I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 321 The Change of the Sword Pavilion!

"By the way, senior, don't you want to see our pavilion master?" The female disciple said immediately, "Shall I lead you there?"

Lin Fei made a "hmm" sound.

The female disciple pinched a sword formula and unsheathed the flying sword in the box.She murmured "Lin" silently, and the flying sword in front of her rose against the wind, instantly turning into a shape that was two meters long and the width of two palms, suspended in the air.

This is the gap between the cultivation world and the ancient martial arts world, which can be called a natural barrier.When the monks in the ancient martial arts world were not able to exert their internal strength and external strength, there were already people in the cultivation world who could play flying swords.

Although the masters in the ancient martial arts world are in the same realm as the Qi training in the cultivation world, if they really want to fight, they will only end up being crushed miserably.

The female disciple jumped onto the flying sword, and immediately let the sword sink slightly.And as if there was some kind of buoyancy, Feijian actually floated up to its original position again.

"Senior, please." The female disciple seemed a little nervous. After all, she only had the twelfth level of Qi training, and her swordsmanship was not good enough.

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing, he didn't expect that she would want to give him a ride.

Forget it, others are also inviting out of respect and politeness, there is no need to refuse to hit her.

He responded lightly, and also stepped on the back of Feijian.

Afraid of being ashamed, the female disciple immediately held her breath and concentrated, and made another sword art, focusing all her attention on controlling the flying sword.Otherwise, it would be too ridiculous if it wobbled or even fell directly.

Just imagine the wonderful expressions that people in the mortal world will have when they see a woman flying with a sword in the sky, and when they are amazed that she is a fairy, suddenly she shakes twice and falls directly with the sword on her... ..

The picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Just like that, the flying sword under Lin Fei's feet turned a corner while pulling it up to a high place.Pass over the four characters "Tianyuan Jiange" above the arch bridge, and fly towards the peak suspended in the air.

Lin Fei put his hands behind his back, and looked down at the world indifferently.

The waterfall roared like a white dragon, splashing a large amount of water in the rumbling sound.The flying sword passed through the ancient woods, and the wind whistled in his ears, causing the trees to sway.

This female disciple's fencing skills are really worrying.

Yu Jian didn't show it when he faced the enemy. When carrying two people, Lin Fei could obviously feel the slight shaking of Fei Jian.

Looking at the female disciple in front of him again, it seemed as if he was clenching his toes tightly, which made him laugh for a while.

Feijian's speed was not fast, but Lin Fei had enough time to look around.

There were several Tianyuan Jiange disciple Yujian flying by in the air, and it was not surprising that they flew from one suspended mountain peak to another.But another scene that Lin Fei saw made him frown instantly.

"Stop." He said suddenly.

"Ah?" The female disciple was stunned for a moment, and then asked nervously and embarrassedly: "Senior, is it because my sword control skills are too bad?"

Lin Fei did not answer her words, but pointed to the floating mountain on the right: "Why are they confronting each other? Does your Tianyuan Jiange still have this kind of drill?"


The female disciple was confused, and immediately turned her head to look over.

On that mountain peak, a group of Jiange disciples in black clothes surrounded the disciples in white clothes.

And if it was a rehearsal, the people at Yuan Jiange were too involved that day.

The murderous aura is awe-inspiring, making the surrounding bamboos and trees feel bleak.

Lin Fei could clearly see the tense atmosphere and the tension and anger of the disciples in white.

"I'll go one step first." Lin Fei put down these words, and immediately tapped the flying sword lightly under his feet, and his whole body turned into an afterimage and flew across the air.

The female disciple didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately pointed in the direction of Xianxin Peak, turning Feijian around, and chasing after him at the fastest speed she could achieve.

She didn't understand what was going on, but she was very disturbed!

Lin Fei descended quietly, stepping on the bamboo shoots of Cuiwei Lake.As the cold wind blew past, the purple bamboo swayed unceasingly, he just stood motionless on the top of the bamboo tip, watching everything in front of him with cold eyes.

"Elder Wang, how dare you collude with that force under the Abyss of Myriad Demons and join forces with demons!"

"Aren't you afraid that the Pavilion Master and the Deputy Pavilion Master will find out and beat you to ashes?!" Among the group of people in white clothes, there was an old man with a white beard hanging down to his chest.With a majestic expression on his face, he glared at the leading man in black.

Elder Wang sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said gloomily, "Elder Quan, those who know the current affairs are the best! I don't want to talk nonsense with you, I only give you two choices - surrender or die !"

Lin Fei didn't come forward to stop them, and even raised his hand without looking back, stopping the female disciple named Zhao Yu behind him.He lowered his voice and said, "Don't go up."

Zhao Yu showed surprise on his face, and lowered his voice, "Senior! Why don't you want to make a move?"

In her opinion, this senior is unpredictable, and it is unknown whether he can prevent this disaster.

Elder Wang is colluding with demons, it's a big trouble, why sit still? !

Could it be that this senior is also greedy for life and afraid of death?

Lin Fei said lightly: "I just want to see who will choose to be with demons."

Beside Elder Quan, a rather clever male disciple's eyes lit up, and he immediately said to him through voice transmission: "Elder, we can pretend to surrender, take advantage of their unpreparedness and rise up to resist, and kill them by surprise!"

Elder Quan's long white eyebrows frowned, and he didn't use divine thoughts to transmit the sound, but said in a thunderous voice: "Everyone, don't think about pretending to surrender! Since Wang Rulong dared to say such words, he must have obtained them from the hands of demons." The means to control us!"

Wang Rulong showed surprise on his face, and then laughed loudly: "Elder Quan, you are really a smart person!"

Immediately, he restrained his smile, and said in a cold voice: "Yes, the old man has mastered the soul-destroying order now! If you sincerely want to surrender, then you have to take the initiative to hand over a wisp of original soul to be controlled by me!"

"At that time, if you are a little suspicious, I will activate the soul-absorbing order to directly kill the soul of life, and let you wait for the soul to fly away!"

After his words fell, Elder Quan and the others suddenly changed their expressions, and some even exclaimed immediately.

"Inspirit order! Legend has it that as long as a ray of life soul is imprisoned in it, it is equivalent to handing over the entire life and soul to others, and will become a slave for eternity and cannot escape!"

"Elder Quan did not guess wrong, Wang Rulong came prepared!"

"But why does he have a soul-destroying order?!"

Wang Rulong was very satisfied with their reaction, and immediately laughed and said, "Didn't you expect that? This was bestowed on me by Master Lu Mu!"

Hearing this name, the corner of Lin Fei's mouth curved into a cold arc: "Lu Mu..."

Zhao Yu couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Who is Lu Mu?"

Lin Fei said: "One of Chi You's 81 brothers."

In an instant, Zhao Yu's whole body was icy cold, and his hair was terrified!

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