I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 270 Su Caiwei, lose!

Heiyanhuofeng received the order, raised his head to the sky and let out a phoenix cry.

The phoenix's cries startled the sky, and the sound waves surged for thousands of meters!

On Phoenix Mountain, many people's eardrums were tingling, and some people were so shaken that they staggered and fell to the ground with a pale face.

Heiyan Huofeng went completely berserk, and swung a huge black sharp claw, killing Su Caiwei with overwhelming corpse aura.

Claws split the sky!

Su Caiwei's heart trembled, and she immediately turned into a streamer and quickly retreated.

The black flame fire phoenix split the sky with its bare hands, and its huge sharp claws crushed a mountain, collapsing it into the void.


Rocks and clouds collapsed, and smoke and dust rose everywhere.

The black flame fire phoenix was full of fierce qi, and the black flames were blazing, and the momentum was astonishing.

It stared at Su Caiwei, and chased after it again.


The devil's wings hit the sky, and the clouds in all directions were scattered by it.

"Kill!" Guo Zhiqiang yelled violently, stomping on Fenghuang's back fiercely.


Amidst the leisurely vibrato of metal, the black flame fire phoenix flew out with all its feathers.

The feathers have a bright black metallic texture, as if poured from black gold, filled with a strong sense of strength and beauty.

Under the sky, there are divine swords like a forest, lined up in the sky, each one is several meters long, the sword's edge is cold, the black light is bright, and the murderous aura soars to the sky.

Murder is shocking!

Looking around, there are feather swords everywhere.

Even though they were separated by a long distance, all the disciples of Dou Que Palace were trembling, and felt their scalps go numb under the boundless violent killing intent, and they were all shocked.

Facing this sea of ​​swords, anyone would be terrified when faced with it.

Su Mingyue was well-informed, and immediately changed her face: "This is the Fengyu Sword of the Phoenix Clan's Life-Cultivation, one of the most powerful killing techniques of the Phoenix Clan!"

Hearing this, everyone panicked, feeling that Su Caiwei was in a bad situation and was in danger.

However, Lin Fei still looked indifferent, watching all this calmly.

Guo Zhiqiang was stunned, he didn't expect Heiyan Huofeng to have such a terrifying ultimate move.

After a short period of astonishment, he immediately issued orders excitedly: "Cut!"


Hundreds of thousands of breathtaking black rays of light, each as thick as a bucket, are unparalleled in sharpness.Slashing violently like dragons, they are invincible, as if they can penetrate the sky!

"Xuewu Frost Dragon Break!" Su Caiwei was also forced to be impatient, and immediately used the strongest killing move.


In an instant, the frost dragons roared and rushed towards the dense black phoenix feather swords.

Amidst the huge crashing sound, the frost dragons shattered and turned into ice crystals flying all over the sky.

And Feng Yujian also exhausted its energy in such a collision, or fell in the air, or shot in other directions.

However, it was obvious that Su Caiwei was at a disadvantage.

A lot of black rays of light tore the Frost Dragon apart, and still attacked her resolutely and violently.

Su Caiwei actually gave up fighting Heimang, but held the Shuiyun sword high and made a throwing motion.

The blazing ice-white sword energy completely enveloped the Shuiyun sword in her hand.

At this moment, the Shuiyun sword tightly held by Su Caiwei has almost turned into a lightsaber tens of meters long.


She threw the Shuiyun Sword in her hand violently, causing the void to tremble in an instant.

With Princess Longji's temper, she often has the violent aura of "I will kill you with one move if she says anything", so she has the same violent moves.

The Shuiyun Sword roared through the vicissitudes of life, and swept across the sky in an instant.Wherever it passes, no matter whether it is the Frost Dragon or the Black Feathered Sword, nothing can stop it!

The frost dragon exploded, and the black feather sword was blown away amidst the sound of metal and iron clashing. The Shuiyun sword just broke through everything and charged towards Guo Zhiqiang without hesitation.

Guo Zhiqiang and Mo Wan'er were so frightened that their faces turned pale, their bodies turned cold, and they completely felt what it means to be a real master.

Heiyanhuofeng rolled up its wings and directly blocked him and Mo Wan'er.


As the Shuiyun sword collided with the black qi, layers of violent fluctuations swept away in all directions.

With a radius of one kilometer, the clouds collapsed!

Many people secretly felt their hearts surge, and some couldn't help swallowing.

Ji Yaoguang's beautiful eyes are also wide open, it's hard to imagine such a shocking blow, what would happen if it happened on the ground?

Lin Fei smiled lightly, and explained simply: "Within the range of energy fluctuations, it's all fly ash."

Everyone was horrified.

In other words, this **** is roughly a radius of one kilometer and will be turned into fly ash?

This shit is... a miniature nuclear bomb, right?

And under this sword, the results obtained are quite astonishing.

The monstrous black body armor of Heiyanhuofeng shattered and disintegrated in the loud noise like thunder!

Shui Yunjian broke through the protective energy, and slammed into the phoenix wings.


After a sound that hurt the eardrums and made the teeth sore, Shui Yunjian was sent flying out by the bullet.

It flew in the air, flipped out a clear silver light, and easily pierced the solid rock on the ground.Under the action of the huge force, Shuiyunjian was still trembling unceasingly, shaking a fine silver afterimage, and the rock layer was covered with huge cracks.

And the body of Heiyan Huofeng was still unscathed.

On the other hand, Su Caiwei on the other side retreated even more after losing the Shuiyun sword, and was chopped off by the violent black feather sword.

The qi that protected her body had already shattered, and the ice armor was also full of cracks.

Su Caiwei's face showed pain, and blood finally oozed from the corner of her mouth.

"How could this be?" Su Qing murmured with a dull face.

"The palace lord is already in the realm of Martial Lord, and the water-type immortal method is to restrain the black flame and fire phoenix, how could he be at a disadvantage?" Su Mingyue said in disbelief.

"This is the difference in physical strength." Lin Fei's tone was very calm, but his words hit the nail on the head.

After all, the black flame fire phoenix has fallen for thousands of years. Even though there is a drop of devil blood in its body to support it, its cultivation can only be maintained at the golden core level.

The key lies in its physical body, which is immortal, and is still the aquatic product in life.

That is the physical body of a divine beast!

"It's almost done." Lin Fei said lightly, feeling that Su Caiwei's battle for the Golden Core Realm should come to an end here.

If the fight continues, she will die.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei stretched out his hand and shook it in the void.

In an instant, a huge suction force was applied to Su Caiwei's body, she had no room to resist, and she was directly photographed in front of Lin Fei.


Su Caiwei fell to the ground in an instant, spat out a mouthful of blood, and the ice armor all over her body turned into pieces and disintegrated.

If Lin Fei hadn't made a timely move, she might be dead by now.

Guo Zhiqiang was shocked when he saw Heiyan Huofeng's aura was defeated.But seeing that its body was intact, Su Caiwei was seriously injured and dying, and she was so excited that she floated away.

"What is the number one in the heaven list, what is the once-in-a-thousand-year Wu Zun strongman, it is simply vulnerable!"

"Hahaha, is this the strongest person in the world?"

"Disappointed, I am so disappointed!"

He frantically looked up to the sky and screamed loudly, raising his arms and shouting: "Search all over the world, but only hope to be defeated!"

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