I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 387 Killer God VS Dragon God

Ying Long's physical body is extremely strong, even the magic bow that destroys the phantasm cannot take his life.

But the key issue lies in the karmic fire that is enough to burn out the soul.

Even if it is it, under the karmic fire of heaven and earth, it will not escape the death of the Dragon God!

Just at the critical moment, Wu Moling suddenly slapped Ying Long.


The enchantment talisman on her body was pasted on the surface of Yinglong's body, which immediately dispelled the karmic fire and disappeared in an instant.

But even so, Ying Long couldn't stop panting heavily.Between Tianlong's breath, violent winds were set off between the heaven and the earth.

She looked extremely weak, and when she transformed into a human form, it was obvious that her face was so pale that she could not see any blood, and she looked sluggish.

The hearts of the three women were beating wildly, and they felt the shock from the bottom of their hearts.

If it weren't for the timely protection of the body by the enchantment talisman, Ying Long would definitely die suddenly under this arrow!

I can't resist!

With the sprites in hand, the fighting power of the two sides is not at the same level at all!


The sprite's arms trembled, and the magic bow instantly transformed into two short blades, which circled and roared in his hands and turned into two black and red light wheels.

"Although the deity wants a hostage, one is enough." He sneered and proudly looked at Ying Long opposite.

Ying Long's pupils contracted sharply, and he actually swallowed Nu Ba and Wu Moling in one gulp.

Other than that, it really can't think of a way to protect the two at the same time!

"Can you do it?" Lin Xinyu's voice suddenly came from the ghost's mind.

"Nonsense, I can't do it, can you do it? Don't affect the deity's performance." Sprite said mercilessly.

Ying Long's golden pupils were full of anger and solemnity.

"Xiaoyao, you have Heaven's Punishment, and I have the enchantment talisman given by Tianzun, let's fight!" She didn't open her mouth, but her voice rang out between heaven and earth in the form of divine thoughts.

"That's fine." In the dark golden pupils of the monster, there was a fierce fighting intent, "After 3000 years, this deity can finally let go and fight!"

Ying Long stretched out his right hand to the side and held it in the void.

A dragon spear surrounded by a blazing white light suddenly appeared in her palm.

This is made of the keel that should be cultivated according to the life of the dragon, and its firmness is beyond doubt.And the silver armor she wears in human form is also the Heavenly Dragon Scale Armor formed from dragon scales.

Lin Xinyu suddenly became a little nervous: "That's the god of dragons, do you really have confidence!"

The sprite sneered, and responded: "I said earlier that in the heyday, the outcome between me and her was [-] to [-] points. Who will win, how do you know if you don't fight?!"


The two shouted loudly at the same time, violently killing each other.

The silver spear in Ying Long's hand slashed down with great force, like a beam of lingering light crashing down towards the ground.

The sprite's figure instantly disappeared on the spot, turning into thousands of blurred phantoms, surrounding it.


Ying Long's shot fell, making a phantom of monsters disappear in an instant, and directly smashed an unfinished building next to the highway into two sections from the beginning to the end, and collapsed with a loud noise.

The rocks pierced through the sky, and the sky was full of smoke and dust.

And hundreds of phantoms of sprites also launched attacks from all directions in an instant.

Qianying lore!

The sky is full of phantoms whistling vicissitudes of life, and the hands of Tian Zhu Di Mie are like phantoms with only faint traces of existence.

In one breath, thousands of knives were cut out, completely covering Ying Long's whole body!


The sounds from thousands of attacks gathered together, and the sharp howl directly pierced the eardrums of innocent people within hundreds of miles, and blood flowed out immediately.

Even in the nearby places, construction vehicles and asphalt roads cracked with the sound of "clicking".

"Yinglong, don't love to fight, hurry to Tianzun's side!" Nuba reminded solemnly.

On the other side, Lin Xinyu also reminded Yao Yao: "Xiao Yao, don't love to fight, just beat her until she spits out two hostages!"

To the reminder from the female demon, Ying Long answered decisively: "Don't say too much, I will kill the demon today!"

As for Lin Xinyu's reminder, Yaoyao also answered without delay: "Stop talking nonsense, I insist on letting her understand who is better!"

In Wu Moling's mind, two words immediately popped up: above.

Looking at this posture, it seems that both sides are going up!


Both sides have more rational and reasonable choices, but animals with emotions and thinking ability are often unable to be absolutely rational.

What's more, one is the God of Heavenly Dragons and the other is the God of Killers, both are existences with pride carved into their bones.

With Tian Zhu Di Mie in his hands, it was supposed to be the time to show off his glory, but he was blocked by a small and inconspicuous talisman. How could he swallow this breath in his heart?

And if Ying Long hadn't been protected by the enchantment talisman, he would have been instantly killed by his former rival, how could he endure it?

Wu Moling suddenly remembered that when he was playing games, he knew that sometimes he shouldn't play, but he just couldn't help it - if he didn't kill Teemo who kept "hahaha" on the opposite side, I would be driven crazy!

That's it.

Yaoyao and Yinglong looked at each other, and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

One hit decides the outcome.

The two raised their energy to the peak, and the terrifying power made the surrounding space tremble and scream.

"No Phase." The sprite muttered silently, and slowly closed his eyes.

The Heavenly Punishment and Earth Mie in his hands instantly merged into one, and his figure also turned into a shadow and attached to it.

Then disappeared into this world.

"Longyuan." Yinglong pointed like a sword, and the invisible field unfolded instantly.

Wu Moling and Nuba felt as if they had entered a strange space.

This place is like a grand abyss, surrounded by a vast mist, no sky above, no earth below, only the stone walls on both sides are faintly visible.


The scales on Ying Long's body turned from silver to gold, and the silver gun in his hand instantly turned into a golden gun, as if poured from fairy gold, shining with brilliance, full of masculine strength and beauty.

In this space, her strength has been greatly improved.

Wu Moling's heart hung tightly, because he didn't find the figure of the sprite, but became even more nervous.

In an instant, a destructive sword energy struck.

No sound, no thought, no shadow, no shape, no wind.

The real assassin's lore way should be so unobtrusive.

And deadly.


With a slight sound, it seemed that even time had been frozen.

There was a crack in the invisible barrier propped up by the enchantment talisman.

After the mother of all spiders, another existence that can damage enchantment talismans appeared.

After the soft sound, there was a violent fluctuation like the sky falling apart.

The entire abyss trembled, as if about to collapse and disintegrate.


Immediately after the sword fell, Ying Long also smashed Tian Zhu Di Mie with a tyrannical shot.

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