I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 377 You Can Kill the Drought

Including Zhao Jianghe, the three Yuanying Qi Taoists who drew their swords against Zhang Yun all died under the sword.


A stream of light pierced the sky, and it turned out that a baby the size of a palm was about to fly away.

It is Yuanying.

The prominent symbol of the Nascent Soul Realm cultivator is also where most of the divine power and true essence gather.As long as the soul and the Nascent Soul are not destroyed, the strong in this realm will try to enshrine the soul in the Nascent Soul and use their mana to escape when encountering a dangerous situation.

It's a pity that a sharp sword light shot up to the sky, compressed like a silver thread, and cut off the Nascent Soul directly.

Zhang Yun didn't even think about it, and directly put the broken Nascent Soul into the space jade pendant.

After all, the Nascent Soul is where most of the cultivator's true energy lies. If you spend some time refining and absorbing it, the benefits it can bring are self-evident.

He assigned the remaining two Nascent Souls to his subordinates, and then threw the three corpses to Hanba.

Hanba's thirst for blood actually made him extremely stiff and slowly but firmly moved, piercing the neck of the corpse with his sharp fangs.

Hanba showed a greedy and satisfied expression, and Zhao Jianghe's body shriveled up in an instant.

All the disciples of Tianshi Mansion saw this scene, all of them turned pale with fright, some even cried for their father and mother on the spot, and wanted to flee down the mountain.

However, with the blockade of the mountain guards, where can they go?

Ren Zhongxiao looked at Han Yan worriedly, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Tianshi, its power is getting stronger and stronger, what if it breaks free from the shackles of the talisman?"

Zhang Yun said disapprovingly, "Wouldn't that be better?"

As he spoke, he flipped his right hand.Following the flash of light from the jade pendant hanging around his neck, an extremely ancient stone box appeared in his palm.

There is nothing special about this box, and it looks extraordinarily unpretentious.If you want to say that the only particularity is that it has cut off all connections with the outside world, obviously for the purpose of storing valuables.

Ren Zhongxiao's heart was shocked, and he roughly guessed what it was.

It is definitely a treasure left by the patriarch Zhang Daoling!

But at this moment, Hanba sucked the spiritual blood of the three Nascent Soul powerhouses in a row, and suddenly went crazy.

"Roar!" It let out a terrifying roar like the roar of a demon god, and the magic talisman on top of its head actually "chi chi" burned and turned into ashes.

With Hanba as the center, the land within a radius of ten miles dried up quickly, and the vegetation also withered and died instantly.

Even Zhang Yun Yuanying's late-stage magic talisman couldn't hold back!

Feeling the blood in their bodies disappearing, the disciples of Longhushan were frightened out of their wits.

But Zhang Yun was not angry but happy, and immediately opened the box in his hand.


At this moment, a wave of righteousness swept across the entire Longhu Mountain.

Before even Zhang Yun could react, a golden immortal talisman was already pasted on Hanba's forehead.

The Hanba, which was about to burn the entire Longhu Mountain, was completely frozen in place, and the violent and turbulent aura dissipated instantly, without any fluctuations.

Zhang Yun laughed, unable to hide his complacency.

He put up two fingers together and ordered: "Sit!"

After the words fell, Hanba sat on the ground with a "boom".

The whole Longhu Mountain looked dumbfounded.

Zhang Yun was in high spirits, turned his head instantly, and looked down at everyone: "Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me perish!"

A large area of ​​Longhushan fell to its knees with a crash.

But at this moment, Zhang Yun frowned.

Because his spiritual sense had already noticed that three uninvited guests appeared at the foot of the mountain.

It was Lin Fei, Nuba, and Zhang Xiaoling.

Appeared out of thin air, without any warning!

"Could it be some kind of magic weapon of space?" Zhang Yun's eyes lit up, his eyes burning.

And just when such a thought flashed through his mind, he heard a loud bang.

With a backhand slap, Lin Fei exploded the entire mountain guard formation!

The light curtain around Longhu Mountain was shattered, full of radiance, and the little light gradually dissipated in the process of falling, like a beautiful rain of fireworks.

The whole Longhu Mountain was stunned, and everyone was taken aback.

Only Zhang Yun frowned, but he wasn't nervous at all.

After all, this is just a small formation, not a large formation of the dragon and tiger world in the small world behind, and it is not uncommon for it to be destroyed by the strong Nascent Soul.

"How dare you trespass into my Celestial Master's mansion and destroy the mountain protection array, are you impatient?"

"Bold lunatic, haven't you reported your name yet?"

"Quickly kneel down to the celestial master and wait for what to do!"

For a while, the crowd in Tianshi's mansion was furious, relying on the existence of Zhang Yun and Han Yan, they didn't have any scruples.

When Zhang Xiaoling came here, he felt in a trance for a while.

He found it very intimate here, as if he had been here for a long time.Seeing the withered and withered appearance of Longhu Mountain, he couldn't help being a little sad, even a little...angry.

Lin Fei ignored the group of clamoring people, but looked at Zhang Yun, and said lightly: "You said yes, why do you have to think about dying? It's not enough for me to die, so I have to drag the entire Tianshi Mansion as a backstop?"

After his words fell, the entire Tianshi Mansion was dumbfounded, and then burst into laughter.

Who is this person?How dare you say such big words, maybe there is something wrong with your brain?

Even Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "You are Lin Fei, right? You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth! But if you kill a useless person in my Tianshi Mansion, do you really regard yourself as a character?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's not enough to die by yourself, but you also dragged your family and brought a woman and child?"

He stroked his beard and said sarcastically, "I would like to see how you destroyed my Heavenly Master Mansion today!"

Hearing this, Nuba immediately stood in front of Lin Fei, and said with a stern look on her face, "Tianzun, do you want me to kill him?"

Zhang Xiaoling was a little scared, thinking that this big sister was too fierce, so he hid behind Lin Fei.

Lin Fei said lightly: "No need, there are people here who are more suitable than you to handle this matter, you just need to crush Hanba to death."

Everyone in Longhushan was dumbfounded, thinking that he was talking in his sleep.

However, what shocked them even more was that the woman agreed solemnly, as if she could really kill Hanba.

There was an uproar in the audience, and the pot exploded completely.

"Crazy! Can this woman deal with Hanba? You're probably living in a dream!"

"Hanba is invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to water and fire, and walks like the wind. He is a very vicious creature. Just because of this woman, he still wants to crush Hanba to death? I think he was crushed to death by Hanba!"

Zhang Yun also smiled, and looked at Lin Fei and the others playfully: "I was looking for you, but you came to my door on your own initiative. Since you want to die so much, then I will help you!"

"Hanba, kill them for me!"

At the same time, Lin Fei stretched out two fingers, and erased a corner of the seal between Nuba's eyebrows.

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