I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 316: Eyes Peeping in the Dark

"I'll say it, I'll say it!" Chu Xiangkuang couldn't bear the torment, and immediately poured out the news about the Heavenly Demon God's Palace like beans poured out of a bamboo tube.

It turns out that the Heavenly Demon God's Palace also opened up a small world 3000 years ago. The reason is that the contemporary deputy palace master took refuge in the East Sea God Clan, and thus received the same treatment as other sects of practice.

And the Heavenly Demon God Palace has never had a Palace Master since Lin Yuan, and the highest position is the Deputy Palace Master.After the Deputy Palace Master boarded the Immortal Realm and left, the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace lost its cohesion, and no one person could control the voice of the entire Demon Palace, and the most common episode in history began—struggling for power and profit.

Seven personal disciples led the Black Wind Society under their jurisdiction, and started a life-and-death contest of power strife.The Seventh Young Master, who had the shortest entry time, the worst practice, and the shallowest city, died in this battle without a place to bury him. All his cultivation was taken away, and even his body was trained into potions.

The seventh team of the Black Wind Club has lost its momentum, and most of them have been incorporated into other teams.But the personality charm of the contemporary seventh son is also really extraordinary. A few people feel righteous indignation for his death, and even feel that they have lost their brothers and sisters, and they are unwilling to obey those executioners.

So this small group of people made a bold choice: they gave up the opportunity to stay in the small world, and resolutely set foot on this land where the spiritual energy was exhausted.

Whether they are stupid or loyal, they have made their own choices after all and embarked on their own paths.Although in this world, brothers and limbs will not be injured or killed easily due to strife among internal forces, but this small group of people have to face another fatal problem.

The aura is exhausted, and the road to practice is difficult to reach the blue sky.

They have to accept the cruel reality, that is, their cultivation has stopped at this point, their lifespan cannot grow, and they can only watch themselves gradually aging and dying.

The only survivors of the seventh unit of the Black Wind Society can only pin their hopes on their descendants, hoping that one day they will be able to catch up with the era of spiritual recovery.

And Chu Xiangkuang is the one who has a great opportunity among their descendants.Just from the fact that he practiced in the world where the aura was exhausted to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, one could guess that something extraordinary had happened to him.

This ambitious fellow resented the stupidity of his ancestors, which cost him his chance to be strong.In order to cultivate to a higher level, Chu Xiangkuang tried almost every means. Although he was already amazingly talented, he was still stuck in the late stage of foundation establishment and was about to usher in the moment when his life essence would be exhausted and sit down.

Chu Xiang's eyes were red, and he desperately searched for a place where the immortal family's medicine might be left behind.Finally, a dark grave was found near the Kunlun Mountains, suspected to be the tomb of a disciple of the Immortal Family.

Frenzied, he sensed the danger, and drove other creatures to serve as cannon fodder.

Part of Kunlun is called the "Gate of Hell", which is full of wolf fur, bear bones, human bones and lonely graves on barren hills.

After the mysterious lightning strike, the loess has turned into black soil, like ashes, and all animals and plants have died.

That is Chu Xiangkuang's masterpiece.

He finally got his wish, and got a...refined pill.

There are so many impurities in it that there is even the possibility of damage to one's cultivation and death.It is ironic to say that Chu Xiangkuang only got such a useless pill after all his efforts, which made him burst into anger and grief at that time.

But people whose lives have come to an end, how can they have so many scruples?

The elixir that has been practiced is also an elixir!

Chu Xiangkuang took a piece the size of a fingernail from this potentially fatal discarded pill.Then, by accident, it was discovered that it was not suitable for orthodox practitioners, but it fit perfectly with Heavenly Demon and Divine Art.

And his cautious behavior also saved his life - if he had swallowed the whole pill, he would have died violently on the spot.

After all, it is a elixir refined by immortals. Even if it is classified as a "waste grade" that can only be discarded regrettably, it is not something a mere little monk in the late stage of foundation establishment can bear.

In this way, Chu Xiangkuang began a long retreat, concentrating on digesting the huge medicinal power of this elixir.During the period, relying on the strength of the Heavenly Demon's magical skills and the lightning protection beads left by the ancestors, he survived the catastrophe of the doomed era.

Even though the lightning protection pearl was shattered in the catastrophe, he didn't feel distressed, and was even ecstatic.

And after finding out the reincarnation of Empress Yaoguang after leaving the customs, the excitement in Chu Xiangkuang's heart could no longer be suppressed, and he even did not hesitate to do something worse than a beast to the little girl who was only eight years old.

But Chu Xiangkuang had calculated thousands of times, but he missed that old man who was not in his eyes, and there were witches of the lineage of the gods and witches in his body.

The things that followed were lackluster. Chu Xiangkuang almost died suddenly under the curse of the witch at first, but he could barely survive his last breath, hiding like a dog with his tail between his legs.

Chu Xiangkuang knew that the power of witchcraft was limited after all.As long as it can survive itself, it will become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

He survived until this day, but it was a pity that Lin Fei appeared.

All of Chu Xiangkuang's opportunities, forbearance, calculations, and hard work for hundreds of years were like a joke in front of Lin Fei's absolute strength, and they were directly crushed into powder.

Right now, he just wants to die.

Maybe it's because these things have been hidden in his heart for too long, but now he said it in great detail.Even though he was suffering hell-like torture, he spoke clearly with difficulty.

The words are full of strong unwillingness, despair, and pain, which can be called the villain's sad history of blood and tears.

Chu Xiangkuang suddenly felt that what Lin Fei said was quite correct, but it was a pity that he had met him.

Ruthless, easily crushing all hopes, so powerful that only deep despair and powerlessness are left!

Lin Fei was very dissatisfied with his answer, and frowned, "So in other words, you don't know anything about the current situation in the Heavenly Demon Palace?"

Chu Xiangkuang laughed at himself: "I fell into your hands as soon as my spiritual energy recovered. Do you think I have a chance to get in touch with the current Heavenly Demon Palace? Originally, I wanted to recognize my ancestors and return to my ancestors. Maybe there is still a chance, ha ha! Ah!"

His laughter became harsher, full of aggrieved and self-deprecating.

I'm so... so difficult!

It's really... so hard, I just want to die now, let me go.

Lin Fei shook his head lightly, and finally slapped him across the air.

The surging and violent energy turned into a huge "Heaven" character, which slammed on Chu Xiangkuang's body, turning the latter into catastrophic ashes in an instant.

And in a magnificent palace house, a man wearing Zhou Dynasty costumes squinted slightly, looking at the mirror in front of him with a warm smile.

This scene is reflected on the simple and vicissitudes of the bronze mirror.

On the door plaque above the main hall, there are four large characters written in Zhongding documents.

Heavenly Demon Shrine.

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