The shikigami sealed by the paper fan in Abe Niimura's hand has been completely released at this moment.

This shikigami is a Japanese beauty, wearing a cherry blossom kimono with a lifelike figure, and holding a Japanese sword in her hand.Surrounding the blade, there were bursts of cherry blossom light rain fluttering, which looked extremely extraordinary.

Of course, Dongpu is a country where swords and swords do not distinguish, so there is no problem calling it a sword.

"Asaka Palace Sakura Dance." Lin Fei sneered, and his figure soared into the air, facing Abe Xincun and the female shikigami far away.

"Oh? You actually know her?" Abe Shinmura showed a playful smile on his face, quite confident of winning, "But my shikigami is not as simple as her soul."

A shikigami is a kind of spiritual existence controlled by onmyoji, and the lowest existence can even be formed by cutting paper.And on top of it are the souls of various existences.For example, gods with high spiritual power appearing in the form of dogs are called dog gods; monsters with strong demonic power appear in the form of dogs and are called dog ghosts.

In addition, there are "swimming spirits" who are wandering souls in the world, "earth-bound spirits" who are bound to a certain place and cannot escape, and so on.

"It's just training the souls of 49 people into one, is it worth showing off?" Lin Fei said lightly.

Abe Xincun was a little surprised, he really didn't expect his shikigami to be seen through by him.

"Haha, interesting." With one hand behind his back, he waved the paper fan unhurriedly, "I'm a little surprised that a mere ant has such eyesight."

"That's right, my shikigami is exactly 49 souls trained as one. Most of the powerhouses in Japan have gathered for hundreds of years, including samurai, ninjas, and even the onmyoji of our Abe family. Among them, Asakamiya Sakura Mai With his soul as the main body, he can display the supreme swordsmanship and be invincible."

Abe Xincun smiled coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Understood? The shikigami in my hand is equivalent to the soul collection of all the strong men in Japan for hundreds of years!"

"Forget it, I will be merciful today." He glanced lazily at Lin Fei, not concealing his disdain, "If you kill yourself, I can leave your whole body, so as not to dirty my hands .”

After his words fell, the entire Feiyun Villa was stunned for an instant!


This Abe New Village is simply crazy and lawless!

"He is a ruthless person who is not afraid of death." Ji Yaoguang sighed sincerely.

Wu Moling didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Sister Yaoguang, I think he just doesn't understand the situation?"

Ying Long was silent for a while, then shook his head amusedly and said, "I don't think even the Demon Lord of the Six Paths of Samsara would dare to say such things in front of the Heavenly Lord."

The female demon clenched her fist tightly, and her eyes were full of anger that she wanted to tear it into pieces: "How dare you be so rude to Tianzun, you should be punished!"

Lin Fei looked indifferently, and looked at Abe Xincun: "You Dongying call this kind of stuff strong? Or most of the strong men in the past few hundred years?"

He shook his head and said disappointedly: "In my opinion, it's just a bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimp."

Abe Xincun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud as if he heard a big joke: "Lin Fei, you dare to speak wild words when you are about to die. It's funny, I admire your courage."

A group of onmyojis who were watching the battle from a distance were completely at a loss because they were not as proficient in Chinese as Abe Xincun.They were whispering and discussing what Lin Fei said, which made the young master laugh so much.

Abe Xincun restrained his smile, and said with a sarcasm on his face: "Forget it, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Since you don't want to kill yourself, then I will show mercy and give you the gift of dying under my hands." pleasure."

"Are you touched, ants? Haha, it is the greatest honor in your life to die in the hands of 49 strong men in Japan for hundreds of years!"

He waved the paper fan in his hand casually, and gave the shikigami the command to attack.

The shikigami put the spirit sword back into the scabbard, and made a preparation for Iaijutsu.


She stepped on her foot, and her figure was already attacking Lin Fei like a thunderbolt.

The moment the blade was unsheathed, the sky was full of cherry blossoms.An aurora-like sword energy was condensed and compressed into a line, which seemed to cut the space apart in an instant!

The cold light shone between the sky and the earth, completely blinding the eyes, and the terrifying cold aura it emitted even blocked everyone's spiritual sense detection.Even Wu Moling and other descendants of gods and witches tried to detect it with their divine sense, but they felt an extremely terrifying chill in an instant, as if they were going to freeze their souls.

There was a severe tingling pain in her mind, her face was pale and frightened, and her feet staggered immediately.If Ji Yaoguang hadn't supported him in time, he might have fallen to the ground.

Abe Xincun had expected it a long time ago, and was too lazy to observe the battle over there.Anyway, it was a battle without suspense, so there was no need to care about it.

A group of onmyojis who followed him also showed sighs on the spot, once again feeling his incomparable power.

They believed that Lin Fei had already died under this blow, and they all began to say nice compliments.

"Young Master, Shenwu, the confidant of the Shadow Death God, is like an ant in your hands, and you will die if you pinch it!"

"The young master is worthy of being the pride of Dongpu, and I am extremely revered!"

Abe Shinmura showed a satisfied smile.He squinted his eyes, covered the light above his head with a paper fan, and looked at the people in Feiyun Villa: "Tsk, they are really a group of beauties. Wouldn't it be a waste of money to fall into the hands of weak ants like Lin Fei?"

"Let me take it home and play enough, and then make it into a shikigami after I get tired of it."

But at this moment, he suddenly frowned, sensing something was wrong.

Because these women in front of them not only didn't panic in the slightest, but even stared at him with a look like a pen.

This shouldn't be!

Abe Xincun was stunned for a moment, and before he could react, he heard an indifferent voice: "You are very talented. I mean..."

"In terms of clown acting."

In an instant, Abe Xincun's pupils contracted sharply, and his previous calm and calm collapsed at this moment, and he suddenly looked up to follow the sound.

But he saw Lin Fei standing calmly in the distance with his hands behind his back, letting the broken hair on his forehead and clothes flutter in the wind, with the indifference in his eyes looking down on everything in the world, as if his body had never moved.

On the contrary, the shikigami, whose main body was Asakamiya Sakurabu, froze in place like a wooden sculpture of clay, maintaining the movement of drawing a sword and fighting, without moving.

Abe Xincun felt a "click" in his heart, and his expression changed immediately.

And that group of onmyojis exploded in an instant, panic and shock spread quickly, and they couldn't believe what they saw.

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