I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 397 Amaterasu Shrine

"Run away!"

"This news must be told to Amaterasu Shrine!"

"Escape separately, count as many as you can escape!"

Shimada Makoto and the others were frightened out of their wits by what they saw in front of them, and immediately used various methods to flee in all directions at high speed.

"Fixed." Lin Fei said lightly, locking the space of the entire Shimada City, and everyone's actions were frozen at this moment.

They maintained the posture of running for their lives in a hurry, and all of them showed horrified expressions.No matter how hard he struggled, he was still unable to move.

"I said before that there is no need for the Dongpu cultivation world to exist anymore." As Lin Fei spoke lightly, a fixed cherry tree beside him swayed unexpectedly.

The leaves fluttered down one by one, exuding a piercing sword intent, and there was a three-foot-long cold light flickering at the front of the leaf tips.

An extremely cold breath enveloped the entire Shimada City in an instant, as if it wanted to freeze people's souls.


Those flexible cherry tree leaves shuttled through the air like flying swords, easily piercing the eyebrows of each member of the Shimada family.In front of it, the body-protecting qi is like paper, and it can be broken with a poke.

The leaves pierced through the eyebrows of these people, penetrated the solid skull without stagnation, and came out from the back of the head with a string of blood.

For a moment, Shimada Makoto screamed shrillly, full of panic and despair.Especially for those who can't move but haven't died yet, the feeling of waiting to die is simply overwhelming, and some people are so frightened that water stains appear on the crotch, which looks extremely embarrassing.

"Chi, chi, chi—"

Lin Fei's expression was indifferent, and he just stood calmly in the field, letting the surrounding lights shuttle, one after another Shimada family members fell in a pool of blood.

These people in the Dongying cultivation world think that the Huaxia cultivation world is a bunch of pigs, and no matter how many people they kill, they don't need to give an explanation.

Then he will make an explanation for himself.

But in just a short moment, almost all the monks above the foundation establishment level in Shimada City were killed!Those who survived among these monks were nothing more than old, weak, sick, disabled and children.

And the rest of the ordinary people and those who have not reached the foundation establishment level have never been attacked.

As the restraining power in the space dissipated, these pale and trembling people were shocked to find that they were unscathed.

There was a little girl who watched a leaf come to her, screamed and cried out in fright: "Mom!"

However, that leaf fell to the ground very gently in front of her.

Lin Fei's face remained unchanged and he stood in the field.And around him, there were corpses lying in a pool of blood.

Those survivors looked at him, full of fear, shock, incomprehension, and deep hidden hatred, and their expressions were extraordinarily complicated.

"Why...don't you kill us?" An old man in his seventies and eighties, trembling with a cane, swallowed and asked in a trembling voice.

"I have acted without restraint in my life, why should I explain to you?" Lin Fei sneered.

Directly destroying the entire Shimada Castle, regardless of gender, age or age, is actually just a matter of thought.

Yes, but not necessary.

It is enough to get rid of the main members of the Shimada family, and it does not matter whether the others live or die.The most ruthless thing about war is that it will involve a large number of innocent people.What kind of evil things can such a dying old man in his seventies and eighties, or a child who is only seven or eight years old and still studying?

"I know that some of you have already sent a message to pass on the information here, but it doesn't matter." Lin Fei said lightly, "It is said that the deity that your Shimada family believes in is Tsukiyomi, so it's best to pray that she doesn't get into troubled waters. "

"Otherwise, prepare to witness her demise with your own eyes."

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Lin Fei soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky in an instant.


Amaterasu Shrine.

The person with the highest authority in the various shrines in Japan is not called the president, but is honored as the "divine master".

At this time, the god lord Misaka Yamada is leading a group of people in priestess costumes, surrounding a large formation full of spiritual power, chanting mysterious prayers in unison.

Accompanied by their voices, all the mysterious characters flowing with brilliance were submerged into the formation one by one, making the formation glow and filled with a mysterious atmosphere.

The members of the Onmyoji Abe family have contributed a lot to this formation, and the other two families are also praying devoutly.

"God Lord, Lin Fei has already killed Brother Shimada, I'm afraid he will come here now!" The face of a member of the Shimada family changed, and a shocking news broke out.

In an instant, the entire shrine was in an uproar and became a mess.

"What? Why did he come here at this time?!"

"Brother Shimada has a dragon soul, how could he kill him!"

"The big thing is not good, God Lord, you should think of a way!"

Misaka Yamada sneered, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes: "Don't worry, everyone, the Amaterasu Peak where my shrine is located has the soul of Yamata no Orochi imprisoned. It's just that this monster is extremely fierce and violent, so I dare not release it easily."

Immediately, he looked at the group of onmyojis, and said, "Now that the masters of the Abe family are here, we must work together to control and suppress them."

As the new family speaker, Abe Shinno frowned and said: "Even though Yamata no Orochi only has a soul left, it is not easy to control it."

That is the most powerful monster in the mythology of Japan. If it hadn't been killed by Susanoo, one of the three gods, I don't know how long it would be able to show its viciousness.

"Your Excellency, you can rest assured that I, Amaterasu Peak, is a spiritual peak second only to Mount Fuji. Together, we can mobilize the heaven and earth spiritual energy channel to activate a large formation. Presumably, we can barely control Yamata no Orochi for a while."

"No matter how strong Lin Fei is, he is no more than a mortal, and he is sure to die!" Misaka Yamada said firmly.

Seeing that he was so confident, Abe Shinno immediately agreed: "Okay, please ask Misaka to lead the way!"

He led a group of onmyojis to follow Abe Shinno, and came directly to the back mountainside.

As they performed the technique, the entire mountain suddenly made a "bang" sound, and the invisible seal was broken, and a gap was opened in the mountain, which continued to expand.

A terrifying and destructive energy suddenly swept out, making the Dongying people within a few kilometers around feel uneasy and inexplicably terrified.

The huge neighing sound like a snake spitting out a letter was like thunder, and a translucent illusory snake with eight heads came out of it.

Its body grew rapidly, and it turned into the size of a tall building in an instant. Eight huge snake heads roared towards the sky, shaking the world.

The bloody mouth showed sharp fangs, and there was even a trace of sticky saliva dripping, which was extremely ferocious.

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