I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 407 The Holy Tree of Fusang

"Izanaki, the little god of Takamahara..." Izanaki knelt down and kowtowed to Lin Fei tremblingly, "See Emperor Lin Tian!"

God Amaterasu's scalp was numb for a while, and Dang even gritted his teeth and said urgently: "Father God, he is no longer the aloof Lin Tiandi! Now he only has a healthy body, and his cultivation is no more than the Nascent Soul realm!"

"As long as you do it yourself, killing him will be easy. Our Gaotianyuan will usher in a great fortune, and even be able to overthrow the high fairy world and establish our supreme kingdom of God!"


When Izanagi heard this, his heart shook violently.He regained his composure from the previous shock, and checked with his spiritual sense, only then did he realize that what his eldest daughter said was true, and that Lin Fei in front of him was just an ant in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Nascent Soul Stage!

What a humble existence!

"Even if his physical body is intact enough to crush Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, this does not mean that he can escape the control of the god! As long as he uses the power of the kingdom of God to seal him under Gao Tianyuan, let his physical body shock the world, there is no It's hard to escape with cultivation!"

"At that time, I can draw it slowly and get all his good fortune..." Thinking of this, Izanagi's breathing became more and more rapid, and he felt his whole body trembling.

There are too many kingdoms of gods and demons in the multiverse, such as high heaven, hell, and heaven, but there is only one supreme fairyland.Just as China was the "kingdom of the heavens" back then, and the four sides were required to submit to the country to kowtow to worship, and the fairyland also existed in this way.

The fairy world is above many god kingdoms, just like the demon world is above many demon lands, it is awe-inspiring and frightening.

But as long as he can seize all of Lin Tiandi's good fortune, plus his own cultivation base...what's the point of the fairy world? !

"Izanagi," Lin Fei said with a sneer, "greed is the soil that breeds and perishes."

Izanagi trembled all over, thinking of Lin Fei's unfathomable heavenly power, he felt panic and uneasiness again.

He is in conflict.

Yuedu seemed to see through this scene, and immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Father, don't hesitate! If he kills our sisters to seize the divine power, this physical body is no longer an empty shell, and you will not escape!"

Izanagi broke out in a cold sweat instantly, gritted his teeth and stood up, staring at Lin Fei covetously.

His divine pupils were full of solemnity and killing intent, strands of golden light radiated from the corners of his eyes, and his whole body exuded an extremely terrifying aura of destroying the world.

"You really only have the Nascent Soul realm!" Izanagi sneered, annoyed by his previous actions.

He is just an ant that can be crushed to death at will. As the father of Gao Tianyuan, I want to kneel down like this ant? !

"So what? It's still easy to kill you." Lin Fei said lightly, without revealing the fact that he had the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

If you want to come to the dignified Father God, it would be more interesting if you died in the hands of an ant in the Nascent Soul Realm?

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous!" Izanagi exuded a terrifying aura, which made people in the whole hemisphere feel a wave of panic and uneasiness, as if a stone was blocked in his heart, oppressive and dull, suffocating.

"I've already been through it. An ant in the Nascent Soul realm dares to yell in front of this god!" He said coldly, and slammed down the killer, slapping Lin Fei with his palm.

The void shattered like a mirror!

The power beyond the limit of this plane suddenly made the whole earth tremble uncomfortably, scaring billions of people to turn pale!

This is the real fight between gods and mortals.


A divine light as thick as a mountain suddenly flashed across, lying in front of Lin Fei and Izanagi.

The golden divine light is so bright that it is impossible to see what is inside.But there was a "squeak" sound from it, which stabilized the space and restored the void to its original state, and the entire earth stabilized instantly!

Izanagi's world-destructive blow was unexpectedly blocked by it.

"This aura...it's the holy tree of hibiscus!" Izanagi's pupils shrank sharply, staring at the mountain-like aura in front of him.

"Shan Hai Jing. Overseas East Classic" contains: "There is a hibiscus in Tanggu, which is bathed for ten days, and it is in the north of Heizhi."

The hibiscus tree is a sacred tree that reaches the sky, consisting of two big mulberry trees that support each other.The "ten suns" born by Emperor Jun's wife and the sun goddess Xihe, that is, ten three-legged golden crows, once inhabited and lingered on it.

Lin Fei once shot and killed a three-legged golden crow that used its divine power to disrupt the world. It was from here that he climbed up and accidentally shot the hibiscus tree out of a huge hole with his arrow.Because of this, when he played in the archery club earlier, Lin Fei claimed that he only "knew a little" about archery.

But that guy Hou Yi "chased stars like crazy", imitated Lin Fei's move and shot and killed the nine golden crows that caused harm to the common people, and finally trampled down the already overwhelmed hibiscus tree.This action caused Di Jun to be furious——Emperor Lin Tian killed my son, so I dare not speak out, but what are you, Hou Yi?Let me die!

All in all, the hibiscus tree is broken.

Lin Fei inserted it casually, allowing it to grow again.And because of the worship of the sacred tree, Dongying even once used "Fusang" as the country's name.

This is the "little tree" that Lin Fei planted in Dongpu.

Izanagi showed a dignified look on his face, and tightly clenched the Amuma Spear in his hand, not daring to relax in the slightest.

But then he seemed to think of something, and after a moment of surprise, he couldn't help but burst into ecstasy, and laughed out loud.

"Father God, what are you laughing at?" God Amaterasu was dumbfounded.

"I laugh at Lin Fei, an idiot who overestimates his abilities. He wants to use the sacred tree of Fusang even in the realm of Nascent Soul! Not to mention ordinary gods, even the two of you sisters can hardly shake the sacred tree of Fusang!"

"Unless he has the blood of the Golden Crow, it is wishful thinking for him to use the sacred tree of Fusang to kill me. Hehe, God is helping me! This time, not only can I get all his good fortune, but also the sacred tree of Fusang!"

"Lin Fei, what's it like just making a wedding dress for someone else?" Izanagi said sarcastically, as if he had a chance to win, "I think you're out of your wits, so you're in a hurry to jump over the wall!"

Amaterasu and Yuedu also became excited in an instant, and quickly saluted and complimented: "Congratulations to Father God! With the good fortune of Lin Fei and the sacred tree of hibiscus, he will definitely be able to sweep the multiverse and become the next supreme existence!"

When Izanagi heard that his two daughters were so good at talking, and thought of such a scene, Dang even laughed out loud, looking extremely excited.

"The blood of the Golden Crow?" Lin Fei looked at this scene with cold eyes, his heart was not fluctuating and he even wanted to laugh, "Take a look at what this is?"

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