I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 438 Immortal Fall

In Zhang Xiaoling's body, the true qi of Taiyin and the true energy of the sun gathered together, producing unimaginable destructive power in an instant.

And the first to be impacted by this force was naturally himself.


Zhang Xiaoling's physical body collapsed almost instantly, but the hands holding the Rijun Seal and the Yuejun Seal were also pushed forward at the same time!

The fierce golden Sun Qi, and the cold and soul-devouring blue Tai Yin Zhen Qi instantly turned into Yang Fish and Yin Fish, forming a golden and blue Tai Chi diagram.


The space was shattered, the sky seemed to be overturned, the earth seemed to sink forever, and everything ceased to exist.

The great collision of the yin and the sun, the evolution of opposition and fusion.In this life-and-death battle, at the cost of his life, Zhang Xiaoling displayed a terrifying ultimate move that could make an immortal tremble!

"Zhang Xiaoling!" There were heart-piercing shouts on Qingcheng Mountain.

Aohan's pupils shrank slightly, but he remained motionless, just staring at the oncoming Taiji diagram with fiery eyes.

His expression was full of excitement and madness, and he smiled strangely at this moment: "This is what is interesting!"

Aohan yelled violently, brazenly followed the phantom to perform the Heavenly Demon Annihilation Tribulation, regretting this strange Taiji diagram.


The violent turbulent energy flooded everything, and the entire world was distorted for a moment in the invisible fluctuations.

Some people stared at the place where Zhang Xiaoling once stood in the air, looking at the cloud of blood mist.

They either had dull faces and wept silently; or they knelt on the ground in a "plop", shaking their bodies and pursing their lips, unable to speak for a long time;

So much for a child.

Everyone watched him bouncing up and down Qingcheng Mountain, saying "Master" at every turn, Ye Qiu was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him, and then he was driven to run all over the mountain.How do you say it's gone?

There are also some people who grit their teeth and stare at the gold, blue and black tri-color energy storm in the sky, hanging on their hearts tightly, wanting to know what happened to Aohan, and whether he died under such a terrifying attack .


With a soft sound, the whisk in Ye Qiu's hand fell to the ground, and muddy tears flowed down his wrinkled old face, like muddy water washing through a ravine.

But at this moment, the energy storm in the sky was swept away by a terrifying force.

Seeing the scene clearly, everyone present changed their expressions in an instant!

Aohan's black hair fluttered wildly, exuding a terrifying aura like a demon god.

Not only was he not dead, there was no blood on his clothes, it seemed that the phantom was smashed to pieces.

Zhang Xiaoling risked his life to use the killing move, but it failed to hurt Aohan at all?

You know, Ao Han didn't even use the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword, and didn't enter the state of Heavenly Demon Transformation.

This kind of cognition made everyone present look ashamed, and deeply felt the meaning of despair.

This...what a terrifying strength!

At this moment, Aohan who turned his back to everyone said coldly: "According to the agreement between Zhang Xiaoling and me..."

Hearing this, Ye Qiu took a sudden step forward, and interrupted angrily: "Nie Yi, you don't need to talk nonsense! If you want to do something, kill me first!"

Since Zhang Xiaoling didn't hurt Aohan, he would definitely kill another nine people in Qingcheng Mountain.

Ye Qiu knew that he couldn't compete with Ao Han, so he only wanted to sacrifice himself to give others a chance to survive.

However, Aohan sneered, and said: "You are anxious to die, I don't want to kill you to dirty my hands."

After the words fell, he turned his head.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Because at the corner of Aohan's mouth, there was a trace of blood.

Zhang Xiaoling... hurt him.

Aohan cut out a space passage with the Heavenly Demon Splitting Sword, and his figure escaped into it in an instant, and disappeared together with this passage with a burst of space fluctuations.

Up and down Mount Qingcheng, there was a sudden deathly silence, only the whistling wind was particularly clear.


Aohan returned to his bedroom abruptly, but Zhao Xuanqing was eating melon seeds with his back to him, without blinking his eyelids.

These melon seeds are crystal clear, with a jade-like texture and luster. They are picked from Lingtian, exuding a white shimmer and full of aura.

"Zhang Xiaoling is dead?" Zhao Xuanqing asked.

"Yeah." Ao Han replied calmly, sat beside her, and flung his messy long hair behind her.

"You are actually injured." Zhao Xuanqing was a little surprised, but he was smiling.

"That little brat doesn't want to die, he dares to draw the power of the sun and the sun into his body." Ao Han leaned on the chair, and licked melon seeds with her.

"That's really terrible," Zhao Xuanqing nodded, and asked again: "How many people did you kill?"

Aohan spit out a mouthful of melon seed husks "bah", and spit it directly on her fair and pretty face as clean as jade: "One, or...half."

Zhao Xuanqing was not angry, but just wiped off the melon seeds on his face, frowned and said, "Half?"

"Well," Aohan said casually, "that little brat split into two souls."

Zhao Xuanqing stopped eating melon seeds, his face full of surprise.

"Immortal soul and human soul." Aohan explained briefly, and looked at the sky with great interest.

The immortal soul is Zhang Daoling, and the human soul is Zhang Xiaoling.

"You only destroyed his fairy soul? Why?" Zhao Xuanqing was a little puzzled, after all Aohan wanted to destroy Zhang Xiaoling's soul completely easily.

"Think about it, why can his soul be divided into two?" Ao Han turned back his gaze to the sky and asked her back.

Zhao Xuanqing frowned slightly, looked at the sky and sneered, "Heaven will keep his human soul?"

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

This is to say that the will of heaven is fair to everyone, and all things are like dogs, and they will not treat one more than another.

But at the moment, it looks like a joke.

This world is inherently unfair, people like Zhang Xiaoling simply have their own cheats.

Zhao Xuanqing saw that Aohan didn't speak, and then said: "This is not your character."

Aohan never believed in destiny, only believed that fate was in his own hands.

Even if the will of heaven wants to preserve Zhang Xiaoling, he should mercilessly kill him.

Even if it would lead to a devastating and cruel punishment from heaven.

"It's useful for me to keep him." Ao Han narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice.

"You want to study the power of the sun and the sun?" Zhao Xuanqing frowned.

Aohan smiled without saying a word, just shook his sleeves.

In an instant, Zhang Xiaoling's illusory soul appeared beside him.

Aohan stretched out his hand and pointed out a finger, and the devilish energy poured violently into his soul directly.

"Let's put this matter aside for now," Zhao Xuanqing said, "Second Young Master asked you to go there."

Ao Han smiled and said: "That rat who hides his head and shows his tail."

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