I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 359 Zhang Xiaoling's Dao

The next morning.

The mist on Qingcheng Mountain has not dissipated, and the top of the mountain is even more hazy, like a fairyland on earth.

As the former residence of Zhang Daoling, this place naturally has its unique features.After the aura revived, Mount Qingcheng was full of aura, and practicing on the mountain would get twice the result with half the effort.

Lin Fei has been busy recently, even non-stop.If it weren't for someone from Tianshi's mansion to attack last night, I'm afraid he wouldn't have thought of coming to see Zhang Xiaoling.

This time Lin Fei didn't even see Ye Qiu, and directly found Zhang Xiaoling in a pond in the back mountain.

Zhang Xiaoling stood upright, wearing a small Taoist robe, reciting scriptures while shaking his head.

"Zhang Xiaoling." Lin Fei said suddenly.

"Ah? Tianzun, it's you!" Zhang Xiaoling revealed a look of surprise, and changed his title, obviously because he had heard some rumors about him.

Zhang Xiaoling tapped the water under his feet, rippled and rippled, and jumped to Lin Fei's side two or three times.

There is still no sign of the existence of true energy in his body, but he has done such a thing, if it is spread out, the monks in the world will be stunned.

Lin Fei looked at it for a while, then nodded his head in approval and said: "That's right, the mental strength has returned to the Golden Core realm."

Zhang Xiaoling chuckled, patted his little head, a little childishly complacent, but pretended to be modest and said: "It's okay, so-so."

Since the recovery of the spiritual energy, he has breathed out the spiritual energy of the world, comprehended the natural way, and his spiritual realm can be said to be a thousand miles away.But the strange thing is that no matter how Zhang Xiaoling practiced, he couldn't increase his true energy and physical strength, and all of them turned into spiritual power.

"This time I'm here mainly to give you something. Come, spread your hands." Lin Fei said, and put a dozen bodhi seeds as crystal clear as green agate into his palm.

"Tianzun, this is—" Zhang Xiaoling was shocked, and he was keenly aware of the extraordinary preciousness of the bodhi seed, so he didn't dare to accept it for a while.

Lin Fei raised his hand to interrupt his words, and said directly: "Just accept it if you give it to you, it's not a big deal, there's no need to think it's so precious."

Zhang Xiaoling was dumbfounded!

"Tianzun is really rich and powerful." He said with emotion.

Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, and rubbed his hair casually: "I ask you a question."

Zhang Xiaoling put away the bodhi seeds with great care, and said, "Your Majesty just ask."

Lin Fei let out a "hmm" and continued: "If you established a Taoist sect, and later found out that some upper-level figures in the sect did evil and harmed one party, how should you deal with it?"

Zhang Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, and thought about it seriously, before he said: "Why did that person do evil?"

Lin Fei sat down on the bluestone, and said calmly: "Trying to murder other people's lives."

Zhang Xiaoling frowned, and became serious: "Then what's the motive?"

Lin Fei said calmly: "For profit."

Zhang Xiaoling frowned even deeper, and even revealed a disgusted look, and said sternly, "Isn't this the same style as the Sorcerer's Cult who once caused chaos in Bashu?"

"If I have the ability, I will definitely kill him to get rid of evil, regardless of whether he is my apprentice or not!"

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and said with a little emotion: "You are still the same."

Zhang Xiaoling blinked his eyes, doubtful for a while.

What's the old way?

"Then tell me, if the evildoer is killed and your orthodoxy remains unrepentant, what if the head of the sect takes the lead in committing evil?" Lin Fei continued to ask.

With a bitter face, Zhang Xiaoling said rather resentfully: "Tianzun, do you have to curse me like this? If I create a Taoist system like this, why don't you make me vomit blood?"

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile: "It's just a hypothesis."

Zhang Xiaoling thought about it again, and said seriously: "Kill him!"

Crisp and neat, not sloppy, not at all like a child of a few years old!

Lin Fei was not surprised by this answer, and said "Yes", "Is it killing the head of the sect alone, or killing the disciples who followed the rebellion?"

Zhang Xiaoling didn't hesitate this time, and said directly: "Kill them all!"

"Oh?" Lin Fei asked with great interest, "Those disciples with insufficient cultivation have no choice. If they don't obey the master, they will have a dead end. They are forced to do evil together, and they also want to kill them all?"

Zhang Xiaoling nodded, and even began to reason old-fashionedly: "No matter there are a thousand or ten thousand reasons, they can't be an excuse to do evil!"

"Being coerced by others to work for a tiger is actually the same as the traitors during the Anti-Japanese War! If there are such people in Yangyang China, how hopeless and sad is that?"

"They find an excuse to justify themselves once, and they will condone the second or third time. They even think that there is no risk and price for doing evil, as long as they pretend to be forced to do so."

"This kind of person seems innocent, but he is actually the most hateful—when there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent!"

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Xiaoling, there is a reason why you are favored by heaven."

Zhang Xiaoling chuckled, a little embarrassed by the praise, scratched his head: "I just want to express my own opinion, the Heavenly Venerable must know more about such principles than I do."

Lin Fei joked, "Do you think I understood these principles when I was seven or eight years old like you?"

Zhang Xiaoling came behind him, squeezed his shoulders and beat his back, and said very confidently: "I definitely understand!"

"You've learned to be a sycophant at such a young age?" Lin Fei smiled slightly, and flicked his forehead with his backhand, making him "ouch" in pain.

Zhang Xiaoling rubbed his aching forehead, said with a chuckle, "I admire the Heavenly Lord, what I say from the bottom of my heart."

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing, and didn't mention it again, his voice gradually became serious: "Zhang Xiaoling, remember what you said today."

Zhang Xiaoling was a little puzzled, he didn't understand why he suddenly became serious, but he still nodded his head and gave a "hmm".

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, without any expression on his face.

I hope that there are only a few scum in the Tianshi Mansion, and it is not rotten to the current Tianshi.

Otherwise...you don't even have to move your savior, and you can't even gain friendship—after all, your ancestors are beating my back.

"By the way, Zhang Xiaoling, have you gotten very close to a certain girl recently?" Lin Fei asked suddenly.

Zhang Xiaoling's whole body stiffened for a moment, and then he laughed and said, "It's nothing, how can it be? There are no girls of the same age on this mountain, right?"

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Oh, it seems that you not only got very close to the little girl, but even sneaked down the mountain, right?"

Zhang Xiaoling started to "get it right", immediately looked around nervously, lowered his voice and said in a panic, "Tianzun, don't tell that bad old man Ye Qiu, or I will be spanked again!"

Lin Fei sighed softly, feeling that the world has changed.

Why are Jiang Qingyue and Zhang Xiaoling, two characters who should be admired, so devoid of dignity?

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