I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 337 You are such a chatting genius

"Master, don't you still want to teach me?" Jiang Qingyue asked cautiously.

Lin Fei gave a "hmm" and said, "Change to another place."

As soon as the words fell, he flew up, roaring through the air, and flew to another mountain peak two or 300 meters away at extreme speed.


Behind Jiang Qingyue, a pair of black light wings were displayed, and they flapped violently to create a gust of wind, and also flew away in the air.

Ying Long came from far away, what he saw was such a scene.

"Could it be that some people don't have long eyes to make trouble?"

"No, how can Tianzun personally take action on such a thing!" She thought so in her heart, and suddenly let out a long roar like thunder.

Both Lin Fei and Jiang Qingyue turned their heads to look at Ying Long who was flying towards him at a high speed.

The Baizhanglong's body is covered with dense scales, and its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. The clouds collapse while flapping, which is quite visually shocking.

Jiang Qingyue revealed a look of surprise, and brushed back the hair from her temples: "Ying Long?"

He seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Lin Fei with admiration as if there were little stars in his eyes: "Master, you resurrected her, right?"

Lin Fei glanced at him, and said lightly: "Compared with this question, I am more concerned about... can you stop looking at me with that look?"

Thinking that this was a man, and that he was still his grandson, Lin Fei suddenly had the urge to kick him to the sky.

It's so embarrassing, I don't know this guy at all.

During the short conversation between the two, Ying Long had already come close.

She stared at Jiang Qingyue with a pair of huge golden pupils full of majesty, and said coldly: "Ants, how dare you offend Tianzun?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "Ying Long, step back."

However, Ying Long looked at Jiang Qingyue fixedly, and said persistently: "To deal with this kind of ants, there is no need for Tianzun to do it himself!"

Her pupils were filled with the indifference of the higher beings to the lower beings, and she didn't take this little thing into her eyes at all.

How strong can a little girl at such a big age look so weak?

Jiang Qingyue looked at Ying Long and whispered, "You can't beat me."

Ji Yaoguang and others who were watching the battle in the distance were all dumbfounded.

Even this little guy doesn't seem to be enough for Ying Long to fit between his teeth, how dare he say that Ying Long is not his opponent?

Are you kidding me?

Jiang Qingyue felt that she was kindly reminding her, but just like what Ji Yaoguang said, he was too bad at talking.To Ying Long's ears, this sentence was tantamount to an extremely arrogant provocation.

"Tianzun, let me teach this ignorant little girl a lesson!" Ying Long sneered and said.

Lin Fei waved his hand and said casually, "You can do whatever you want."

Jiang Qingyue showed suspicion, and asked uncertainly: "Master Zu, do you really want me to bully her?"

Hearing this, Ying Long was furious and said, "Presumptuous, my lord—"

Her words fell through.

Because Jiang Qingyue had already fluttered her wings and slapped her dragon head with a slap.


With a loud noise, Ying Long's head was directly pushed down, and the entire mountain was directly crushed!

The rocks pierced through the sky, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

Ying Long's eyes widened suddenly, his face was full of horror, his brain was still in shutdown state, and he felt dazed for a while.

Ji Yaoguang and the others were also stunned for an instant, dumbfounded for an instant.

Only Lin Fei and Jiang Qingyue's expressions remained unchanged, as if they took this scene for granted.

Jiang Qingyue squatted on Ying Long's back, her body was no different from that of an ant.

But it's her appearance as a harmless little cute girl who can rub a monster like Ying Long on the ground!

"This..." Ji Yaoguang's exquisite cheeks were full of astonishment, and her black hair was still fluttering in the strong wind brought by this blow, "Is it really that little guy who cried so loudly just now?"

Wu Moling swallowed, her trembling voice was full of uncertainty: "It should be... right?"

The four maids also had numb scalps, and it was difficult to accept the huge contrast between Jiang Qingyue's appearance, personality and strength.

Wang Ping wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with concern: "Sometimes I doubt how I survived all these years..."

Everyone immediately turned their heads in unison, casting sympathetic glances at him.

Ying Long's long eyes were about to burst, and he said in shock and anger: "Heavenly Demon Divine Art, the body of Taiyin!"

She finally understood why Lin Fei asked her to back down earlier.

Who can stand this?

"Okay, step back." Lin Fei said.

Only then did Jiang Qingyue let go of her hands and jumped aside, still muttering in a low voice: "That's why I said, you can't beat me..."

When Ying Long, who had turned into a human form, heard these words, he almost had the urge to vomit blood on the spot.

"Master, now we can—" Jiang Qingyue showed an annoyed expression when she said this, and looked at Yuankong, "Why is there another troublesome guy?"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said, "It seems that people in Yunhua Palace still don't understand the value of life."

In vain, Mrs. Yunhua taught them a lesson.

At the end of the sky, a middle-aged man came with a sword and drew a stream of light in the air.

It was Yun Guang.

"Master, did you come here to trouble you?" Jiang Qingyue asked suspiciously.

"No," Lin Fei corrected lightly, "I'm here to die."

Yun Guang stopped not far from the three of them, sneered, and proudly said: "Lin Fei, Mrs. Yunhua's avatar is not here today, let me see who can save you!"

"Be obedient and catch him with nothing, I can still let you die!"

Jiang Qingyue was annoyed that this uninvited guest disturbed her, so she blinked her eyes and asked Lin Fei: "Master, how do you want me to deal with this unknown pawn?"

First it was Ying Long, and now an unknown pawn appeared out of nowhere.

Are you bothered?Seeing that he also has a grudge against his master, if he kills him twice...

Jiang Qingyue murmured to herself, and heard Lin Fei casually say, "It's just ants, you can figure it out."

Yun Guang was furious immediately, and he waved his sleeves angrily, "Presumptuous! How dare you speak wild words when you are about to die!"

One called the old man an unknown person, and the other called the old man an ant?

What's going on with the two guys, big and small, can't they figure out the situation at all?

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

"Speak wild words?" Jiang Qingyue was a little puzzled, and asked cautiously, "Sorry, do you have a big background?"

Yun Guang stroked his beard with a sneer and said, "This old man is Yun Guang, the elder of Yunhua Palace!"

Jiang Qingyue suddenly realized, patted her smooth and jade-like forehead, and dragged out her voice for a long time: "Oh~"

Seeing his reaction like this, Yun Guang smiled complacently and said, "Why, you know you're afraid, don't you?"

Jiang Qingyue shook her head, pointed to Ying Long and said, "She is Ying Long, I knew it right away."

Then he pointed to Lin Fei: "This is my master Wansheng Tianzun, I know it at a glance."

"I haven't heard of you since you signed up. Isn't that a nobody?"

Lin Fei said approvingly: "You are really a genius for chatting."

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