I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 307 Happy Man

Both Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling were stunned, they didn't expect him to be able to talk nonsense with his eyes open, shameless to a certain level.

Lin Fei didn't dislike the Coke either. After taking it, he took a sip and watched Zhong Tianya pretending to be aggressive.

Zhong Yuting has long been used to Zhong Tianya's shamelessness and unreliability, so she just sneered and continued to tear down the stage: "I heard it clearly just now, and you still said that Tianzun is a - woo..."

Zhong Tianya was so frightened that his whole body was covered in shudders, and he directly covered her mouth, turning her words into vague sobs.

"Okay, don't embarrass the little girl, I heard it clearly just now." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Zhong Tianya panicked, and when he walked behind him, he squeezed his shoulders and thumped his back: "Tianzun, don't take it too seriously! I just lost my mind for a while... "

Lin Fei waved his hand, interrupted his words, and said lightly: "Stop talking nonsense, let me introduce you first."

Zhong Tianya breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "This is my adopted daughter Zhong Yuting, this year. Yuting, please say hello to Tianzun!"

Zhong Yuting glared at him first, and said with a stern face: "Who is your daughter? Do I have such an unreliable father?"

Then she looked at Lin Fei and bowed politely and cautiously: "I have seen Tianzun."

The attitude towards the two people before and after is completely different.

"Hehe, that..." Zhong Tianya laughed awkwardly, and said, "It's puberty, so it's more rebellious, everyone, don't take offense!"

Lin Fei glanced at him, shook his head and said, "I don't think it's a problem with puberty. It's really hard for a little girl like you to treat you like a father for an unreliable guy like you."

He even thought it was a miracle that Zhong Yuting could live to this day!

Zhong Tianya smiled awkwardly, quickly changed the subject, and asked Lin Fei to introduce Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling.

"Ji Yaoguang, Empress Yaoguang is reincarnated." The moment Lin Fei spoke, Zhong Tianya's expression changed drastically, and he immediately bowed deeply to pay respects to Empress Yaoguang.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Fei looked at Wu Moling again, and continued, "Wu Moling, a descendant of Wu Xian."

Zhong Tianya looked at Wu Moling's beautiful long silver-white hair, and said with emotion: "The background is not simple, descendants of gods and witches."

After a pause, he asked Lin Fei in a low voice: "Tianzun, is her hair dyed, or her blood has awakened?"

The corner of Wu Moling's mouth twitched suddenly, thinking that this guy seemed to have a strange idea!

Lin Fei glanced at him and said expressionlessly, "What do you think?"

Zhong Tianya whispered: "I guess it's dyed."

Wu Moling took a deep breath, and almost wanted to go up and strangle this guy to death!

Aunt Wu used up the power of her bloodline to awaken her remnant soul. With such a symbolic feature, it turned into dyed hair on his mouth?

You are the one who is dyed, and your whole family is dyed!

Both Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling couldn't help feeling powerless and desperate. Can this extremely unreliable 24K pure sand sculpture in front of them really help them find the murderer of the Demon Palace?

"By the way, Tianzun, why did you come to Mingzhu City suddenly?" Zhong Tianya asked.

"I want you to help find someone." Lin Fei said.

"Who?" Zhong Tianya asked.

He knew that Lin Fei's primordial spirit was injured by the Dao, and his consciousness could not be unfolded. Even with the Shuiyun mirror in his hand, he could not deduce any information.Therefore, it was not the slightest surprise that Lin Fei needed to find him.

"A man who has been cursed by a witch comes from the Heavenly Demon Palace." Lin Fei said directly.

Zhong Tianya frowned, and began to extract information points: "Because of the witch curse, it should be festered, pus and bleeding all over the body, which is very conspicuous. In addition, if you come from the Heavenly Demon Palace, if you have a small success in cultivation, your pupils should be pitch black, without the whites of your eyes. …”

At first glance, the characteristics are too obvious, as long as it appears in front of your eyes, you can recognize it at a glance!

However, Zhong Tianya sighed and said with a wry smile, "It's difficult."

The easier it is to be identified, the more careful such a person will be and hide himself deeply.

Lin Fei nodded and said lightly, "That's why I'm looking for you."

Zhong Tianya took out a cigarette and handed it to him, and then said: "I have rescued a big entrepreneur here in Mingzhu. He is a platform. He has done a lot in express delivery and takeaway, and he has a lot of people under him."

"You can try."

Then he looked at Wu Moling, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you from the lineage of gods and witches, can't you sense the existence of witches?"

Hearing this, Wu Moling gritted his teeth and shook his head in shame.

She just felt that she was too weak, and if she could be stronger, things wouldn't be so troublesome.

"You are so unreliable today, you young man." Zhong Tianya shook his head old-fashionedly.

Lin Fei retorted casually, "Are you ashamed to speak of someone else?"

Zhong Tianya was dumbfounded for a moment, and had nothing to say.

"You can change your relationship with that entrepreneur, but in the vast crowds of Mingzhu City, the chance of hitting luck is too small." Lin Fei said suddenly.

Zhong Tianya frowned immediately, and asked, "What does Tianzun think?"

Lin Fei continued: "Isn't he coveting power? Then we'll use this as a bait to let him fall into the trap. Maybe he knows I'm in Mingzhu City, so he can't help but come out."

Zhong Tianya showed helplessness, and smiled wryly: "Tianzun, you really know how to joke. He dared to fight out when he heard you, is his mind full of mud?"

Lin Fei said with a half-smile, "That's not necessarily the case. After all, the news that I only have the Golden Core realm has already spread."

Zhong Tianya blurted out as if he had seen a ghost, "Fuck! Jindan?!"

This is too outrageous!

The Immortal Emperor said that he only had the Golden Core Realm, and spread the news!

Think about the arrogant and domineering guy from the Heavenly Demon God Palace, thinking that there was an opportunity to crush Lin Fei to death, but he bumped into a strong man in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, what a wonderful expression he must have...

Zhong Tianya thought in his heart that it was too insidious, too vicious, and too treacherous.

But his face was full of awe, and he said with special admiration: "As expected of the Heavenly Venerable, you are so tall! My admiration for you is like the endless river, like the Yellow River—"

Lin Fei interrupted directly: "Shut up."

Zhong Tianya changed his words very quickly, without any hesitation: "Hey, okay!"

Zhong Yuting slapped her forehead with a "slap", she just felt that he had lost all face to herself, he was simply the ultimate sycophant...

"Tianzun, let's go, go to my house first." Zhong Tianya stood up, finally leaving his beloved Internet cafe.

Lin Fei responded, and the group left the private room.

Zhong Tianya wore the dick around his waist, and took the shakuhachi that looked like a hole flute, and went to the front desk to pay the bill.

This guy with this outfit drew exclamations within two steps.

"Fuck, happy man?!"

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