I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 335 "Precious" Meeting Ceremony

Ji Yaoguang looked at Jiang Qingyue, who looked like a juicy girl in front of her, and felt an urge to pinch his face.

This little girl is also... too cute!

Jiang Qingyue's face is exquisite and delicate, and her figure is exquisite and small, as slender as a weak willow Fufeng.The body is smooth and white, with a light luster like jade.

She was wearing a pink skirt with lotus flowers embroidered on it.A head of long hair draped to the shoulders, and then tied a pink ribbon into a bow, so that the smooth black hair was gathered together and hung down on the back.

"This little girl is the sixth disciple of the Heavenly Demon God Palace?" Wu Moling looked suspicious.

Legend has it that there are no more than seven direct disciples of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, and only those with excellent talents and aptitudes are selected.Even though he was only a direct disciple, he was strong enough to rival or even crush the sect master level powerhouses of the outside sects, sweeping away one side.

In short, in her impression, the direct disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Palace should be quite tall, strong, and violent like a demon god.

But the little one in front of me... seems to be different from what I imagined?

Jiang Qingyue widened her watery eyes, and argued in a low voice: "I'm a man, pure man!"

Petrochemical all over.

No matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with men!

Only Lin Fei remained calm, took a sip of his tea and looked at him quietly.

"You're lying?" Even Ji Yaoguang couldn't help but look at Jiang Qingyue with a strange expression.

Wang Ping wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and reminded Jiang Qingyue in a low voice: "Sixth Young Master... Please change into a woman's attire before you say you are a pure man next time, okay?"

Jiang Qingyue gave Wang Ping an aggrieved look, which immediately made Wang Ping's hair stand on end, and said very fast: "I'm sorry, Mr. Six, I was wrong. If you have something to say, don't do it!"

But even though he wanted to escape immediately, it was still too late.

"Uncle Wang, you are tearing me down again and bullying people!" Jiang Qingyue yelled, and once again punched Wang Ping's chest with her small fist.


Wang Ping let out a scream and flew out like a kite with a broken string.He spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was full of pain, his eye sockets were about to burst, and he smashed several big trees the size of buckets in the manor.

Then it smashed a few potholes on the ground like splashing water, and finally smashed a big rock before stopping.

Everyone petrified!

Seeing that Wang Ping's attire was the same as that of Chu Xiangkuang, and the black pupils already occupied the entire eye sockets, it was obvious that the Heavenly Demon's magical skills had been successfully cultivated, and he was definitely the leader of the Black Wind Society.

But Jiang Qingyue's seemingly innocuous punch punched him...flying him?

This is too fierce!

The contrast with the appearance of this little cute girl is too great!

Lin Fei put his hand on his forehead, and once suspected that Jiang Qingyue was joking.

And Jiang Qingyue didn't even bother to pay attention to Wang Ping, and whispered: "Let you demolish me in front of the master..."

At this moment, Wang Ping almost wanted to die.

He seriously suspected that Jiang Qingyue was not out of his wits, and that he had been punished so many times in the past because he simply wanted to beat himself!

"What's your name?" Lin Fei asked out loud, ignoring the farce of their master and servant.

"Reporting to Master, my name is Jiang Qingyue." Jiang Qingyue said.

"The Heavenly Demon God's Palace should be my enemy, what's the matter with you coming to me?" Lin Fei said calmly.

Jiang Qingyue looked a little nervous, she pursed her lips, her eyes sparkled: "It's nothing, I just want to see the legendary master."

All Saints!

Ji Yaoguang looked strangely, looked at Lin Fei and asked, "So it's your little fan girl who came to chase stars?"

Jiang Qingyue was dazed and looked cute: "What is a little girl? What about chasing stars? Chasing stars in the sky?"

Everyone fell into a daze again.

Why does it feel like she's so confused?

Lin Fei felt a little helpless, and explained to Ji Yaoguang: "He just came out of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, and his cognition of the outside world is still stuck in 3000 years, and he is out of touch with modern society."

"And... he's really a man."

These words were quite credible from his mouth, and everyone looked at Jiang Qingyue in shock.

And Xia Yue's eyes were even brighter, and she couldn't hide her excitement: "Big lady in women's clothing, isn't it amazing!"

The corner of Chunhua's mouth twitched slightly when he heard this, and he gently pulled the corner of her clothes, signaling her to calm down and pay attention to the occasion and image.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?" Lin Fei looked at Jiang Qingyue and asked with great interest.

"Master Ancestor won't kill me." Jiang Qingyue replied very firmly, after a little hesitation, she added cautiously, "And..."

"The master is only in the realm of the Yuanying stage?"

Although his words were tactful, the implication was clear: Lin Fei was not his opponent.

"Interesting," Lin Fei smiled sincerely, "So, are you going to do something to me?"

Jiang Qingyue shook her head like a rattle, and quickly argued: "Master, don't get me wrong, Qingyue didn't mean to be disrespectful to Master, it would be bad if I hurt Master!"

Ji Yaoguang slapped her slender hand on her smooth and jade-like forehead with a "slap", and felt like complaining.

Can this Jiang Qingyue speak?No matter how you listen to the last half sentence, it is provocative, how can there be respect?

And... you're really overthinking it.

Hurt Lin Fei?In a dream?

"Seeing off the guests." Lin Fei turned his head away, too lazy to talk to this little creature.

"Master, wait!" Jiang Qingyue said anxiously, "I still have a meeting gift for you!"

"Thank you for your kindness, the gift will be waived." Lin Fei said lightly, not wanting to look at his gift at all.

"No way, master, this is a very expensive gift!" Jiang Qingyue looked serious.

Lin Fei glanced at him, and said casually, "A gift that you think is very expensive? Could it be women's clothing?"

Ji Yaoguang couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Qingyue shook her head, and said very seriously: "It's really a very miraculous magic weapon, something that even the gods have never seen!"

Lin Fei finally showed a hint of surprise.

A magic weapon that Lin Yuan has never seen before?

Could it be an extreme weapon like the Eastern Emperor Bell?

He laughed dumbfounded when he thought of this, it was obvious that such a thing could not appear in Jiang Qingyue's hands.

Everyone was aroused with curiosity, looking forward to what kind of magic weapon he would come up with.

Seeing their reactions, Jiang Qingyue showed a bright smile from the bottom of her heart.

She put her hand on the space necklace, and suddenly a white light swept out from it, and took out a thing.

The moment they saw this thing, everyone in the audience was stunned, and they were completely petrified.

For a moment, they looked at Jiang Qingyue with strange eyes.

Jiang Qingyue crossed her waist triumphantly, and said to Lin Fei with a look of asking for credit: "Master, are you surprised or surprised?!"

Lin Fei nodded, and sighed sincerely: "It's really a surprise, and a surprise."

Wu Moling looked up at the sky, and let out a weak moan.

Taking the cotton candy machine as a big gift, how could this **** not be surprised? !

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