I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 32 Brothers on the Surface

"Dong Qing, I really didn't mean to offend your distinguished guest, please forgive me!" Meng Zhe said anxiously, wanting to make a final attempt.

However, this struggle was in vain.

"Get out, you are not welcome here." Qing Fen said coldly with a straight face.

But now, how could Meng Zhe accept leaving?

"Dong Qing, my father is your son's subordinate. For his sake, please forgive me for my rashness this time!" Meng Zhe couldn't care less about being ashamed, and begged extremely humbly.

When Qing Fen heard this, he was even more annoyed in his heart.

What did Lin Fei say about this person?Noisy!

Lin Xianshi has spoken like this, but he is still ignorant, and he keeps arguing here?

Qing Fen originally wanted to leave a little face for Meng Zhe at the end, but at this moment he said without hesitation: "Kick him out for me!"

The two security guards responded immediately and blasted Meng Zhe out.

He was pulled out of the gate of Ji's villa, staggered under his feet, and almost fell to the ground.

Meng Zhe had no intention of cursing the two security guards at all, but just stood there in a daze.He was in a daze for a long time, then smiled nervously.

It's just such a smile, but it looks even more ugly than crying.

This little scoundrel who has followed Song Hao for many years, sat down on the ground without any image.He took out a cigarette and lit it, but his trembling hand failed to light the cigarette at all.

"Even the wind is against me?!" Meng Zhe roared hysterically, looking extremely abnormal.

Blame it on others, that's probably how it is.

With a "pop", Meng Zhe threw the zippo lighter in his hand to the ground.He took out his mobile phone and called his father Meng Tiancheng.

On the other end of the phone, a middle-aged man's voice soon came: "Aren't you at the Qing family banquet? Why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

Meng Zhe pursed his lips, but didn't know how to speak.

Meng Tiancheng didn't realize that something was wrong, so he said with a smile, "How about it, your father, I'll give you this opportunity. Have you met some big people with Song Shao?"

At this moment, Meng Zhe wanted to die, and he said bravely, "Dad, something happened..."

With a trembling voice, he informed Meng Tiancheng of what had happened earlier.

"What did you say?!"

"You bastard, I'm a grass and mud horse!" Meng Tiancheng almost collapsed, and his voice even broke.

He had been swept away by anger, and the moment he blurted out this foul language, he didn't realize that it was a natural thing...

"Do you know, where did everything in our family come from? I finally got on the line of the Qing family. How much effort has been spent in the past few years to get to where we are today? You bastard, you actually said that Qing Dong The honored guest is a thief, who offended the Qing family to death!"

"Tell me about it, how will our family live in the future?!"

Meng Zhe was scolded bloody, and he was used to his father being so angry at him, which caused him to resist: "Dad, then I don't know that Lin Fei is so big! Who the hell thinks about it, A small bodyguard will be an honored guest of the Qing family?"

Meng Tiancheng was so enraged that his mind went dizzy, and he almost turned his back: "Bastard, how dare you talk back?"

Meng Zhe gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Father, it's useless for you to scold me, things have already happened. You've earned so much money anyway, so you should retire early—"

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Meng Tiancheng's roar: "I'm going to numb you, do you know how serious the situation is now?"

"What sin did I do in my previous life? How did I give birth to you? You fucking said you wanted to buy a villa or a luxury car. I thought I could earn money anyway, so I bought them all for you! Plus you, a bastard who speculates in stocks and the like." Prodigal losers, do you know how much we owe? More than 300 million!"

"Do you understand? I have nothing now!"

"Nothing at all!"

Meng Tiancheng's throat was hoarse and itchy, and he kept coughing.

Coughing, coughing, this middle-aged man in his [-]s actually cried.

Under Meng Tiancheng's emotional agitation, he made a hoarse and difficult breathing sound in his throat.He hurriedly found out the heart disease medicine and took it, feeling better now.

Poor people must have something to hate.Those years when he was used to his son's domineering and domineering have already laid the foundation for today.

Meng Zhe finally panicked and said anxiously, "Father, what do you mean, our family is about to go bankrupt, and my villa and sports car are gone?!"

At this moment, Meng Tiancheng wanted to strangle the son he had raised for more than 20 years to death.

At this juncture, he still thinks about his villa and sports car.Lao Tzu almost died of a heart attack due to anger, and he didn't even care about this shit.Even if you have a dog, you will care more about people than he does!

Meng Tiancheng was silent for a long time, and finally said hoarsely: "You have been with Song Shao for so many years, so you have some friendship, right?"

Meng Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed in ecstasy: "Yes, I can also ask Song Shao to help me! As long as Song Shao intercedes for me, the young director will definitely open up!"

Meng Tiancheng sighed and said weakly, "Go."

After hanging up the phone, Meng Tiancheng laughed bitterly.

There was something he didn't say.

As long as there is a gap in status, there is bound to be an asymmetry in interpersonal relationships.

This Young Master Song may not be able to take Meng Zhe seriously.

To put it uglier, it's just a dog.


The Qing family banquet was still lively, and no one cared too much about Meng Zhe who was kicked out.When I heard someone mention it, it was mostly regarded as a joke.

After Qing Lixue and Ji Yaoguang appeared, no one cared about Meng Zhe, an idiot.

The focus of everyone's eyes was on the two beautiful and heart-pounding women.

The two women were a little surprised to see Lin Fei, but they didn't expect him to come to the banquet too.

Ji Yaoguang smiled and nodded at Lin Fei, as a greeting.

And Qing Lixue was unhappy with Lin Fei, and complained about her father again in her heart, why did she respect this kind of charlatan?

Thinking of this, she snorted coldly and turned her head away.

After the protagonist of the banquet arrived, the scene soon began to cut the nine-tier birthday cake.

It was at this moment that Song Hao appeared in the hall.

"Song Shao, you are here!" Seeing him appear, someone stepped forward and whispered in his ear, explaining what happened before.

Song Hao's expression changed immediately after hearing this, and he looked at Lin Fei gloomily.

He did not expect that Lin Fei would dare to clean up his own people.He didn't expect that Qingfen would be so respectful to Lin Fei.

While Song Hao was speculating about Lin Fei's identity, his cell phone rang.

Seeing the call from Meng Zhe, Song Hao frowned and answered.

Meng Zhe is a qualified son of a bitch. When he was crying about what happened to him, he was interrupted impatiently by Song Hao: "Okay, shut up, I already knew."

"Song Shaozhen is well-informed!" Meng Zhe flattered and hurriedly said, "Then Song Shao, look, can you help me?"

There was a sneer at the corner of Song Hao's mouth, and he only spit out one word: "Get out!"

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