Zhong Yuting's face turned pale immediately, and she suddenly looked into the rearview mirror.

There are five cars behind Zhong Tianya's Toyota Sienna, all of which are Japanese warriors.

The cars were clearly taken by force and slammed into the Toyota Sienna viciously at full throttle.

Zhong Tianya stomped on the gas pedal to death, and immediately started to gallop with a "boom".In his hands, this Toyota passed through the traffic like a fish.

"These Dongying warriors should not dare to make a big fuss. After all, China still has many blessings to maintain the current stability and order." Zhong Tianya said this, as if he wanted to comfort Zhong Yuting.

However, as soon as his words fell, he was immediately slapped in the face, and even made him blurt out an angry curse: "Damn!"

Because the group of Dongpu warriors in the back broke out of the chariot immediately, flew across the air, and slashed down with sharp sword energy.

On the road where the cars came and went, they suddenly fell into panic and shock.

"Damn it! It's a cultivator again, these bastards are always sabotaging!"

"Damn it, why are you still from Dongying?"

"Mad dog?!" Zhong Tianya gritted his teeth, immediately tore off the seat belt like lightning, and hugged Zhong Yuting.


He smashed the roof of the car directly, and also flew into the air.

At the same time, the Toyota was cut into several pieces by the criss-crossing sword energy, and exploded with a loud noise on the spot.A small mushroom cloud rose up, even though the wreckage flying around was stopped by Zhong Tianya, many people were still pale from fright, and some women even screamed.

"Zhong Tianya, you——work like hell!" a warrior roared in awkward and blunt Chinese.

Zhong Tianya didn't bother to pay attention to them at all, and directly made a sword formula.


The edge of the wind is unsheathed, and the cold light is dazzling.


He stepped firmly on the sword of Leading the Wind, opened a streamlined light curtain in front of him to resist the violent wind, drew a long rainbow in the air, and led Zhong Yuting to escape into the distant sky.

Zhong Yuting's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Zhong Tianya in disbelief.

She never dreamed that Zhong Tianya, an extremely unreliable sand sculpture, could fly with a sword!

But then, something even more shocking happened to her.

"How can these Dongying people know how to fly with a sword?!" Zhong Yuting said in surprise.

"It's not surprising that Dongying culture came from China." Zhong Tianya briefly explained, "Their lineage of sword masters comes from Duan Sangtian, the sword master of China."

That is, the elder brother of Sword Demon Duan Canghai.

Under such extreme speed, the Huangpu River appeared in front of Zhong Tianya's eyes.

His spiritual consciousness had already noticed that there were no people around this section of the river basin, which was the best place for combat.

So Zhong Tianya immediately swooped down with Yujian, as if a comet hit the earth.Zhong Yuting was so frightened that she closed her eyes, screamed, and hugged him tightly.

Zhong Tianya even felt emotional, this was probably the first time his daughter hugged him so tightly.

He landed steadily, and set off a gust of wind around himself, causing the reeds by the river to sway in the wind.

Seeing the group of Dongying warriors chasing after her, Zhong Yuting panicked and said, "Why did you stop? They're chasing after you!"

Zhong Tianya smiled slightly and rubbed her hair: "Silly girl, they know about your relationship with me."

If it is a person, then escape is over.

But he also has a daughter.

If this group of people didn't die, it's hard to say what they would do to Zhong Yuting in order to blackmail Zhong Tianya into submission.

Zhong Yuting stared blankly at this masculine guy, and suddenly felt that he was strangely strange.

Zhong Tianya took a deep breath and stood up.

With his back to a group of Japanese warriors, he whispered: "Death is like the wind, always with me..."

"Kill!" The Dongpu warriors let out a loud shout from their throats, and directly swung a large piece of sharp sword energy.

"Face the wind!"

Zhong Tianya turned around suddenly, and a bright sword light burst out from the edge of the wind in his hand.

The sword intent turned into a gust of wind, directly forming a wind barrier the size of a city wall!

Zhong Yuting's black hair fluttered in the wind, and she was deeply shocked by what she saw.

Each of the violent and domineering sword qi was as thick as a bucket, with a killing intent that could easily split a high-rise building from it.However, the sword energy intertwined like a storm was blocked the moment it hit the wind wall, and was even torn apart by the wind sword energy on the spot, disappearing invisible.

Anyone who has a League of Legends player here must be stunned, thinking that he has met the real Gale Sword hero Yasuo.

"Not good, his wind barrier can resist sword energy!"

"Then close combat!"

A group of samurai quickly completed the communication in Japanese, and Dang Shi put the gun in the scabbard, and rushed towards Zhong Tianya like thunderbolts.

The latter even thoughtfully patted Zhong Yuting on the head, and said with a smile, "If you are afraid, close your eyes."

"Father assures you, unless I die, no one can touch you."

Zhong Yuting's heart shook violently, her vision suddenly blurred, she gritted her teeth and nodded.

Zhong Tianya put her behind his back, and gathered the dragon of the wind with the edge of the wind in his hand, and swept the surrounding weeds, flowers, dust and sand into it, crushing it into a smashed tornado.


He yelled out the game lines of Shame Secondary II, as if he wanted to embarrass the enemy on the spot to death.

However, as Zhong Tianya waved the edge of the wind in his hand, the tornado swept out immediately, and it rose to the height of a [-]-[-]-story building in an instant.

Even if a group of warriors tried their best to avoid it, they were directly involved by the strong and violent suction.

There is also a League of Legends player on the opposite side. Under the collapse, he almost has the thought of swearing: This Yasuo is cheating!Absolutely fucking cheating, in the game you have to use the steel-slashing flash skill twice in a row to cut out the blast, why do you come up like a tornado!

Zhong Yuting's beautiful eyes were full of shock, and the tornado that swept everything was reflected in the pupils, and even the water of the Huangpu River was swept into it.


"Gust—" Zhong Tianya stepped on the ground, leaving a deep hole in the ground, and his figure appeared beside the group of warriors in an instant.

"Extinct Breath Slash!" He yelled violently, and in an instant, his figure was like a phantom shuttling around the group of warriors, and streaks of sharp silver sword light interweaved like a net from the west.

Zhong Tianya charged forward and landed in a half-squat in an extremely pretentious dive posture. The edge of the wind with his right hand condensed the sword energy of the wind, and pointed obliquely at the sky on the right.

And behind him was a piece of torn corpse.

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