I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 277 Qiujiang Night Park, Visions Are Born

It is uncertain whether the ancestor of Yinzong died at the hands of Lin Yuan.

Whether Fairy Yuqin ascended to the fairyland or died at the hands of Lin Yuan has always been a mystery.

But one thing is certain, that is, the Yinzong was almost destroyed by the hands of the Heavenly Demon God Palace.

The "Black Wind Society" directly under Lin Yuan's jurisdiction in the Heavenly Demon God's Palace once crazily swept across the entire world to seize the life source of the strong, and it was rumored that it was just to revive a woman.

Yinzong encountered the seventh unit of the Black Wind Society, suffered heavy casualties, and was almost wiped out, and since then forged a blood feud.

The dark dynasty belonging to the Heavenly Demon God's Palace was established extremely quickly, but it also collapsed very quickly.All kinds of reasons can no longer be found after thousands of years, but such hatred cannot be erased.

The hatred for the Heavenly Demon Shrine has almost been written into the "textbook" of the Medical School, and education has been emphasized from generation to generation.The main thing is to let the disciples remember the history and deeply feel the truth that "if you fall behind, you will be beaten".

Now that there is a suspicious Lin Fei, most likely from the Heavenly Demon Palace, how can Mo Li be merciful?

"Sovereign—" Yin Shuangtong wanted to persuade her again.

"Needless to say!" However, Mo Li resolutely interrupted her words, and said with a sneer: "I have made up my mind, elders, follow me!"

In her opinion, as long as Lin Fei is from the Heavenly Demon God Palace, he will definitely fight to the death in such a crisis.As long as he uses any trick in "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art", he will be shot to death!

And if he didn't show it, then let his meridians and dantian be destroyed, and he will be a useless person—no matter whether he is extremely forbearing, or he is really misunderstood, it can't change Mo Li's thoughts.

It is better to kill the wrong one than to let it go!

In an instant, the seven elders and Mo Li surrounded Lin Fei, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, placing the guqin on their laps.

The dense white light containing majestic power came out from the formation, blessing them all, making people think it was an immortal playing the piano here.

Lin Fei originally wanted to let them figure out the situation directly, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said with a casual smile: "Forget it, I will give you some advice on behalf of Yinwusheng."

His words were heard by everyone, and they felt extremely harsh.

Trapped in the killing array, this Lin Fei didn't change his face, and even said such arrogant words, what was he thinking?

He also pointed them out for the patriarch, what role did he think he was?

"You deserve it too?!" Mo Li sneered, and immediately gave an order, "The string sweeps the wind!"

Accompanied by the sound of the zither dancing between their fingers, fierce and violent wind blades several meters long slashed out, like a gust of wind and rain.

Wherever these wind blades passed, trees, mountains and rocks were instantly cut and exploded.

Especially the wind blades swept out by Mo Li's fingers, even one of them can easily cut through the protective energy of the great master.

However, Lin Fei just shook his head and smiled, and took a picture of Yin Shuangtong's guqin from the air.

He took advantage of the situation and sat cross-legged, leaving the world indifferently like a banished fairy, and plucked the strings.


The sound of the piano is like flowing water flowing through the pine roots, distant and ethereal.

Accompanied by the sound of the piano, a soft water curtain was propped up in front of Lin Fei.

Hundreds of thousands of wind blades slashed on it one after another, but only caused ripples.

Everyone's expression changed.

They knew that Lin Fei's piano skills had reached the Tianyin God Realm, but they didn't expect that he was also so strong in actual combat.

"Variations!" Mo Li said in a trembling voice immediately, changing the fingering, and changing the piano sound again.

Immediately, a strong wind surged up and turned into a tornado, tearing the rocks apart and being drawn into it.

Facing the tornado wrapped in dead branches, fallen leaves and rubble, Lin Fei smiled casually and plucked the strings in the same way as Mo Li.

It's just that there is an extra small detail of the interfinger cut sound.

As soon as the piano sound started, it was cut off directly.


Following Lin Fei's calm voice, violent tornadoes of tens or hundreds of meters collapsed in an instant.

The entire sky is full of dead branches, fallen leaves and gravel, falling like a shower.

"How could this happen?!" Ji Xue's eyes widened, unable to accept what she saw.

They obviously had the blessing of formations, why did Lin Fei easily defuse their killing moves?

Could it be that the technique he used to decipher the ultimate move was the method in "Yuqin Tianyin Jue"?

Yin Shuangtong also roughly deduced what happened at the scene through her amazing sense of hearing, and Dang even "looked" at Lin Fei with a dazed and astonished face.

This is too...too strong.

"The original tune of Xian Sao Feng Chong was wrong, which caused even more problems with the variation." Lin Fei shook his head slightly, unable to hide his disappointment.

He roughly understood that these people thought that he had tampered with "Yuqin Tianyin Jue", and there was a reason for it.

Their understanding of phonology is insufficient, and their ability to discriminate is too limited.

Mo Li and the others were almost petrified, but they didn't expect to be evaluated by him like this.

Under the brief shock, no one played the piano and launched an offensive again.

"Look at it." Lin Fei smiled lightly, and swept his fingers casually across the strings.


Like the sound of the Qingyue sword, hundreds of flowing sword shadows appeared out of thin air.

The sword shadow rushed out in an instant, tore through the air immediately, and attacked everyone.They swelled against the wind, turning into terrifying sword glows the thickness of buckets, and their murderous aura soared into the sky.

Tianyin Divine Realm, zither into form!

Mo Li and the others were horrified and desperate, but they saw Lin Fei playing the piano again, sweeping out a white light.

There are three stacks of Yangguan.

The piano light gathered into one piece and spread out to block in front of everyone in Yinzong.


The dense swords alluded to the top, making a piercing sound of gold and iron.

With a loud bang, the barrier and the sword shadow exploded at the same time, turning into bright brilliance, and the flowing light overflowed and splashed.

Mo Li and the others were all sent flying, spitting out blood.

There is no single enemy!

Even if Lin Fei blocked the sword shadow he swept out, they were all defeated just by the aftermath!

But Lin Fei didn't change his expression, he played the piano slowly like an exiled fairy.

Autumn River night mooring.

There was even an astonishing vision behind him—the autumn moon hangs still, under the soft and hazy moonlight, the river is flowing slowly.

Accompanied by the sound of the piano, the moonlight fell on Mo Li and the others, and they could even clearly feel the rapid recovery of the injured internal organs.

At this moment, Mo Li and the others were all stupid!

On the one hand, I was deeply shocked by Lin Fei's methods, and on the other hand, I was puzzled by his actions - he wants to attack us and defend us, what is going on?

As a person on the sidelines, Yin Shuangtong was the first to realize: Senior Lin was really teaching them, even the rhythm of the piano sound was deliberately slowed down, just to let them remember it!

At the end of the song, Lin Fei didn't cut the sound, but let the lingering sound echo in the wind in the valley.

Except for the fairy-like sound of the piano, the surroundings suddenly became strangely quiet.

Mo Li trembled all over, pursed her lips, but couldn't speak.

She finally understood.

If Lin Fei wanted to destroy the Yinzong, he didn't need any tricks at all.

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