of struggle and hesitation, Mo Wan'er immediately smiled smugly.

She knew that the "Shen Nong's Medical Classic" could already be announced.

Guo Zhiqiang also sneered, and immediately waved his hand.

In an instant, a sharp light rushed past, directly piercing through the heart of an innocent man, and shot through the mountain behind him.

"No!" Song Yufeng was shocked and angry, and his eyes were about to burst.

"You killed him." Guo Zhiqiang laughed loudly, "If you hesitate again, I will continue to kill. It doesn't matter, anyway, I'm not in a hurry. After killing all the people here, I will take you to find someone nearby to kill. "

"Before I killed them, I told their relatives and friends—it was Song Yufeng, the patriarch of the Medical Sect, who didn't cooperate, so these people were about to die. I was helpless."

Song Yufeng was so angry at such fallacies and heresies that he spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

"Song Zongzhu! You can't just ignore death!"

"Sect Master, I beg you to give it to him!"

The rest of the people on the field completely collapsed. They were all afraid of this mentally twisted lunatic from the bottom of their hearts. They only hoped that Song Yufeng would quickly compromise.

Song Yufeng let out a self-deprecating laugh, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

He took out the complete transcription of "Shen Nong's Medical Classic" from his arms, and Guo Zhiqiang immediately cursed in displeasure: "Damn it, this old man is wasting my time!"

If he had known that the thing was on him, Guo Zhiqiang would have grabbed it directly.

A black light rolled over, and the book fell into Guo Zhiqiang's hands in an instant.He flipped through it for a while, but it was difficult to tell the truth from the fake, so he just let Mo Wan'er take a look.

Mo Wan'er looked at it, but she was also a little uncertain: "It looks like it should be true, but the possibility that he has manipulated and cheated cannot be ruled out."

Guo Zhiqiang gave a "hmm" and said directly: "Just put it away."

Then he looked at Song Yufeng and warned with a sneer: "Old man, you better not have lied to me. Otherwise, I will come to you next time and make your life worse than death!"

After the words fell, Guo Zhiqiang directly drove the black flame fire phoenix and flew into the distant sky.

"Just let them go like this?" Mo Wan'er frowned, she didn't expect him to keep his word like this.

It is understandable for Song Yufeng to stay. If there is any problem with this "Shen Nong's Medical Classic", you can still find him.

But do those other people need to survive?

"They're all ants anyway, you don't care if they live or die." Guo Zhiqiang said disdainfully.

Then he raised his head and looked at the sky above his head, full of passion to compete with the God of Heaven.

Relying on the horror of the black flame and fire phoenix, Guo Zhiqiang believed that he already had the force to sweep the world.

But that's not enough.

He wanted to take advantage of his own advantages to wantonly plunder the entire world.Immortal techniques, cultivation resources, magic weapons, he wants them all!

Heiyanhuofeng is a foreign object after all, even if it can make Guo Zhiqiang invincible in the world, but he is still a short-lived little body cultivator.

Guo Zhiqiang wants to improve his own cultivation, but also wants to live longer.

Be the eternal master, let the whole world crawl under your feet, and get everything you never dared to dream of!

Just relying on the black flame and fire phoenix under his feet, Guo Zhiqiang felt that his future had infinite possibilities.

"I heard that your Demon Sect has the technique of double rest, which can gather yin and replenish yang?" Guo Zhiqiang suddenly thought of a crop, and he became excited instantly.

This is so fucking wonderful.

Mo Wan'er's face froze for a moment, she roughly guessed what he was thinking, but she forced a smile and said, "That's right."

Guo Zhiqiang burst out laughing, feeling relieved: "Teach me! I'm going to Dou Que Palace, and play all those beautiful monks who think they are superior!"

Especially Su Caiwei who is number one on the list, just thinking about it makes people excited.

Not even mentioning how peerless her appearance was in the legend, this identity alone was enough to satisfy his desire to conquer and possess.

What's more, she can take a shortcut to seize her cultivation base, which kills two birds with one stone!

Mo Wan'er was disgusted to the extreme, and felt that after Guo Zhiqiang gained great power, the dark side of the whole human nature was fully exposed, which made her feel nauseous.

But when she thought that the one who was about to suffer was the Douque Palace, which was holding down Mozong's breathless, she suddenly laughed again.

Isn't it very interesting that the lofty myth of the ancient martial arts world was tarnished by Guo Zhiqiang?

Just like that, Mo Wan'er was directly on Phoenix's back, and gently took off her clothes, revealing her snow-white fragrant shoulders as smooth as jade.

"Come on, I'll teach you slowly." She took a deep breath and hugged Guo Zhiqiang tightly.

Do that on the back of a mythical beast.

Guo Zhiqiang just felt that this was too frightening.

It's a pity that his talent in cultivation is extremely poor, and he can't learn it for a long time. I'm afraid this kind of "learning" will last for a few days.

After some cloud and rain, Guo Zhiqiang stepped on the fire phoenix and broke into the downtown area of ​​Xufu with great publicity.

People in the entire urban area were frightened out of their wits, there was a traffic jam on the spot, and there were screams everywhere.

Many people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the sky tremblingly and excitedly.

Looking at this scene, Guo Zhiqiang only felt that his heart was filled with a sense of superiority, and all living beings below were nothing but ants.

He put his hands behind his back, let the strong wind blow his clothes, and sighed pretentiously: "Invincible, how lonely it is."

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