I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 455 The Shocking Power of Young Master 7!

There are many monster monks who have transformed into human forms here, and there are also monks who have maintained their original forms or have not completely transformed into human forms.

For example, an old man with a long lizard tail, a young man with horns on his head, a girl with a pair of huge bird wings behind her, or simply a crocodile standing upright, and an upright crocodile with its two front legs behind its back. Big black dog.

Lin Fei wasn't surprised by these scenes at all, but Ji Yaoguang found it extremely novel and couldn't help but take a closer look.

"What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a dog demon?" The big black dog showed dissatisfaction, and even spoke human words, and it was a woman's voice.The sense of disobedience was so strong that it almost confused Ji Yaoguang.

After all, being looked at as a "novel species" by others is not a good experience after all.

What's more, this is Yunluo City, a place where monster races gather, and humans are rare aliens, right?

"This fellow Taoist," Lin Fei interjected directly, "Have you ever seen a group of human monks from the Fire Cloud Sect?"

The dog demon glanced at him, and his eyes lit up.It turned into a humanoid woman, and said with a smile: "My lord, I'm being polite here. It's just that I haven't been out of the city recently, so I don't know anything about these things."

Ji Yaoguang was speechless for a while, why did she make a 180-degree turn when she saw Lin Fei?

Lin Fei frowned slightly, and asked again: "Then who in this city has the best news?"

The dog demon immediately said: "Of course it is the city lord. The city lord is after the demon saint Golden Winged Roc, and there is also a holy well of demon spirits, which can spy on everything that happened thousands of miles around."

Golden Winged Roc?

Lin Fei had dealt with this race before, and knew that it was an extremely extraordinary race.Its ability to fight real dragons, and even slay dragons, can be called fierce and powerful.Even if it is the body of the yin and yang, it is difficult to get cheap in front of it.

Of course, it should be rare to see pure-blooded golden-winged rocs now.The population of this family is extremely small, and they had to intermarry with other birds to give birth to offspring.After thousands of years, I am afraid that the power of the bloodline is far from what it was before.

Lin Fei naturally didn't care about this descendant of the Golden Winged Roc, he only knew that he could find clues from him.

So Lin Fei asked where the city lord's mansion was, and then thanked the dog monster, and took Ji Yaoguang there.

The City Lord's Mansion is magnificent, and there are monster monks acting as guards.

As if afraid of Lin Fei's intrusion, Ji Yaoguang took the lead in speaking kindly, saying that he wanted to see the city lord for something, and wanted to inform him.

However, when the guard saw that the two were human identities, their expressions immediately became unfriendly.

"Go, go!" The captain of the guard said impatiently, "It's just two human beings, it's lucky that you didn't eat you, and you dare to come to see the city lord? Just kidding, the city lord is something you can see whenever you want? Go away, get out of here Further!"

Ji Yaoguang frowned, remembering that he had indeed seen many coveting eyes along the way.If he hadn't seen the calmness and composure of the two, he might have been unable to restrain himself and wanted to devour them.

"Captain," a dog-legged guard captain rolled his eyes, and immediately said via voice transmission, "Look at the sword on this kid's back, it's not simple, otherwise..."

The captain's eyes lit up immediately, and his heart became active.

It's just that this sword is not simple!

This person is dressed luxuriously, the space ring on his hand can be called the best, and he is even more imposing. At first glance, he looks like a son of a big family.

Not only is the sword behind him difficult to guess, but the family background in the space ring is also extremely rich...

Ji Yaoguang wanted to say something, but Lin Fei, who saw through the greedy eyes of the captain, smiled faintly and raised his hand to stop her words.

And the captain of the guard was about to turn hard, and said with a sneer: "These two people have unknown origins, and I don't know what bad things they want to do in my Yunluo City. Take them down, life or death!"

After his words fell, a group of Yaozu guards immediately drew their weapons and surrounded the two of them.

Holding a painting halberd, the captain of the guard took the lead in attacking Lin Fei with a shout.

However, at this moment, his pupils contracted sharply, and he felt a strong wind suddenly hit.


The halberd in the captain's hand broke immediately, and he threw it out. With a loud bang, the wall was destroyed directly.

All the guards turned pale with fright, only saw the captain suddenly fly upside down and fell down, unable to see clearly what happened.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?!" The dog leg was startled, and asked quickly.

"Masters! There are masters!" The captain showed shock and gasped in pain.It turned out that his shoulder had been torn, and his clothes were stained red with blood.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Accompanied by the whistling sound of piercing the air, three men wearing black hooded capes appeared behind Lin Fei.

The three of them were silent, but exuded a violent and murderous aura, and the black cloaks fluttered in the strong wind.

The guard captain's heart was beating wildly, and he tremblingly said: "You... are you..."

"Black Wind Society?!"

After his words fell, an atmosphere of panic quickly spread.


"The personal guard of the Heavenly Demon God Palace, the Black Wind Society?!"

"Why did they appear here? Could it be that the Heavenly Demon God Palace is going to raze our Yunluo City to the ground?!"

The illustrious reputation of the Heavenly Demon God's Palace, whether it's the historical past recorded in the classics, or the current situation that caused a lot of noise in the cultivation world some time ago, is enough to make one's heart tremble!

Li Changhe stood among the three of them, with a serious expression on his face, and said in a deep voice: "If you want to face the Seventh Young Master with swords and soldiers, there is only one way to die!"

Seventh son? !

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at Lin Fei in shock. They didn't expect him to be Wuming, the seventh son of the Heavenly Demon Palace.There were some demon monks present who had heard of him, but after all, they were not human monks, and no one went to the scene to see what he looked like with their own eyes.

This fucker kicked the iron plate in one fell swoop!

"My lord, spare me!" The captain of the guard was so frightened that he was out of his wits, he hurriedly begged for mercy, "The little one has no eyes, and didn't know that the seventh son is coming, so he didn't mean to offend, please forgive me!"

The other guards also reacted, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "I also ask the seventh son to forgive me!"

After the words fell, they all knelt down together.

Even the Yaozu monks who passed by the city lord's mansion dropped their jaws in shock at this moment, and their hearts were extremely shocked.

Even the monster cultivator was secretly afraid and rejoiced, saying that it was a good thing he hadn't acted rashly before, otherwise he would end up with no bones left...

"Seventh Young Master, what do you mean?" Li Changhe has learned to use honorifics.

"Kill this captain, and that bastard next to him." Lin Fei said indifferently, without the slightest hesitation.

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