I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 373 Sprite: I'm Too Difficult

Feiyun Villa.


With a muffled sound, Abe Xincun's entire body was turned over, and his head hit the ground hard.

Half of his body was buried in the ground, only his two legs struggled towards the sky.

Directly came an upside down onion.

After finishing all this, the female lead let out a mouthful of turbid air, stretched her muscles and bones, and looked like she was still unsatisfied.

With strength in her arms, she pulled Abe Xincun out.

At this time, Abe Xincun was already bruised and swollen, and his face was swollen like a pig's head.Not only that, the bones of his arms were completely shattered, and he screamed like a pig being killed.

This weeping and embarrassing appearance is completely different from the previous feeling of "I am number one in the world".

Lin Fei looked indifferent, and the others were all dumbfounded.

Obviously, Abe Xincun had completely irritated the girl before.Once a woman's revenge psychology comes up, it must not be underestimated.

"Pretend to be the most handsome, and get the most vicious beating. He is a geek." Wu Moling sighed sincerely, and Abe Xincun once wanted to die.

Before he could speak, the nun stepped on his face with a "slap".

Abe Xincun let out another scream, the bridge of his nose was crushed, and his cheeks were stained red with blood.

"Almost enough," Lin Fei said casually, "Don't demolish this mountain."

Only then did the girl respond, kicking Abe Shinmura high into the air like kicking a football.

Seeing her flying up, Abe Xincun saw her snow-white slender legs coming towards her with a howling wind, and his eyes were tearing apart in an instant: "No!"


Amidst a loud bang, Abe Xincun was kicked out and exploded into a cloud of blood mist in the air.

Until the moment of his death, he was still in shock and fear.It's almost regretful, and I feel that I shouldn't provoke Lin Fei from the beginning.

It's a pity it's too late.

"Lin Fei, how could the Dongying people trouble you?" Ji Yaoguang couldn't help asking.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and said, "It's probably to please the Shadow Death, anyway, they don't do this kind of thing less."

Speaking of Dongying, he suddenly remembered that he had left a small tree there.

Lin Fei shook his head lightly, there was no need to pull it out urgently.What's more, if the commotion is too loud, those people with ulterior motives may be scared to fight, and they will never dare to show their heads again.

Yes, but not necessary.

"Master, Sister Yaoguang and I will go shopping on Chunxi Road and do some shopping." Wu Moling suddenly took Ji Yaoguang's arm and said to Lin Fei with a smile.

"Go." Lin Fei said casually.

Ji Yaoguang blushed a little, but was pushed down by Wu Moling, the "little assist expert", and went down the mountain together.

Lin Fei smiled slightly as he watched the backs of the two of them leaving.

And at this moment, he found that the expression of the woman next to him seemed to be not quite right, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

The female demon gritted her teeth, and said with some uncertainty: "Tianzun, I seem to have sensed the breath of the drought demon."

The place where the drought demon haunts is thousands of miles away, and it has the same power as the ancient goddess of drought.

"Oh?" Lin Fei was somewhat surprised.

Hanba is not worth mentioning in his opinion, but when it appears in the world, it is tantamount to a murderous thing.Wherever they go, people are devastated, the drought is endless, and the people are in dire straits.

But the most critical problem is that all of Nuba's divine power has been sealed in her body.It is reasonable to say that even if it is the power of the same attribute, it is difficult for her to feel it.


"Hanba is in a hard fight and has used all his strength to allow me to barely sense it." Nuba frowned.

"I was able to detect the existence of the Hanba earlier than you, and have the strength to deal with it." Lin Fei smiled, "That is the Tianshi Mansion."

Tracking down and subduing monsters like zombies has always been a specialty of the Tianshi Mansion.

"Tianzun," the female demon showed surprise, "the breath of the drought has gradually disappeared, and I can hardly feel it anymore. But it seems that it is not killed, but controlled!"

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a sneer.

For creatures like Hanba, they only catch them and don't kill them. What exactly does the Tianshi Mansion want to do?

With their meager strength, it is obviously impossible to completely seal the destructive power of Hanba.

"It seems that tomorrow I have to take Zhang Xiaoling with me and go to the Heavenly Master's Mansion in person." Lin Fei said lightly, without any emotion in his voice.


The land of the Western Desert.

Lin Xinyu, who had been silent for a long time, reappeared here.

"Are you sure the people from Tianshi Mansion have left?" She asked cautiously.

"Don't worry, this deity will not make such a mistake." Sprite said in a deep voice.

"Then are you sure that the Miejian is still there?" Lin Xinyu was a little nervous, afraid that everything she endured would be nothing more than fetching water from a bamboo basket.

If it was in the hands of the Tianshi Mansion, obviously she would not have the capital to get it back.

"Try to mobilize Tianzhu." Yao Yao was also a little uncertain.

Lin Xinyu took a deep breath, and wrapped around the fire dragon composed of nine karmic fires in his hand.

In an instant, she felt a breath pulling herself.

"It's still there!" Lin Xinyu was overjoyed for a moment, his figure flashed a few times, and he was already a thousand meters away.

Soon she came to the tomb where the poor cicada was buried, and under the guidance of the monster, she discovered the trick.

It turned out that this was a yin and yang tomb.

According to the conjecture, it should have been buried in the yang tomb of Qiongchan and Jiulong Huoxie, and the Yin tomb buried the most yin to evil Di Miejian.

This is the formation set up by Qiongchanling's able men, hoping to use this formation to win the world and live another life.

It's a pity that Qiongchan is cruel and vicious. At the beginning, he was determined to kill his brother Yaoyao for the sake of power.He could still control the Quartet while he was alive, but the situation was different after his death.

Perhaps because of some festival, the person in charge of the Yin-Yang Tomb went against the grain and buried the poor cicada in the Yin-Yang Tomb.Such a fierce feng shui pattern is obviously intended to ruin the luck of his descendants, and even make him a corpse after death.

Because of the huge commotion caused by the transformation of the poor cicada into the drought demon, a group of people in Tianshi's mansion discovered the location of the tomb.

But the existence of the Yang Tomb was concealed from the sky, obviously it was not detectable by their spiritual sense.

"Our time is coming!" Lin Xinyu murmured, trembling with excitement.

The ghost was silent for a moment, and reminded in a low voice: "Be careful."

Lin Xinyu smiled: "Are you caring about me?"

Sprite snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "I'm worried that this perfect body will be destroyed."

Lin Xinyu "cut": "Dead Tsundere."

The ghost was annoyed for a while, but wisely chose to give up arguing with her: "Little girl, this deity is not as knowledgeable as you."

In fact, it's just because it's too noisy.

Sprites let out a sigh from the bottom of their hearts:

"I'm so hard."

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