I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 279 Sprite: Yinglong? 55 open

Lin Xinyu's complexion immediately changed upon hearing these words, and her weird pupils with dark golden lines shrank fiercely!

He thought for a while following the words of the monster, and felt that the possibility of this was too high.

"I just said how is he so strong... If such a big man is reincarnated, then everything makes sense." Lin Xinyu gritted her teeth, her pupils were full of aggrieved and unwillingness.

Just thinking about his background made Lin Xinyu feel deeply hopeless and powerless.

"In this way, we still have a common enemy." Yaoyao sneered, and the icy killing intent emitted made the surrounding vegetation shrivel and wither.

Do sprites hate Lin Fei?Of course I hate it to the bone!

The majestic killer god of a generation, in the end, he was accidentally injured by a sword qi, and his body and spirit were almost destroyed, even Tianzhu was broken.He even had to attach himself to Tianzhu with a trace of his remnant soul, and was imprisoned for a full 2000 years.

2000 years!

Spooky even talked to himself at one point, almost collapsed several times, and even almost schizophrenic.That kind of lonely, dark, gloomy, extremely depressing long years, plus no hope in sight, I don't know how long such days will be in the future.

Even, sprites have thought about whether to commit suicide, and it will be over once and for all.

But he is the god of killers, the most forbearing existence, after all, he has survived for 2000 years with a mind that ordinary people can't imagine.

"So what, can you kill him?" Lin Xinyu struck mercilessly.

"Today is different," Yaoyao sneered, and said, "the spiritual energy is exhausted, and the gods are hidden in the world. The gods who can stay in the world are either worthless remnants like me, or the insignificant spiritual imprints of those big sects. .”

"No matter how powerful this Lin Fei was in the past, he is just a reincarnated mortal now! Let alone him, isn't the resurrected Yinglong only in the Golden Core realm?"

Lin Xinyu sneered, and said sarcastically, "Hey, did you think you were the god of killers? I have only a remnant soul left, and I am still here to point out the country? Should I remind you that even Ying Long and Lin No matter how weak Fei is, it will be easy to kill you and me?"

Obviously, she has completely lost her confidence and hope for revenge.

Like an insurmountable mountain towering in front of him, Lin Xinyu could only look up in despair.

The sprite patriarch, who had a high self-esteem, also fell silent at this moment.

After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's a shame that the spiritual energy is exhausted! Otherwise, my cultivation base will recover extremely quickly, and cutting him is like cutting grass!"

Lin Xinyu smiled "hehe", and said weakly, "Forget it, the spiritual energy has been exhausted for 2000 years, and you are still daydreaming, expecting it to recover?"

"What's more, even if the aura recovers, Lin Fei, as a reincarnated body, cannot practice faster than your original soul, so what?"

"He has Ying Long by his side, and Ying Long exists in his own body! It is the same as you, and it is a thousand times faster to recover than to practice step by step!"

To Lin Xinyu's shock, Yao Yao smiled sinisterly.

The laughter is full of unparalleled self-confidence and arrogance, as well as the reminiscence and emotion of the past.

Lin Xinyu was confused by his abnormal reaction, immediately frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Yaoyao finally suppressed her smile, and said firmly, "Ying Long? Let's go [-]-[-]. I often hurt her during sparring!"

"As long as my spiritual energy recovers, I can find Half Heavenly Punisher who was trapped in the small world, and then find Qiongchan's Dimie, and I will kill her without any problem!"

Lin Xinyu's face was full of horror, he never thought that the guy in his body who was often cursed by him was such a brilliant and powerful existence back then.

Even though she thought so in her heart, she didn't give Yaoyao a good look, and deliberately said with a stern face: "Who wouldn't talk big? If you are so strong, how could you be accidentally injured by a sword energy and almost lose your body and spirit?" Extinct?"

Yaoyao was stabbed at the sore spot again, and suddenly became angry: "You little girl! That sword cut Jianmu, who do you think can stop it?"

"I was accidentally injured by this sword and survived. It is not a humiliating thing. I am afraid that if it is spread out, it will shock people-as expected of the patriarch, he can survive under this sword."

Lin Xinyu laughed, and teased: "Why, then you are still very proud, you are worthy of showing off? Do you want me to send you a certificate?"

The sprite almost had the urge to vomit blood, feeling that his life was too difficult, and he had to be beaten to death by such little girl films every day.

He took a deep breath, lowered his voice, and sighed: "You haven't seen that sword back then, so you won't understand."

"Little girl, don't you think I'm a small character just because I'm in a difficult situation now. Do you know who were the people who were at the same level as me back then?"

Lin Xinyu rolled her eyes and asked casually, "Who?"

The sprite sneered, and the words were sonorous and forceful, with cadences: "Ying Long, Nu Ba, Guang Cheng Zi, Yan Di, Zhu Rong!"

Lin Xinyu's complexion changed, and she was so shocked that she couldn't speak for a long time.

What kind of terrifying mythological existences are these?

God of Dragons!

The ancient god of drought, the originator of zombies!

Under the seat of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals!

One of the two great ancestors of China, Emperor Yan Shennong!

Ancient Vulcan!

"It's a terrifying existence of this level, who was accidentally injured by a sword for...seconds?" Lin Xinyu not only felt his eyelids twitch, but even felt his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys tremble.

Lin Fei's previous life was too terrifying!

"This kind of supreme existence will also be reincarnated?" Lin Xinyu began to panic, thinking of a suffocating possibility.

"It's not wrong, because his opponent is also an existence of the same level, I think they should have died together at that time." Yao Yao sighed, and said, "Being able to reincarnate under the power of the six reincarnation demons is also considered heaven-defying. It's amazing."

Lin Xinyu couldn't come back to her senses for a long time, she sighed after a while, closed her eyes, and murmured: "So what about how brilliant your past was?"

The sprite's mood also dropped.

The era when the aura is exhausted is really depressing.

It would be great if the aura could recover.

He just thought of this, and laughed at himself, knowing that his past glory no longer existed.

"How can the spiritual energy recover?"


In Jiangnan Province, Hong Xiaowei's Jinwu Zangjiao's residence.

He didn't touch the woman who looked like Su Caiwei as usual, but opened a blood-stained ancient book with trembling hands, his face full of madness and paranoia.

"Blood Hell Sword Art".

On the vicissitudes of the cover, there is a line of ancient fonts.

"Sword Demon Duan Canghai occasionally looked at the stele left by the Emperor of Chaos, devoted himself to studying it, and realized this supreme magic sword art."

It's just that Hong Xiaowei didn't know.

Emperor of Chaos is one of the respectful titles given to Lin Fei by the multiverse.

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