I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 399 Ask your father to come out to see me

Yamata no Orochi let out a miserable neighing sound, like the last mournful cry of a dying snake.

And the ground it landed on turned into a swamp full of mud in an instant.

During a burst of mountain shaking and ground shaking, people within a radius of 2000 meters were almost unsteady.And the people who saw this scene could hardly breathe for an instant, and their brains were about to shut down.

"Damn it, it's not TV! It's real!"

"Everywhere Yamata no Orochi goes turns into a swamp, this is the real Yamata no Orochi, bastard!"

"Who is the person who stepped on it? Could it be that Susanoo appeared? It's too strong, it's unimaginable!"

"My God, what's going on in this world!"

On the other side, Abe Shinno was pursing his lips, and a chill ran up his spine, making him feel like falling into ice.His hair stood on end, goosebumps all over his body, and he couldn't stop trembling.

"What kind of devil did we provoke! Baga, Baga, Baga!" Abe Shinno went crazy, "The bastards of Shadow Death let us deal with this kind of devil!"

Immediately, he looked at Misaka Yamada, and almost roared angrily: "Didn't you say that you can kill ten or hundreds of Lin Fei if they come? Come on, go and kill him for me!"

Misaka Yamada's face was burning hot, and he even wanted to slap himself twice.

Damn, why did I have to wade into the muddy water?Isn't this courting death!

The head of the legendary Yamata no Orochi was easily trampled off by Lin Fei. What kind of mortal is he?

"Move, and I will kill you." Lin Fei looked at the struggling Yamata no Orochi, and said coldly.

Under the gaze of everyone's trembling eyes, Yamata no Orochi trembled all over, and then lay down on the ground in a regular manner, motionless.

And when those people saw Lin Fei's appearance clearly, they were all shocked.

"Not Susanoo!"

"It looks like a human being, how can it have such terrifying power?"

Lin Fei turned a deaf ear to all of this, but the word "Feng" appeared in his palm, and clusters of flames jumped out of five fingers, pressing on the body of Yamata no Orochi.

The size of Yamata no Orochi shrinks sharply, and it instantly becomes the size of a palm.

A ray of light swept out from the space ring between Lin Fei's fingers, and it was directly included in it.

On Amaterasu Peak, Misaka Yamada was already going crazy.

Where is my Yamata no Orochi?

A monster as big as a mountain was still there just now!

"It's over, it's over..." Misaka Yamada murmured dully, "Before Amaterasu came, Yamata no Orochi was taken away by him."

But at this moment, in a shrine in Dongying Linhai, there was a ray of light soaring up into the sky, condensing into a burly and tall figure.

The moment he appeared, the sea water boiled and roared, rushing upwards towards the sky.Immediately afterwards, the waves surged like a mad dragon, sweeping across the sky and earth, submerging the mountains and rivers, causing panic.

Immediately, the surging sea water was extremely compressed and condensed, and was endowed with vast divine power and turned into armor, covering his body.

Among the three gods of Dongying, it is needless to say that he was appointed by his father Izanagi as the god of the sea.

Suzuo's male, also known as Suzhan Wuzun.

"Haha, Suzhan Shrine has succeeded! God helped me too!" Sensing this, Misaka Yamada was ecstatic and felt that he saw the hope of victory again.

Lin Fei looked up, and at the end of the sky, there was a burly figure of Ling Tian shrouded in the vast water waves, and he was coming at a very fast speed with a ten-fist sword in his hand.

Susanoo's speed was so terrifying that even when everyone was here, a shocking sonic boom that pierced people's eardrums erupted from the sky above Suzhan Shrine.

I don't know how many times faster than the speed of sound.

"It's Susanoo!"

"It's great, one of the three gods has appeared, Lin Fei is sure to die!"

"Haha, Lin Fei, today is your death day!"

A group of onmyojis also cheered up, the previous despair and fear were swept away, and they wept with joy.

However, Lin Fei was not as flustered as they had imagined, and even glanced at Misaka Yamada lightly: "It seems that the three major shrines are calling your gods. Why, one Amaterasu is not enough, and three A false god dragged into the water?"

Misaka Yamada was stunned, and Dang even yelled angrily: "Bold, you dare to be rude to the three gods when you are about to die! Do you think that killing a Yamata no Orochi will make you invincible in the world?"

"Let me tell you, Yamata no Orochi is a joke in front of Susano, it's not worth mentioning!"

At the same time, Susanoo had already arrived at the sky above Amaterasu Peak.

He holds the divine weapon Ten Fist Sword in his hand, and the space around him is distorting, exuding terrifying fluctuations that make people palpitate.

Susanoo is a burly, aged middle-aged figure with a bushy beard and thick beard covering the upper and lower lips and chin.A head of messy long hair was scattered to the shoulders like weeds, and he stepped on the void with his bare feet, looking slovenly.

"See Suzhan Mingzun!" Misaka Yamada and the others did not dare to neglect, facing the legendary god, they immediately knelt down on the ground respectfully.

Tu Xiazuo made a big gift, almost knelt down with his whole body huddled up, his forehead touching the ground was almost close to his knees, which shows his low posture and pious and respectful attitude.

"Oh my god, is that...Suzhan Mingzun?!"

"It's really Susano!"

"Child, hurry up! Kneel down with me and pray to the gods!"

Not only them, but everyone in this world who saw this scene knelt down in fear and fear, and some even muttered and prayed for the blessing of the gods to make their wishes come true.

It's not worshiping statues like in temples and shrines, this is worshiping gods in the true sense.

If you look down from the sky, you can see crowds of people in the streets and alleys, and then a large area of ​​people kneeling down densely.

It was a sensation.

For a moment, only the two stood in the air, looking at each other from a distance.

It was Lin Fei and Susanoo.

Susanoo's face is rough, with a sense of calm and prestige similar to that of Zhong Kui.

On the other hand, Lin Fei had a handsome appearance, and his face was as calm and indifferent as water.

Susanoo's figure is as high as a ten-story building, and Lin Fei's figure is like an ant, which is not worth mentioning at all.

The Dongying people who saw this scene were instantly filled with righteous indignation.

"Who the hell is that guy?"

"Why didn't you kneel down when you saw Susanoo? A bold blasphemer who dares to disrespect the gods should be shredded into pieces!"

Misaka Yamada couldn't bear it any longer, his face sank immediately, and he reprimanded in a pretentious manner: "Bold Lin Fei, why don't you quickly kneel down when you see Susanoo?!"

However, Lin Fei didn't bother to look at him at all, he only looked at Susanoo, and said calmly: "Little boy, tell your father to come out and see me."

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