The maid's complexion changed slightly, and she immediately closed her mouth, looking at her nose and heart, not daring to answer this question.

Lin Fei didn't mention this again, but went to see the situation of his own Black Wind Society team.

Ji Yaoguang once felt that he was a bit superior and was too devoted to playing the role of "Wu Ming".

At this time, the seventh team of the Black Wind Society has been formed. Although there are as many as six monks in the late Yuanying period alone, there is always a faint feeling of sloppyness.

Compared with the other teams, they looked like a group of mobs, without that kind of silent and chilling aura that made people feel powerful and oppressive.

Lin Fei was even sure that the late Nascent Soul cultivators here were not as effective as the Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivators in other teams.

And these people don't have a sense of collective belonging at all, they just stand together, and they don't have the feeling of unity and solidarity like other teams.There is no formation at all when standing, and there is absolutely no coordination at all.

If you really want to go to battle as a group, I'm afraid that the accidental injury to your own people will be extremely serious.

in short.

Even wearing the hooded black robe and cloak of the Black Wind Society, they are not at all like members of the Black Wind Society, but more like a team of counterfeit goods gathered from somewhere...

Jiang Qingyue was speechless when she saw this group of people, but Lin Fei looked extremely calm.

Anyway, he doesn't care about these things, and he doesn't really want to cultivate a usable force for himself.

"Seventh Junior Brother, you came just in time!" Jiang Qingyue jumped up when she saw Lin Fei coming, "Your people will be returned to you, I don't care!"

Zhao Changhe and the others were dumbfounded.

What do you mean by that, the co-author thinks we are a pile of trouble, so we are in a hurry to get rid of it?

Ji Yaoguang even felt strangely that it was as if the substitute teacher had encountered a group of extremely troublesome poor students.Then I saw the class teacher who came back from leave, and excitedly threw this group of poor students back...

"I heard from Fifth Senior Sister that they will also learn "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art", so I thought it was arranged for you to teach it." Lin Fei said with a smile.

Jiang Qingyue shook her head like a rattle, and said hastily: "That's not the case! Except for the inner disciples, the newcomers to the Demon Palace are all taught by the captain of the Black Wind Society."

Lin Fei touched his chin and said with a smile: "Among the captains, who is the most powerful?"

Jiang Qingyue said without hesitation: "It must be Ye Ming of the first team, he is already in the early stage of transformation."

Hearing such words, Zhang Changhe and others' hearts were beating wildly, and their eyeballs almost popped out!

A sub-leader is in the early stage of transformation, which is too scary.

"Since that's the case, then I'll trouble him to teach this group of people." Lin Fei said.

Jiang Qingyue showed a look of embarrassment, touched her nose and said: "Uncle Ye Ming...except for the elder brother and the deputy palace master, he doesn't listen to anyone. It may be difficult to ask him to help. …”

Lin Fei smiled and said, "How do you know if you don't try it?"

Jiang Qingyue also sighed, pointed out the location of "Invincible Palace", and asked Lin Fei to go there to find Ye Ming.

Lin Fei smiled when he heard the place name with a strong atmosphere in the middle school.

After saying goodbye to Jiang Qingyue, he came to the Invincible Palace.

Ye Ming is a middle-aged man with a burly figure and a vicissitudes of life, without any amazing aura in his body.If other monks saw him here, they might regard him as a handyman without any cultivation.

Because not only did he hide all his cultivation auras, he even picked up a broom and swept the dead branches and leaves around.

Lin Fei didn't have any thoughts of wasting time, and he explained his intentions when he came up, hoping that he could guide and train the newly established seventh team of the Black Wind Society.

"Give me a reason." Ye Ming didn't even raise his eyelids.

Lin Fei said directly: "Do you want to learn Heavenly Demon Transformation and Heavenly Demon Flame Dance?"

Ye Ming's heart shook violently, he raised his head immediately, and his eyes became sharper instantly: "The Heavenly Demon Palace has dead rules on the formulas that the Black Wind Society can learn, and these two moves belong to the category that the Black Wind Society cannot learn .”

Lin Fei smiled faintly: "I just ask if you want to learn."

Ye Ming clenched his teeth tightly and did not answer.

Since no answer is required, the answer is yes.

"Maybe you don't know yet," Ye Ming said in a deep voice, "Even if you are the seventh son, they will also set up restrictions in your soul to prevent the possibility of the core part of "Heavenly Demon and Divine Art" being leaked. Even if someone wants to use it The soul-searching technique captures your memory, and this prohibition will also shatter your soul first!"

Lin Fei smiled and said, "Then who is responsible for imposing this kind of restriction on me?"

Eldest brother and deputy palace master are not here, in the entire Heavenly Demon God Palace, who else can surpass this person in front of him?

With his cultivation in the realm of transforming gods, it's not a problem to deceive the sky and cross the sea.

Ye Ming also smiled suddenly, and took a deep look at the new young master: "Seventh young master, you are very interesting."

Lin Fei said modestly: "Everyone, each other."

Ye Ming asked Lin Fei to come closer, then bit his index finger, and wrote the word "seal" between his eyebrows with blood and great mana.

Ye Ming originally thought that Lin Fei would shrink back or be afraid, but he never thought that he didn't even wrinkle his eyelids, as if he was not afraid of doing anything by himself.

The blood quickly sank into Lin Fei's altar, turning into an invisible seal to wrap his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I will temporarily seal your sea of ​​consciousness with the Heavenly Demon Conferred God Art. At that time, the restriction will be cut off by this layer of seal. When you teach these two moves to me, I will help you lift the restriction." Ye Ming said in a deep voice.

"Then it's settled, and my group of subordinates will be handed over to you." Lin Fei said with a smile, as if he didn't take the threat he posed to him at all.

Ye Ming frowned slightly, he didn't expect him to be willing to do so much for his subordinates.

After Zhao Changhe and others learned that the seventh son persuaded Ye Ming, they were all shocked and moved, and even speculated how much Lin Fei had paid.

If it is said that these people chose to join the Black Wind Society because of the wind and wind, then some people have already been moved by this moment.Not to mention going through fire and water for Lin Fei, but she is absolutely willing to stand by him and obey his orders.

But neither Ye Ming nor Li Changhe could have imagined that Lin Fei just wrote a bad check.

Even, he has not received any so-called threats.

Ye Ming's terrifying seal in the early days of Dao Transformation, Lin Fei erased it for him as soon as he went out...

And just as Lin Fei went to the Tianmo Palace to look for Aohan, the latter had already descended on Mount Qingcheng.

The billowing devilish energy surged like sea waves, sweeping across the heavens mightily.

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