I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 440 There are chapters to say it well, don't sell your hue

Zhao Xuanqing knew that such a thing would inevitably make Aohan's murderous intent soar into the sky and go berserk.

And if it looked in Mo Yunhan's eyes, I'm afraid that old fox should have sensed the problem and was on the verge of death.

So Zhao Xuanqing decided to make Aohan's sudden killing intent not so abrupt, but because of other reasons.

"Slap!" She slapped Ao Han hard, directly on Ao Han's face.


At this moment, Aohan burst out with murderous intent, directly blowing away everything around him, Zhao Xuanqing's dress and long hair were also fluttering in the wind.

Zhao Xuanqing's pretty face was cold, and he pretended to be angry and said, "You are so impulsive and undisguised, are you afraid that other people will not know your intentions? I have already said that if you only kill ten people every day, it is to make you change your mind." Impulse this problem!"

Aohan suddenly realized that Zhao Xuanqing was acting with himself for Mo Yunhan to see.

Of course, if someone else treated him like this, I'm afraid there will be no bones left.

But this person is Zhao Xuanqing.

So he cooperated with Zhao Xuanqing, pinched her fair and slender neck, and said coldly: "Don't think that I dare not kill you."

While acting, the two used their spiritual thoughts to exchange countermeasures at a high speed.

Talking about communication, in fact, Zhao Xuanqing thought of a way alone, and tried his best to dissuade Aohan from acting impulsively, and must plan before acting.

Because according to Ao Han's thinking, there is no need to have so many worries, just kill Mo Yunhan directly.

The only thing that makes Zhao Xuanqing gratified is that Ao Han has always been able to listen to her words.

Zhao Xuanqing's idea was that the Six Paths Magic Crystal must be transferred!Otherwise, when the fish is dead and the net is broken, Ao Han will not even have anything to rely on to save his life once he loses.

Her idea was to hide the six magic crystals in a hidden place and completely seal them with the Heavenly Demon Sealing God Art when "it was determined that Mo Yunhan absolutely did not use the Heavenly Demon Profound Light Mirror".

This opportunity was naturally when Mo Yunhan appeared in the public.

Coincidentally, there is such an opportunity tonight.

However, Aohan modified her plan and said directly via voice transmission: "I'll leave it to you."

"Why?" Even Zhao Xuanqing couldn't help frowning, not understanding why he would make such a move.

"It was prepared for you." Aohan replied calmly.

Zhao Xuanqing's heart shook violently, and he hid all the warm current in his heart, and his face was still as cold as ice.


Xu Shi four quarters.

Xu time refers to seven to nine o'clock at night, and the four quarters of Xu time is eight o'clock.

Yunhan Palace Square is brightly lit, a bustling and bustling scene.

Mo Yunhan didn't seem to like the idea of ​​setting a banquet, there were bonfires everywhere.A lot of poultry such as spirit cranes were also slaughtered, and they were roasted directly on the campfire.

An altar of fine wine was opened, exuding a rich and mellow aroma.

The fine wine brewed from dozens of elixir and spiritual springs contains abundant aura and medicinal properties, which is definitely enough to make people jealous in the outside world.

In the center of the bonfire, Lin Fei and the four disciples of Tianmo Palace sat together.The fresh and tender crane wings in his hand were roasting on the fire, and the golden oil dripped into the fire, making a "chi chi" sound.

However, facing such delicacies, Lin Fei didn't have any interest, but asked rather puzzled: "Is the third senior brother not here?"

Mo Yunhan directly brought a jar of fine wine, and said with a smile: "Seventh junior brother, you are new here, so you don't know anything. The third guy has always been withdrawn and arrogant, and he doesn't want to deal with us."

Su Tianshuang immediately opened the paper fan with a "snap", shook his head and sighed with a look of pride, "Oh, third senior brother definitely doesn't want to see me."

Mo Yunhan asked with a smile: "Why did Fourth Junior Brother say that?"

Su Tianshuang directly spread his hands, and said helplessly, "He will feel ashamed when he sees my peerless face, and I can't help it."


Without any warning, the bone whip in Liu Meng's hand was directly drawn towards him.If Su Tianshuang hadn't reacted in time to block it with the Heavenly Demon Fan, his bones might have been broken!

He immediately broke out in a cold sweat, staring and said: "Fifth Junior Sister, are you serious?!"

Liu Meng glanced at Su Tianshuang, and said with disdain: "Otherwise?"

Su Tianshuang gritted his teeth, cursed violently in his heart, and suggested to Jiang Qingyue to change positions.

Jiang Qingyue shook her head like a rattle, with a look of concern, she didn't want to sit next to Liu Meng no matter what.

Su Tianshuang could only hold the wine, walked up to Lin Fei and hooked up with him with a look of "we have a good relationship".

Lin Fei sighed secretly in his heart and shook his head, he didn't expect to find this Aohan even when he came to the Heavenly Demon God Palace.

If one's own spiritual consciousness can still be developed normally, where will there be many troubles?

Lin Fei sprinkled seasonings on the roasted spirit crane wings, coated them with a layer of honey sauce, and put them in his mouth to chew.

The outside is charred and the inside is tender, golden and crisp.The seasoning is integrated with the flavors of the crane meat and the mushrooms stuffed inside, and the layering is extremely rich, which makes people salivate quickly.

He thought to himself, regardless of whether Ao Han is in the bedroom tonight, he should go and find out.

Su Tianshuang lost to Lin Fei last time, and he is still unwilling to reconcile, and keeps fighting with him for wine.And before drinking, he kept saying hello, saying that it is never allowed to use zhenqi to dissolve the alcohol.

This kind of spiritual wine is extremely rich, and ordinary people are afraid that they will be drunk just by smelling the aroma of the wine.He wants to compete with Lin Fei like this, obviously he is quite confident in his drinking capacity.

Lin Fei evaded for a while, not wanting to hit him.But seeing that Su Tianshuang was overly enthusiastic, and boasted that he was a wine fairy and how he could drink all over the world, the seventh junior brother must be afraid of this, and finally felt a little noisy, so he drank with him.

Su Tianshuang didn't know it yet, and he thought that the aggressive method had succeeded, and he seemed extremely complacent.

Jiang Qingyue's capacity for alcohol was extremely poor, and she drank too much after a while, her little face was flushed, and she looked more like a beautiful little girl.

The key point is that when he drank too much, he acted like a child, hugged Su Tianshuang's arm, and rubbed it like a cat: "Senior brother, um...I'm guilty of drinking..."

Su Tianshuang's whole body trembled, as if his hair had exploded in an instant, he kicked him away: "Go away! You must be intoxicated and pretending to be crazy. You have long coveted my beauty and wanted to eat tofu, right?"

Jiang Qingyue was dizzy, and sat down on the ground, muttering that it was so hot, she wanted to take off her clothes.

Originally, when drinking and eating meat, and the atmosphere was in full swing, it was not a big deal for a man to take off his shirt.

But when he took off the outer jacket, revealing the pink belly pocket embroidered with lotus and swimming fish, and a large piece of smooth white body, there is a big problem!

The audience was dumbfounded.

The drunken Wang Ping jumped out from nowhere, shouting almost like crazy: "Sixth Young Master, I beg you, please speak up if you have something to say, don't betray your lust!"

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