After Lin Fei asked Hua Ming's address, he hung up the phone.

The surname is Hua, is he called a genius doctor?

"Could it be Hua Tuo's descendant?" Lin Fei thought about it casually, but didn't take it to heart.

Lin Fei stopped a taxi and quickly rushed to the Chinese courtyard where Hua Ming was.

He pushed open the door and walked on the gravel-paved path in the front yard. Lin Fei saw the scene in the hall.

Hua Ming is taking the pulse of an old man with gray hair, and his grandson Huacheng is standing beside him.

Behind the old man was a well-dressed middle-aged man.There are even two bodyguards, who at first glance are of prominent families.

At this time, Hua Ming frowned, shook his head and sighed: "Ji Lao is in the late stage of liver cancer, and the cancer cells have spread to the bone marrow."

"A terminally ill, immortals are hard to save."

"I can only give you a prescription. If you insist on taking it, you will probably live an extra year or two."

Ji Zhongjin smiled, his old face full of folds wrinkled together, like an autumn chrysanthemum: "Hua Shenyi really lives up to its reputation, and I can diagnose my illness just by diagnosing my pulse."

You must know that the spread of cancer cells to the bone marrow was also the latest condition diagnosed by his medical team yesterday.

He has lived [-] out of [-] years, and he is already bearish about the fact that he is about to enter the earth.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural.

On the contrary, the middle-aged man behind Yao Zhongjin was more difficult to accept than the client.

Yao Chongwei frowned, and his words were somewhat unwilling: "Hua Shenyi, I heard the little girl said that you have cured the incurable poison on her body, so I brought my father to see you."

"You can solve the poison that the world's top medical personnel are helpless, is there really no other way for my father's illness?"

Hua Ming showed embarrassment again, and he felt guilty when he mentioned this.

He still doesn't understand how Ji Yaoguang's illness is so good!

At this moment, a faint voice came over: "He is not good at learning, and he can't solve the poison of thousands of spiders at all."

Everyone present was startled, and immediately looked at the people who came.

A young man who seems to be ordinary, how can he speak so loudly, and dare to say that Xishu's divine medicine is not skilled?

Huacheng was angry on the spot, and scolded Lin Fei, "Who are you?"

"You came uninvited, this is a forced invasion of the house, do you know? Get out of here!"

Lin Fei strolled closer and gave him a glance, "I have a bad temper. I advise you to be careful with your words and deeds."

After a pause, he added with a smile: "It's easy to die."

There was an uproar.

This person broke in for no reason, and the exit threatened the life of others?

Yao Chongwei sneered, and his majesty in a high position immediately showed: "Wang Longwanghu, throw this neurosis that disturbs the tranquility of the genius doctor to me!"

The two bodyguards responded and immediately shot at Lin Fei.

Like a vein of high-footed Wing Chun.

Bursting with an inch of strength, the maximum strength can be exploded within a distance of two inches, and it can easily knock down a strong man weighing 180 catties.

However, Lin Fei was faster.


The sound of two fractures sounded almost at the same time, overlapping in one place.

The two bodyguards failed to react, and their arms were dislocated by Lin Fei.Before the scream could come out, he felt the world spinning for a while, and he was thrown out the door with a "dong" sound.

Everyone present was shocked and angry, and Yao Chongwei was even more shocked.

You know, both of his bodyguards are retired special forces, and they have practiced Wing Chun for more than ten years before serving.

The special forces are all first-class experts, so Lin Fei easily solved it?

Everyone present was shocked by this hand.Hua Ming was extremely angry in his heart, but he was afraid that Lin Fei would move his hands again, so he tried his best to suppress his anger: "Little brother, what do you mean?"

"I ask myself there is no place to offend you?"

Lin Fei didn't bother with him, he pulled over a bench and sat down, straight to the point: "I won't take ill-gotten wealth, and I won't be greedy if it's not my own merit. Doctors are virtuous. Back then, that kid Hua Tuo could become a generation of medical saints. Relying on it is bright and aboveboard, medical detachment."

"I didn't expect the younger generation of the Hua family to be so immoral and greedy, playing tricks of deception and fooling! I have nothing to do today, but I don't mind cleaning the door for him!"

Lin Fei's voice was very calm, but it set off a storm in the hearts of everyone.

"Bullshit, get out of here quickly, or I'll call the police!" Hua Cheng became angry.

Ji Zhongjin, who has been watching the changes, can't maintain the mentality of Gujing Wubo, and there is already a warning in his words: "Young man, do you know who I am?"

As one of the most prestigious entrepreneurs in Rongcheng, Ji Zhongjin has a not-so-simple network in the military, police and political circles.In his opinion, it only takes one sentence to make the young man in front of him never stand up again.

However, Lin Fei smiled and said very naturally: "You are the grandfather of my future daughter-in-law."

The three Ji family were stunned and looked at each other.

Holy crap, is this really a messy relationship?

However, Lin Fei ignored their thoughts, but looked at Hua Ming and said, "Liver cancer can't be cured, it's just that the medical skills are not good."

"If you can't cure thousands of spiders and ten thousand poisons, how dare you accept 8000 million consultation fees?"

"The medical skills are not good, and there is no medical ethics. It really brings shame to your ancestors."

Hua Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Lin Fei in disbelief.

Huacheng didn't know, he just thought he was slandering grandpa, and immediately said angrily: "What qualifications do you have to slander my grandfather?"

"You said that my grandfather can't do it. If you ride a horse, you can do it. I don't believe you can cure liver cancer!"

Lin Fei didn't change his face, nodded lightly and said, "Okay."

Hua Cheng sneered, waiting to see his joke.

Cure advanced liver cancer?An idiot is talking about a dream, and he is not afraid that the wind will flash his tongue.

Yao Chongwei also showed a sullen look on his face, and slammed the table with a "bang": "Naughty!"

"Let this lunatic full of nonsense treat my father, what if something happens?"

Lin Fei ignored it and stretched out his right hand calmly.


There was an invisible attraction in the void, and in an instant, a row of silver needles flew through the air.

The silver needles were neatly suspended in the air, staying an inch in front of Lin Fei's fingers.


Hua Cheng's feet softened and he sat down on the ground with a look of horror on his face.

Everyone was shocked by Lin Fei's hand, and they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

What the hell!

This Nima is too mysterious, right? !

Hua Ming was so excited that his whole body was shaking, and his eyes were wet: "Yinian Royal Needle, the legendary Yinian Royal Needle!"

Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I can still see such a mythical operation!

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