I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 414 The background of the Black Wind Society

Shock and panic quickly spread in everyone's hearts.

"What?! That tea guest is the fourth son of Tianmo Palace, Su Tianshuang?"

"Is this the Heifenghui... What a terrifying aura!"

"Oh my god, why on earth! It's just a young master's subordinate force, but the old man actually felt the aura of six Nascent Soul powerhouses in it!"

"Master Qianlong, are you kidding me? Six Nascent Soul experts, how is this possible!"

In today's Chinese cultivation world, apart from the hidden old monsters that may exist, the strongest of the top sects are also in the late Yuanying period.The strong Nascent Soul can be called the strongest combat power of a sect.

And in the Heavenly Demon God Palace, there are actually six Nascent Soul Realm powerhouses under the command of one young master.

So, what about the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace?

This... just thinking about it is enough to make people suffocate and depress.

The Nascent Soul walks all over the place, and there are as many Jindans as dogs!

At this moment, everyone felt deep fear.

What kind of frightening background does the Heavenly Demon Palace they want to attack have?No wonder he dared to use his own strength to openly challenge the entire Chinese cultivation world!

The energy of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace is far beyond imagination. Now that the large forces of the Chinese comprehension world have not yet arrived, it is obvious that even with the power of all the comprehensionists on the entire Haohao Long Street, they will not be able to fight against this Black Wind Society detachment!

This is an extremely frightening and embarrassing fact.

Nan Mingyi was trembling all over, his face was as pale as paper, and the swordsmen behind him were even more frightened.

"My lord, Nan Mingyi dared to offend you, how should I deal with it?" The leader of the Black Wind Society kneeling at the front was named Hong Tu, and on his gloomy and stern face, there was a hideous scar from the corner of his eye to his mouth, making the whole People look more ferocious.

Su Tianshuang sighed softly, waving the paper fan with one hand, putting the other behind his back, and stood up unhurriedly.

He turned his head, turned his back to Nan Mingyi and said, "Kill."

Naturally, Nan Mingyi didn't want to sit still and waited for death, so he let out a loud shout immediately, and a ray of aurora burst out from the blade in his hand, straight for the head on Su Tianshuang's neck.

Su Tianshuang did not make any movements strangely, which made Nan Mingyi look ecstatic, thinking that this blow was inevitable.

But right now.


Hong Tu with a gloomy face suddenly appeared in front of Nan Mingyi, even leaving a faint afterimage, causing the latter's pupils to shrink sharply.

Hong Tu exuded a blazing demon like a raging flame, which made Nan Mingyi feel horrified out of thin air, and saw a violent and ferocious demon god phantom.

Knife against knife.

Nan Mingyi gave it all up, roaring angrily and wielding the long knife in his hand vigorously.There was a blue flood dragon above the long knife, roaring and attacking Hong Tu with the aurora-like blade.

This kind of scene and momentum is enough to shock people, and it is worthy of being Nan Mingyi, the mad knife in the sea of ​​blood.

It's a pity that Hongtu's method is even more terrifying.

Demon Dragon Slash!


A black dragon was wrapped around the long knife in his hand, and he slammed into the dragon fiercely.


Amidst the huge explosion, although both of them compressed their strength to the extreme to target the enemy, the shock wave emitted by the collision still made Elder Wu of Wudao Tea House spit out a mouthful of blood, clutching his chest and taking two steps back in horror.

He knew that the situation was not good, and wanted to block the impact to prevent everyone from being affected.But he never thought that just the aftermath would be unbearable for him!

The ice-cold flood dragon let out a scream of horror and grief in an instant, and was torn apart by the dragon's sharp claws surrounded by strands of magic energy.


The blade slashed, and Nan Mingyi's head fell to the ground with a "gulu". The headless body gushed blood like a spring into the sky, and fell to the ground.

Everyone felt a chill run up their spines, making their hair stand on end, and some even swallowed their saliva.

"Another...another one-hit kill?"

This is not a cat or a dog, but Nan Mingyi, the mad knife in the sea of ​​blood!

What's even more frightening is that the one who killed him in one blow was not the Fourth Young Master, but the leader of his subordinate Black Wind Society!

Are even the men so scary?

"So strong, what level is he in?" Ji Yaoguang asked.

"Late Nascent Soul." Lin Fei gave the answer lightly.

The direct disciples of the Heavenly Demon God Palace only select the ones with the highest talents, not the ones with the strongest cultivation and strength.

Obviously, at the same age, Hong Tu is naturally inferior to Su Tianshuang's achievements.But he is older than Su Tianshuang and has been practicing for longer.This also caused his realm to be even slightly higher than Su Tianshuang's, and he was already halfway to becoming a god.

Only one step away from the door, you can step into the realm of transforming gods!

The group of swordsmen behind Nan Mingyi felt terrified. Immediately, someone screamed and stepped on the sword to fly away with extreme speed.There are even people who directly burn the blood of the soul and use the technique of blood escape to escape.

Some people also knelt down and begged for mercy, knowing that there was no hope of escape.

Su Tianshuang didn't speak, but a group of Black Wind Society members had already moved.


Black afterimages flitted across the sky.When they acted in groups, it was like a black wind was blowing in the sky.

This is a crush without any suspense.

Even the person who performed the blood escape technique was forcibly beaten back by the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art, preventing them from escaping.

But in a short while, Nan Mingyi's group was completely wiped out, and all the members of the Black Wind Society quickly returned to Su Tianshuang's side.

All the cultivators were in a state of panic, fearing that with the order of Su Tianshuang, this group of members of the Black Wind Society, who were like a black torrent, would drive everyone to death.

However, he just closed the paper fan with a "snap", flipped it around twice in his hand, and walked in front of the beautiful female monk.

The female monk trembled slightly in fright, and her body became stiff.

Su Tianshuang closed his eyes, leaned closer to the female monk, twisted a lock of her long hair, with an intoxicated look on his face.

The corner of Ji Yaoguang's mouth twitched slightly, and everyone in the audience also looked strange.

Only Heifenghui held everyone in awe, silent and calm.

"Is this a pervert?!" Ji Yaoguang secretly complained.

Seeing Su Tianshuang's handsome face so close at hand, the female monk's heart was beating wildly.

"What should I do? Is he going to rape me?"

"Although there is no balance between good and evil, he is really... so handsome!"

"Oh, I'm so ashamed, so many people are watching, what should I do! Should I be more reserved and arrogant? But what if he gets angry and turns around and wants to take my life?"

"What a handsome guy, but it's a pity he's a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and he's also a pervert..."

Many emotions flashed in her heart, and unconsciously, two touches of blush appeared on her pretty face, as gorgeous as peaches and plums.

However, what this female monk never expected was that Su Tianshuang said something that almost petrified her on the spot:

"What's in the sachet on your body?"

Su Tianshuang looked self-confident, and said: "Such a rich and strange fragrance is barely worthy of my temperament and appearance."

This nun was dumbfounded.

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