I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 431 Infiltrating the Temple of Heavenly Demons

Ji Yaoguang was stunned.

She blinked her bright autumn eyes, looked a little stunned, and pushed back the hair from her temples.

What happened to this woman named Liu Meng, who suddenly jumped out to be her love rival?

"It's too bad for you to be targeted by this violent maniac." Su Tianshuang had a very natural look on his face, but secretly transmitted voice to Lin Fei, his tone was full of sympathy.

Violent maniac?

Lin Fei laughed it off and didn't take it seriously.

Liu Meng ignored the many monks gathered here, and began to set up the teleportation formation in a grand manner.

A flash of white light flashed across her string of space bracelets emitting a glimmer of light, and she took out a lot of spirit jade engraved with formation patterns in an instant.

With a wave of Liu Mengxian's hand, these spirit jades immediately made a "chi chi" piercing sound, circling around, enveloping everyone in the Heavenly Demon God's Palace.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yaoguang immediately soared into the sky, and Yufeng flew towards Lin Fei.

In an instant, a black light flashed all around.

Accompanied by this black light, everyone in the Heavenly Demon God Palace and Yushi disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a group of cultivators staring blankly at this scene, each one of them seemed extremely unwilling and aggrieved.

They had come here aggressively, clamoring to hold a "demon-slaying conference", but they found out how stupid and ridiculous their ideas were.The strength of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace has already surpassed the entire Chinese cultivation world, and it gave everyone a resounding slap in the face!

There is a good saying in this world, which is "Join if you can't beat it".

However, what is suffocating is that most of the people present are not even qualified to join the Heavenly Demon God Palace—even as ordinary members of the Black Wind Society!

And on the other side.

With the identity of "No Name", Lin Fei grandly came to the gate of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace.

At first glance, it is shocking.

The complex of buildings here is magnificent, and at first glance, it looks like you have come to a real palace.

Lin Fei didn't have any expression on his face, he was quite calm as if a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.


And the members of the seventh team who followed him gave out a neat exclamation almost instantly.

Su Tianshuang glanced at everyone complacently, as if to say, "I just like you guys who have never seen the world's bumpkins."

Seeing the appearance of the crowd, Jiang Qingyue immediately introduced briefly: "The Tianmo Palace covers an area of ​​36 square meters, with a construction area of ​​about 7.5 square meters. There are more than 4000 palaces of various sizes and more than [-] houses."

"In addition, there are still a lot of land around, and the number of Lingquan Lingtian is also quite large."

Everyone was dumbfounded for a moment, secretly shocked.

Lin Fei remained silent, just looking at how exaggerated this small world was to a terrifying degree, he knew who wrote it.

Lin Yuan.

"This scale is almost equal to half of the Forbidden City in Yanjing!" Ji Yaoguang said with emotion.

Yanjing Forbidden City, also known as the "Forbidden City" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, is known as the first of the "Five Great Palaces in the World".

After entering the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, Ji Yaoguang even had the illusion of being in the Forbidden City.

Exactly the same magnificent atmosphere.

There are more than ten kinds of roofs in different forms.

Taking the Eight Great Halls as an example, the roofs are different and covered with glazed tiles of various colors.The main hall seat is dominated by ink color.

Other colorful colored glazes such as blue, purple, emerald, malachite green and sapphire blue are mostly used in gardens or colored glaze walls.

There are many high-rise classical buildings with carved beams and painted buildings, and Danying carved Jue.

Among them are people coming and going, as orderly as in an ancient imperial city.There were even many young maids shuttled back and forth, saluting and saying hello to everyone.

Walking in front of a magnificent palace with the words "Sky Shuang Palace" written on it, Su Tianshuang suddenly stopped in his tracks.

"Seventh Junior Brother, I still have something to do when I think about it, so I won't accompany you for now, so I leave." He looked at Lin Fei and said.

"Fourth senior brother, go slowly." Lin Fei nodded slightly, knowing that he probably couldn't take it anymore, and he really couldn't pretend to be nonchalant, so he had to go back to deal with his injuries.

Seeing this scene, Liu Meng immediately said, "The [-]th team of the Black Wind Society has also dispersed, and there is nothing for you now."

When the fifth team heard this, they clasped their fists and took the order, while the fourth and sixth teams looked at Su Tianshuang and Jiang Qingyue respectively.

After the two nodded, the dense crowd of members of the Black Wind Society dispersed in all directions.

Only Hong Tu followed behind Su Tianshuang, and said in a hoarse voice, "Fourth Young Master, I have some questions about cultivation, and I would like to ask you for advice."

Su Tianshuang froze for a moment.

This guy is hiding his secrets now, so how can I ask him anything?

Immediately after realizing it, Hong Tu probably wanted to help him heal his wounds, but it was just a cover.

"Oh, I really can't help it. There are so many troubles for the strong." Su Tianshuang shrugged helplessly, "Then I will give you a few pointers."

"Thank you, Fourth Young Master." Hong Tu responded, followed him and walked towards Tianshuang Palace.

Jiang Qingyue accompanied Liu Meng and led the crowd all the way to an unnamed palace.

"Seventh Junior Brother, from now on, this palace will belong to you." Liu Meng said, "Please write an autograph for it."

Lin Fei looked at this building similar to the "Kunning Palace" in the Forbidden City, and stretched out his finger through the void.

He wrote the characters in the air, and left the three characters of "No Name Palace" on the plaque.

Gold hook and silver painting, sword intent Lingyun.When everyone looked directly at it, they actually felt the force of the sword, and even vaguely heard the clanging and chilling sound of the sword.

Li Changhe and the others were filled with emotion, secretly saying that they deserved to be the strong who defeated Su Tianshuang.

Liu Meng told Lin Fei that everything here has been arranged in advance.In addition, there are twelve maids, and all the daily management and other things can be handed over to them.

"This is the Heavenly Demon Order, which represents your identity as a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Palace. In the future, if you meet someone in the world who does not know Mount Tai, you can save some trouble by directly showing this thing."

"Of course, the symbolic meaning is greater than the actual meaning. You don't care where you want." Liu Meng obviously didn't care about this kind of thing, and he felt like following a formulaic process, and handed a black jade token to Lin Fei.

Then she took out another Black Wind Token.

The moment they saw this token, the eyes of the six Nascent Soul Late Stage powerhouses of the seventh team all brightened.

This represents the identity of the team leader. If the seventh son is excluded, he will have the absolute right to speak in the seventh team!

"Who do you want to hand it to?" Liu Meng casually threw it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei took the jade order and threw it to Li Changhe under the eyes of everyone.

Li Changhe was overwhelmed instantly, and hurriedly saluted, "Thank you for your appreciation, Young Master Seven! This subordinate will do his best for Young Master Seven, until he dies!"

It's so unpredictable.

The person who bowed to Lin Fei now was the respected Quanzhen Daoist Supreme Elder before.

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