I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 361 The Arrogant Abe New Village

Faced with such a mysterious thing that has never been seen before, both the old lady and the little pudding couldn't help asking questions, wanting to know what it is.

Zhang Xiaoling explained it a bit, leaving the two speechless.They were about to decline in a panic, saying that such a valuable thing must never be accepted.

Little Pudding also knew that Zhang Xiaoling had all kinds of extraordinary things, so he immediately said that this kind of thing was of great use to him and should not be wasted on them.

Zhang Xiaoling repeated his old tricks, anyway, he forcefully sent this bodhi seed out with the appearance of "If you don't take it, I'll throw it away, what can you do to me?"

Then he told Little Pudding that the master gave her pocket money and wanted to take her out to play.

Little Pudding jumped for joy immediately, and followed Zhang Xiaoling out the door.

As soon as he went out, Zhang Xiaoling was dumbfounded.

Seeing Lin Fei looking at him with a half-smile, he immediately scratched his head, showing an awkward yet polite smile: "Hey... Tianzun, are you not angry?"

Lin Fei shook his head and said with a smile: "Why am I angry? I knew you would do this. Since I gave you the bodhi seed, it is your thing. You can give it to anyone you want."

Little Pudding blinked his watery eyes, and pulled Zhang Xiaoling's clothes, feeling a little shy, and hid half of his body behind him.

"Little Pudding? That's a nice nickname." Lin Fei smiled at her.

Little Pudding didn't say a word, Zhang Xiaoling said for her: "Tianzun, it's like this. Her name is Buding, and she likes to eat Little Pudding ice cream, so I gave her such a nickname."

Lin Fei nodded slightly, and said to him: "Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Xiaoling responded, but Little Pudding suddenly became nervous, and hurriedly said: "Don't blame Brother Xiaoling! It's our fault, we shouldn't take his things, I'll return them to you, don't bully Brother Xiaoling, okay?"

Lin Fei laughed dumbly.

Zhang Xiaoling had black lines all over his forehead, patted her on the head, and reprimanded her old-fashionedly: "Little girl, don't think too much, Tianzun is not so stingy. Just wait and wait until the young master buys you ice cream."

Little Pudding's eyes lit up: "Then I want to eat Little Pudding."

Zhang Xiaoling murmured in a low voice, "How can anyone eat their own food", but still waved his hands generously and said, "Yes, I don't need this little money!"

After the two walked aside, he asked Lin Fei, "Tianzun, what's wrong?"

Lin Fei took out a bank card casually, and said calmly, "Take it, and help Little Pudding and the others improve their living conditions."

Zhang Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, then cautiously said: "Tianzun, this...isn't that good?"

Lin Fei said casually: "This card is only a small amount of one or two million yuan, why are you so coy?"

Zhang Xiaoling swallowed his saliva, stared at the card like a money fanatic, seemed to be drooling, and said duplicity: "No, no, I can't accept it."

In fact, he really wanted to accept it.

Zhang Xiaoling is short of money.He doesn't care, the key is that Pudding needs it.

Lin Fei imitated his tone and joked: "If you don't accept it, I will throw it away, sir."

Zhang Xiaoling was dumbfounded, and giggled instantly in embarrassment.

"The password is six ones. How to use it depends on the arrangements." Lin Fei said, and put the bank card into his pocket.

"Thank you Tianzun!" Zhang Xiaoling bowed deeply.

Lin Fei waved his hand, signaling that he should not take it to heart at all.

You must know, let alone one or two million, even one or two hundred million would not be able to exchange for the bodhi seed he gave Little Pudding earlier.

"Let's go." Lin Fei smiled lightly, and with a flick of his sleeves, his figure disappeared out of thin air.

Zhang Xiaoling stood blankly for a long time, and suddenly thought of a sentence that his master once said: If you have a tiger in your heart, you should sniff the rose carefully.

With a look of admiration on his face, he cupped his hands again, and said in a low voice, "Respectfully send the Heavenly Venerable."

A passerby passed by, muttering to himself, what is this little Taoist boy doing facing the air? Could it be that he is imitating the scenes in the TV series?


Two days later.

In the afternoon, the sea was undulating, with white waves beating against the rocks.

A group of Dongying people arrived in Mingzhu City near the sea.

It is worth mentioning that the three factions that originally agreed to go to China together, but now only the Onmyoji Abe family and the Juggernaut Chaoxiang Palace family remain.

The ninjas of Shimada's line learned of the existence of the South Wind Dragon and the North Wind Dragon, and the two young masters led the family to inherit the Dragon Soul.

"In short, just kill that person named Lin Fei?" Abe Xincun straightened the top hat on his head, as if he didn't pay attention to Lin Fei at all.

"This trash who only relies on Ying Long is not worth mentioning." Chaoxiang Gong Wentai sneered disdainfully, "Compared with this small character, we have a more important matter to deal with."

Abe Xincun looked at him, and jokingly said: "Is that the man named Zhong Tianya? I heard that the female sword master of your generation died under his sword, and even the fate of the wind was lost?"

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai's expression changed suddenly, and the warriors behind him were even more murderous, and immediately took a step forward.


Amidst the uniform sound of blades being drawn out of their sheaths, these people all took an attacking stance.

Hit people without slapping their faces, and curse people without revealing shortcomings.

This incident is a disgrace to the Chaoxiang Palace family.

"Oh? Want to do it?" Abe Xincun smiled faintly, "If you want to die, I don't mind giving you a ride."

After the words fell, he gently unfolded a corner of the fan.

In an instant, the wind howled, and the corner of the paper fan was opened to emit a dazzling light, causing a group of warriors to have thousands of needles piercing through their minds.

A cold and depressing terrifying aura swept out instantly.

This group of warriors all changed their faces, and some even swallowed their saliva, and couldn't help taking half a step back.


Abe Xincun closed the paper fan, looked at the dignified Asaka Miya Wentai, and said with deep meaning: "Do you understand?"

"Whether it's Ying Long and that Lin Fei, or you trash..."

"As long as I want, I can kill them all."

Chaoxiang Gong Wentai said in a deep voice: "What shikigami is sealed in your paper fan?"

Shikigami refers to the existence of spirits enslaved by Onmyoji.Its power is related to the manipulative onmyoji, and some shikigami will even turn back on their masters.

"No comment." Abe Xincun glanced at him, with a disdainful smile on his lips.

"Okay, since you want to wash away the shame of the past, please do what you want. Anyway, I can deal with that Lin Fei alone, and I don't need you burdens at all." When he said this, he immediately laughed. Woke up, arrogance written all over his pale face.

Seeing that Abe Xincun led a group of onmyojis away, the group of warriors became furious from embarrassment.

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