I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 287 Killing You Like Butchering Dogs

"Do you understand if you want to die?" Lin Fei looked down at Xuan Qing condescendingly, his expression indifferent.

Xuan Qing gritted his teeth and nodded, staring at him firmly.

This is the power bestowed upon the servant by the Great God!

She really couldn't figure out why Lin Fei could break such a magical skill so easily!

"Unfortunately, I don't want you to die to understand." Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"You—" Xuan Qing's eyes widened suddenly, and he spit out a mouthful of blood in a "poof", his chest heaving unceasingly.

"This Dharma protector is loyal to the Xuanming Sect, so I must kill you and other heretics who blaspheme the Great God of Gonggong!"

As she spoke, she grabbed the amulet pendant around her neck and crushed it.

"Invite parents again?" Lin Fei shook his head, and complained helplessly, "Is it okay now, I'm ashamed to hang out outside?"

Before his words fell, a blue light bloomed from the talisman and soared into the sky.

Lin Fei didn't intend to stop it, but just put his hands behind his back and looked at the light lightly.

In an instant, it turned into a phantom of ten feet.This phantom human-faced snake body has long red hair like flames dancing wildly in the wind, and its eyes are as sharp as electricity, full of violent and terrifying oppressive aura.

"Who woke me up?" His voice was vicissitudes and majestic, filled with boundless coercion, sweeping towards the four directions.

"Stand up for me, no one is allowed to kneel down to this useless god." Lin Fei said lightly, and in an instant, the coercion as huge as the deep sea dissipated without a trace.

Originally, everyone in the city had weak legs and almost knelt down, but suddenly felt that terrible coercion dissipated without a trace, and everyone was stunned!

How is this going?

"Bold, how dare an ant—" Gonggong's remnant soul turned his head angrily, but the moment he saw Lin Fei, his face became stiff.

Seeing the change in his face, many people were shocked and unbelievable in their hearts.

The emotion on his... face seemed to be... frightened?

Fuck, why is this happening!

The majestic Gonggong God, who was majestic and majestic one second, is like this the next moment when he sees Lin Fei?

"How dare you do that?" Lin Fei asked coldly.

"No...it's nothing..." The remnant soul of Gonggong wept with a sad face, and immediately shrunk his body to the size of a normal person, knelt down in a hurry, and said tremblingly: "Little god Gonggong, I have seen Emperor Lin Tiandi!"


There was a boiling exclamation in the audience, and the pot exploded completely.

Gonggong knelt down for this man, and even called himself a "little god", but instead called this man "Lin Tiandi"!


What an honorable and supreme title!

Xuan Qing just stood up straight, suddenly felt his legs go limp, and sat down on the ground with a "plop".Her eyeballs almost popped out, and she looked at Lin Fei in horror.

"You didn't die back then, it seems that Zhuanxu's attack was not cruel enough." Lin Fei said calmly, accepting this great gift calmly.

When Gonggong heard this, his scalp became numb with fright, and he said nervously: "The little god is just a remnant soul trying to survive, and I have reformed myself, please forgive me!"

The audience was in uproar again.

Gonggong is afraid to the core, where is there even the slightest image of the violent and extreme fierce god in the legend?

"Rehabilitate?" Lin Fei smiled lightly, and directly pointed out the inspiration that entered his mind, "Look at what your congregation have done."

Gong Gong's expression changed drastically, and then he looked at Xuan Qing who was beside him viciously.

Xuanqing's heart was beating wildly with a "plop", and suddenly he had an ominous premonition, and his whole body was about to collapse: "Master Gonggong, I am your most loyal servant of God! Everything I have done It's all according to your will, you can't kill me!"

The god that I believed in all my life and gave my life and soul for, actually wanted to get rid of her in turn.This collapse of faith and the most desperate blow in life were completely unbearable for her.

It's like a Christian or Catholic believer who was very excited to see God one day, but God said "you are guilty" and then wanted to kill him...

For devout believers, this is a more painful and terrifying torture than death.

However, what she said out of desperation made Gong Gong tremble all over with fright.

You actually said in front of Lin Tiandi that I ordered you?

Want to drag me into the water, is this still my servant?I bother!

"You bastard, how dare you slander this god!" Gong Gong didn't dare to let her go on, so he pointed it out immediately.


A ray of dark light pierced Xuan Qing's forehead, killing her body and spirit.A string of blood splashed out, and her figure fell to the ground with a "plop".

"Lin Tiandi, this is all she is talking nonsense, trying to slander me. You must not believe her rhetoric!" Gong Gong said nervously.

Lin Fei just looked at him coldly and asked, "Do you think I believe it?"

The remnant soul of Gonggong was trembling all over, clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were filled with aggrieved and angry, but he tried his best to restrain his irritable temper and said: "Emperor Lin Tiandi, the little god only has this wisp of remnant soul left. , really must kill me?"

Lin Fei said calmly, "You should commit suicide and apologize."

Gonggong gritted his teeth, and stood up suddenly: "Even if you, Emperor Lin Tiandi, want to kill me, I can't sit still and wait for death!"


In an instant, a cold and gloomy blade of spiritual consciousness emerged from the center of his brow, distorting the space around him.

The primordial spirit is the sword, cutting off everything in the world, and shattering the great way of the universe!

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and turned around to avoid it.

This extremely sharp blade of divine consciousness roared through the vicissitudes of life, and shot tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

Regardless of the mountains, trees, or unlucky villagers in the village, they were all instantly pierced by this sword.

What should be broken!

Gonggong was stunned for a moment, and then showed ecstasy: "Hahaha, Emperor Lin Tian actually needs to avoid my sword of divine sense! I understand, I understand!"

He looked crazy, and his whole body became excited: "You have been seriously injured, hahaha, you have been seriously injured! I said why I can't feel the terrifying power of your spiritual consciousness covering the entire world. It turns out that your strength has been greatly damaged Already!"

After Gonggong's voice fell, even Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling's expressions changed.

"Six Paths Demon Lord and Tianzun are the same level of powerhouses, and they are the only ones." Gu Gu sighed quietly, "Back then, Tianzun beheaded him, and he wanted to ensure that Empress Yaoguang would not be completely wiped out of reincarnation under the power of Six Paths. How could it be possible that you didn't suffer the injury of the Great Dao?"

At this time, Gong Gong's eyes were almost bursting into flames, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Fei, since you are no longer the mighty Emperor of Heaven, how dare you ask me to kneel down for you!"

"Today is your day of death!"

However, Lin Fei just glanced at him lightly, and said with a smile: "Do you really think I'm useless?"

"Unfortunately, even if your body is here, I will kill you like a dog."

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