I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 309 Princess Longji is Illiterate

When Su Caiwei heard this, she immediately asked respectfully: "I don't know what Tianzun is talking about?"

Lin Fei said bluntly: "Let her help me find someone too. This person has a witch curse in his body, and he has the magic power of heavenly demons in his practice."

Su Caiwei's heart shuddered, and she was even more convinced that what he said was true, only the golden core realm.Otherwise, how could the majestic Wansheng Tianzun need the incarnation of Princess Longji to help find someone?

She thought so in her heart, but immediately responded: "Okay, I'll do it now."

Lin Fei let out a "hmm" and immediately hung up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Ji Yaoguang asked immediately when he saw him hang up the phone.

"Hong Xiaowei turned against him. While Su Caiwei and the others were not in Douque Palace, he killed all the remaining disciples and took away the cultivation resources in the entire palace." Lin Fei said calmly.

In an instant, both Wu Moling and Ji Yaoguang's hearts shook violently!

"Hong Xiaowei?" Ji Yaoguang thought of that upright person, and suddenly felt extremely incredible.

"How is it possible? How could Hong Xiaowei, who is so righteous, do such a thing?" Wu Moling also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"Su Caiwei made a phone call, and she deduced what she saw with the water cloud mirror." Lin Fei said, "Hong Xiaowei practiced the "Blood Hell Sword Art" by the sword demon Duan Canghai, and devoted himself to escaping into the magic way to seek power."

Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling immediately changed their faces, remembering the incident when Hong Xiaowei attacked them in Feiyun Villa.

At that time, they thought that Hong Xiaowei was just following the orders of his teacher and wanted to bring Ji Yaoguang back to Douque Palace for cultivation.Thinking about it now, both women almost broke out in a cold sweat.

It is clear that what Hong Xiaowei said is just a cover, this kind of guy who is deep in the city and obsessed with power is definitely the body of a fairy who covets Ji Yaoguang!

If Lin Fei hadn't come back in time... I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous.

Ji Yaoguang bit her lip, her pretty face turned red, feeling very ashamed and guilty.At that time, she actually believed Hong Xiaowei's nonsense, thinking that Lin Fei was too impulsive, and even said very hurtful words not to allow him to "kill a good person by mistake".


How ironic!

"Did you immediately see that he was not a good person?" Ji Yaoguang asked Lin Fei.

Zhong Yuting and Zhong Tianya stared in bewilderment, confused, not knowing what they were talking about.

"En." Lin Fei took another comic book and said casually.

"Then why didn't you kill him?" Ji Yaoguang already had a guess in his heart, and a warm current surged in his heart amidst guilt and regret.

"Because of you." Lin Fei smiled slightly and said without raising his head, "I don't want you to be angry, that's all."

Ji Yaoguang pursed her lips, but said nothing.

The majestic Wansheng Tianzun, crushing Hong Xiaowei to death is like crushing an ant!

There is no need to care about the gazes of all living beings, even if you want to destroy the world, it is only a matter of one thought!

But because he was concerned about her feelings, he suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and let Hong Xiaowei go...

"I'm sorry..." Ji Yaoguang lowered his head and his voice became softer.

She wrongly blamed Lin Fei.

Not only that, if she hadn't blocked Lin Fei's actions in every possible way, there would not have been so many sacrifices in Douque Palace.

Everyone was deceived by Hong Xiaowei.Only Lin Fei saw him through at a glance, but he was not recognized by others because of his high vision, and even thought him unreasonable.

Lin Fei smiled lightly, and didn't mean to blame her at all, but just said: "Is this lesson deep enough?"

Ji Yaoguang sighed, and closed his eyes slightly: "It's deep enough, it even makes me feel that I have sinned deeply."

Lin Fei said calmly: "You are also unintentional."

Even he didn't expect that Hong Xiaowei, a cripple, would still be able to stir up trouble again.

"By the way, Tianzun," Zhong Tianya saw that the atmosphere was not quite right, and immediately changed the subject, "Who is the little Hongluan you mentioned just now? Can it find a needle in a haystack in the vast sea of ​​people to find the heir of the Heavenly Demon God Palace?"

The time he spent with Lin Fei was also limited, and he never heard Lin Fei mention this name.

"Princess Longji." Lin Fei said lightly.

Zhong Tianya showed a look of surprise, and said "Oh" very calmly.

Only Zhong Yuting's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

She looked at the others, couldn't bear the shock in her heart, and said loudly: "That's Princess Longji! Princess Longji, a character in myths and legends, the daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Holy Mother of Yaochi!"

"He can invite this kind of mythical figure to take action, you—are you so calm?!"

Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling were stunned for a moment, and Ji Yaoguang was even more puzzled: "Otherwise?"

I'm used to it.

One day when Lin Fei said to Queen Mother Xi, "Xiaoxi, please do something for me", Ji Yaoguang felt that he would not have much reaction.

On the other hand, Zhong Tianya showed embarrassment, and said apologetically: "Well...I'm sorry, this little girl has never seen the world in movies, so don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Immediately, he looked at Zhong Yuting and scolded: "Don't be surprised by this, isn't it just Princess Longji? Let's put it in the past, even if the Jade Emperor sees Tianzun, he must be respectful!"

The key is that Ji Yaoguang and Wu Moling took it for granted, as if they thought Zhong Tianya was not exaggerating, but... a natural thing?

Zhong Yuting was dumbfounded, only feeling that her three views had been greatly impacted, her mind went blank, and she froze in place.

Oh my god, what kind of supreme existence is this in front of me!

"It's all in the past, so don't mention it." Lin Fei flipped through a page of the comic book, showing no trace of pride, looking like an ordinary modern youth.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't you show some respect to Tianzun?" Zhong Tianya winked at Zhong Yuting, hinting frantically.

Silly daughter, take this opportunity to start a relationship!

Recognize a godfather or something, and you will have the hardest relationship in the world!

Ah ha ha, thinking about the time when seniority is discussed, and he is still the same generation as Tianzun, Zhong Tianya feels so excited.

But at this moment, Lin Fei's cell phone rang.

He raised his hand to interrupt Zhong Tianya, and heard Su Caiwei say on the phone: "Tianzun, I found out!"

"The location of the person you mentioned is facing the sea in the east and a big river in the north. Princess Longji doesn't know these modern landforms, nor the current simplified characters, so..."

Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, and complained: "So Xiao Hongluan is an illiterate in modern times, right?"

Su Caiwei showed embarrassment, but could only smile awkwardly.

Lin Fei and Princess Longji have a very good friendship, and it is very natural to joke around.But when I came to her, even if I lent her ten guts, I wouldn't dare to say that!

What a joke, dare to say that the Jade Emperor's daughter is illiterate...

this is too scary!

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