I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 294 He Can't Take What I See

There was a hint of playfulness in Lin Fei's eyes, and he looked at Master Jianmu with a half-smile.

The Lord of Jianmu immediately frowned, feeling that something was wrong—why did these people look at him...as if they were looking at a self-righteous idiot?

That is to say, he doesn't know that there is a modern term called "Shabi", otherwise the wording will be more straightforward.

"What kind of expression do you have?" The Lord Jianmu was really annoyed. What happened to this group of people in front of him? Why didn't they take Jianmu Zhishang's remaining sword energy seriously?

"It was just a ray of sword energy that cut Jianmu back then. Don't you all know such a shocking event?" He asked aloud.

"I know." Ji Yaoguang's expression became even weirder, and there was still some... sympathy in his gaze?

"Knowing that you are not afraid?!" The Lord of Jianmu's eyes widened suddenly. He did not expect that his appearance would not have the effect of shocking the world as he imagined. The gap in his heart made him unacceptable for a while.

Isn't this group of people out of their minds?

"Then do you know who left this wisp of sword energy?" Lin Fei asked lightly.

The Lord of Jianmu frowned. As a spiritual wisdom born only 3000 years ago, he really didn't know who cut out this sword energy.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and pointed a ray of light towards him.

The master of Jianmu was startled suddenly, he was afraid that it was some great killer move, so he subconsciously wanted to avoid it.However, the speed of this aura was so fast that he couldn't dodge it at all, and it directly entered his mind.


In an instant, it was as if a thunderbolt exploded in Master Jianmu's mind.

He saw two unimaginably terrifying existences!

A monstrous figure with a phantom, with long black hair dancing wildly in the wind.There is a magical light that soars to the sky all over his body, penetrating between the heaven and the earth, just its coercion makes the whole world tremble, and the void is shattered by it, presenting a scene of shattering like a mirror.

In those sharp eyes, there are endless vicissitudes and darkness, which seems to submerge the entire universe in eternal silence.What's even more frightening is that behind him there are six miniatures of the world that appear to be real and illusory.

The power of the six worlds is all added to the surroundings of the phantom.

Reversing the chaotic time and space, arbitrarily ruling the universe!

And standing far away from him was Lin Fei who was shrouded in the monstrous divine flames.Although the master of Jianmu couldn't see the faces of the two of them clearly, he clearly and terrifiedly realized that this supreme figure was the man he saw in front of him!

Around Lin Fei, a chaotic aura as vast as an abyss emerges, and even a chaotic golden lotus blooms. It has a prehistoric aura that makes the heavens and the world terrified, just like the creation god descended from the beginning of the world.

Dark and light.

death and life.

But in terms of strength, the two are not absolutely opposed.

The middle of the day will move, and the moon will lose money when it is full.Just as the extreme of prosperity is decline, everything will undergo unique changes when it comes to an end.

At the end of death and destruction is new life and creation.When the destructive power of the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is mastered to the extreme, it manifests the power of reincarnation that defies the sky and changes fate.

Not only destruction, but also rebirth!

Similarly, Lin Fei's supreme power of chaos not only represents the hope of the birth of all things, but also represents the annihilation of everything returning to zero.

The battle between the two strongest men who shook the ancient and modern world opened up a new world filled with endless original darkness in the prehistoric world.

When chaos collides with the original darkness, it is the opening of the world.

Then, the two supreme beings smashed the world into pieces!

That ray of sword energy annihilated the world, overflowing with a ray of sword energy that made the world cry out in mourning and horror.

It swept past and cut Jianmu!

"Ah!!" The Lord of Jianmu let out a heart-piercing scream, his forehead was cracked like porcelain, and emerald green blood oozed out.From the moment he saw these pictures, his primordial spirit was severely injured. Seeing the scene cut by this sword, his primordial spirit and skull were in pain of being torn apart!

The last thing he saw was a terrifying scene of a world collapsing above Earth.And under such circumstances, the gradually dissipating ghost made the strongest blow with hatred.

The six worlds on his body merged into one, and with the endless power of the six realms of reincarnation, he slapped Lin Fei hard on the forehead!

In fact, Liu Dao had already fallen under that sword, but the endless unimaginable and terrifying fighting spirit still supported his indestructible demon soul.

He reversed the rules of heaven, penetrated the barrier of the sea of ​​chaos, and survived for about one-thousandth of a second longer.

The picture in his mind completely dissipated, but the master of building wood could no longer support it.


The master of Jianmu spat out a mouthful of blood, staggered, and fell down from the air with a "plop".

Ji Yaoguang and the others were all stunned, and their hearts were full of shock and puzzlement!

They only saw a flash of spiritual light from Lin Fei, showing a spiritual imprint to the master of Jianmu, and the master of Jianmu seemed to have been severely injured, even showing signs of falling on the spot?

The whole body of the master of building wood is gradually disintegrating, gradually turning into nothingness.He looked at Lin Fei with the fear of splitting his liver and gallbladder, and said in a trembling voice: "You are the one who left behind Jianmu's death!"

Lin Fei put his hands behind his back and nodded lightly.

"Ha!" The Lord of Jianmu laughed miserably, unable to hide the despair and collapse on his face, "I am really... how ridiculous! How dare I use this remaining sword intent to challenge you to swing this sword? The deity of..."

His voice became softer and softer, and eventually disappeared with his body and soul.

Ji Yaoguang still couldn't hide the shock in his heart, so he couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with him?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "With his willpower, he can't bear what I see."

It is not a level of existence at all!

Ji Yaoguang's heart trembled, while Wu Moling and Ying Long felt even more in awe of Lin Fei. They only felt that the more they understood, the more they would realize his mysterious and frightening features.

Lin Fei raised his head, and stretched out his hand to Jianmu who couldn't see the top at a glance.

At this moment, layers of Jianmu leaves fluttered like ocean waves, and thousands of silk ribbons fluttered like waterfalls and water curtains.

A purple-black streamer roared through the air, and he grasped it in the palm of his hand.

When Lin Fei held this object, invisible fluctuations even passed through the construction and wood world, and instantly swept across several provinces that once belonged to the territory of Jiuli.

Countless people were shocked in their hearts, a sense of awe emerged spontaneously, completely unaffected by their own will, and they even had the urge to bow in the direction of Jianmujie at the same time!

Jiuli Staff!

Lin Fei wiped the Jiuli stick with two fingers, completely sealing the coercion it emitted.

This was also Wu Xian's usual style. Otherwise, as long as he holds this stick in Jiuli, how much distress and torture will it bring to the people of Jiuli?

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