I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 327 Tension?nonexistent

In the Myriad Demon Abyss, the devilish energy was billowing, raging and berserk.

The platform of the Demon Locking Tower is stuck in it, and there are eight dark iron chains with the thickness of a bucket connecting the cliffs on both sides.

Wanmoyuan was breathing out demonic energy like it was alive, so that the Demon Locking Tower was floating up and down, and even the unimaginably heavy chains were rattling.

Such a scene, but just a glance is enough to make ordinary people sigh and be shocked by what they see.

And on the wide platform, there are even more complex and mysterious array patterns.Hundreds of disciples whose minds had been infested with demon energy obeyed Lu Yuanting's order and had already set up the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation.

Among the formations, there is a spoon-shaped pattern that is the most conspicuous.It connects seven points, all of which are the formation eyes.One of the six positions has already landed on it, making the lines between the dots brighten instantly, shining with white light.

At this time, the six lines have been formed, and the only thing left is the arrival of Tianshu, the head of the seven stars.

Under the call of the formation, Lu Yuanting's figure instantly appeared here, connecting the last line.

In an instant, white light emerged from the mysterious lines on the entire platform.


A white divine light soared into the sky, instantly changing the faces of Elder Quan and others who rushed over.

"No, it's a step late!"

"The Tianyuan Seven Star Formation has been completed, it's too late!"

"If Lu Yuanting wants to take away the Suying Excalibur, the monsters below Wanmoyuan will definitely come out. My Tianyuan Jiange is dead, and the world is in danger!"

Fear was like vines, quickly spreading and entangled in everyone's hearts, squeezing their hearts into a ball.

"It's all the fault of Taoist Feiyun. If he wasn't so arrogant, Lu Yuanting would have died a long time ago. How could this situation be like this!" Immediately, a male disciple roared with grief and indignation.

"You can't say that! Taoist Feiyun is an outsider after all, and it is a surprise that he can help." Elder Quan said in a deep voice, "This is a major event for my Tianyuan Jiange. Others' help is due to love, and it is also a matter of not helping. Duty, don't use moral kidnapping to condemn others! Don't forget that without him, we would have died long ago, how can you dictate to this pair of people!"

The male disciple was very upset, but he couldn't find any reason to refute.

"That's right," the resolute junior sister also said, "Even if there is no Lu Yuanting, the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation has been formed, and they will find another person to preside over the formation!"

It's just that in their opinion, Lu Yuanting is still too strong after all.If he controls the power of the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation and holds the Suying Sword...

Just thinking about it, everyone was almost suffocated.

It was such despair as if the sky was collapsing, and it made people unable to raise even the slightest thought of resistance.

But in Lin Fei's view, it doesn't really matter whether Lu Yuanting or others obtain such power.

Anyway, they are all ants, and they can be crushed to death at will.

"Don't waste any time, attack the formation!" Elder Quan tried his best to raise his fighting spirit, his pale white hair fluttering in the wind, and he looked extremely sad.

"Elder! Our attack has absolutely no effect on the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation!" A male disciple roared loudly, presumably trying to hide his fear and despair with his roar.

Lu Yuanting also glanced at them indifferently, and said sarcastically: "It's too ridiculous to shake a big tree."

Elder Quan said sadly: "Even if the ants are dead, they still have to kick their legs twice!"

"All disciples obey the order and attack the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation with all their strength!"

"Tell these traitors that our Tianyuanjiange disciples have the courage to wield a sword and the faith to fight even when we face an unmatched opponent. There are no cowards who sit and wait to die!"

He took a deep breath and roared, "It's admirable to shake a big tree!"

His emotions deeply infected everyone, and they immediately roared in unison: "It's admirable to shake a big tree!"

A series of flying rainbows burst out with bright light, converging into pieces and illuminating the dark abyss.

Hundreds of people cast the Raging Sea Sword at the same time, and the sword energy bombarded the light curtain of the formation like a sea of ​​waves hitting the shore, making a deafening loud sound.

This move failed, but everyone did not give up. The sword energy gathered into pieces and turned into three yang real fires that burned blazingly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone turned the sword energy into a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, submerging the entire light curtain of the formation...

But no matter how hard they tried, the light curtain did not move at all.

Lu Yuanting looked at the crowd with a sneer, and said mercilessly: "A group of weak wastes are self-righteously swaying their blood, but they don't know that in the eyes of the strong, they are so ridiculous."

"Why, I was moved and felt like a hero? Hahaha, it really makes people laugh out loud!"

"I don't have time to pay attention to you now, the formation affects the stars, and the power of the seven stars is coming, so you can toss about humblely!"

And at the moment when his voice fell, a loud bang resounded through the world.


In the night, the Big Dipper brightened up instantly, and the star splendor flourished.

Not only that, there are also seven majestic spiritual lights flying down from the sky at a high speed, directly pouring into the Tianyuan Seven Star Formation.

In an instant, more than 100 people on the entire platform were bathed in divine light, and terrifying energy surged in their bodies.

Elder Quan and the others looked ashen for an instant, watching this scene dully.

"It's over...it's over..."

"Master Patriarch, this disciple is incompetent and can't stop the transformation of Jiange, I've let you down!"

"Lu Yuanting, you should be hit by five thunderbolts, and you will die!"

In such a hopeless atmosphere, a voice floated from above: "Isn't it just a small seven-star array, it scares you."

In an instant, everyone had the urge to jump up and scold their mothers.

Which bastard dares to say such cool big words at this juncture? !

Simply inhuman!

They followed the sound and saw Lin Fei Shiran stepping in the air, walking slowly towards the Demon Locking Tower.

The weirdest thing is that he was still holding a vermilion fruit in his hand, "Kacha" took a bite, and ate it like a normal person...

Petrochemical all over.

"Senior, why is it so late?!" Elder Quan blurted out anxiously in his heart.

Lin Fei shook the vermilion fruits casually, and said nonchalantly: "I see that the vermilion fruits in your Jiange are full of aura, and I think they are more delicious, so I picked a few and ate them by the way."

"Well, generally speaking. Although it is infected with demonic energy, the taste is not bad."

The disciples of Jiange were going crazy, even Lu Yuanting and the others were dumbfounded for a moment.

Elder Quan swayed even more, almost falling off the flying sword.

What a joke!

This is a moment of life and death, why doesn't he feel nervous at all?

It's over, it's over, I'm afraid my brain is not normal, right?

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