I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 461 Plane Level Upgrade

Even Su Tianshuang couldn't help looking at Lin Fei for a long time, and sighed sincerely: "Seventh Junior Brother, your luck is going against the sky."

He survived the encounter with the ancient demon god, and even beheaded the opponent in reverse.Even though it was Fei Lian's weakest moment, didn't this just show that the Seventh Junior Brother's luck was not simple?

Of course, this matter had nothing to do with luck.

If Lin Fei's real strength is like "Wu Ming", then he really can only die with hatred.No matter how proud you are, how promising your future is, once you fall halfway, it will still not leave any waves in the history of cultivation.

"Sword Demon Duan Canghai is still alive. He learned about the whereabouts of Chi You's body from Fei Lian. Maybe he wanted to revive Chi You, or maybe he wanted to devour Chi You's demon power." Lin Fei showed pain on his face, obviously his acting skills were no longer Brilliant.

Su Tianshuang's face suddenly changed.

The demon god Chiyou, the strong man who forced Huangdi and Yandi to join forces to defeat!

"Fourth son, you said that Chi You died once and was dismembered for 5000 years. How much strength will he have when he is resurrected?" Hong Tu asked suddenly.

"I don't know how much strength I have." Su Tianshuang's face also turned serious, "but it is not difficult to level this world."

Not to mention whether he is as violent and brutal as in the records, but judging from the hatred between Chi You and Yanhuang, how could he let off the descendants of Yanhuang in China?

If this ancient demon god is really reborn, it will be tantamount to pinching the life and death of the entire China in his hands!

"Seventh Junior Brother, do you know the characteristics of this sword demon Duan Canghai?" Su Tianshuang asked.

"He snatched Hong Xiaowei's body, holding the Suying Sword, and his devilish aura was raging hard to hide," Lin Fei said.

Su Tianshuang immediately nodded: "Hong Tu, send this son's order to make this matter public to the Chinese cultivation world. No matter what the sword demon Duan Canghai wants to do, stop him at any cost!"

"If there is any information about Duan Canghai, report it to the Heavenly Demon God Palace immediately. Those who do not report the information - shoot and kill!"

Hong Tu's face turned serious, he bent down slightly, and said in a deep voice, "This subordinate takes orders!"

But Lin Fei excused that he was seriously injured and needed to go back to the palace to recuperate, so he left.

Soon the news that Duan Canghai was looking for Chi You's body spread throughout the Chinese cultivation world, causing a sensation.

It's a pity that Duan Canghai acted cautiously and did not let anyone find any clues.In other words, some people who ran into him by chance failed to send out the clues, and only sent their lives in vain.

This was the case for several days in a row, and when the news of someone being persecuted by Duan Canghai came out, this guy had disappeared.

And under such circumstances, another event that caused a sensation in the entire cultivation world happened.

The spiritual energy in the Jianmu world gathers like an abyss, and 99 dragons of spiritual energy are dormant on Jianmu, and it seems that they may take off at any time.

Another spiritual creation is about to be born!

Everyone's eyes were hot, and they wanted to use all means to capture the exaggerated aura dragon.But unfortunately, no matter how you try, there is no way.

It's as if You Gu Zhineng left something behind in Jianmu, so that this spiritual energy will be included in the entire earth, which will directly increase the level of the plane!

And the extent to which they can be benefited depends on the background of the major cultivation forces themselves.

There is no doubt that the aura that can be attracted by Dongtian Paradise is naturally unmatched by ordinary areas.

The Kunlun Mountains where Yunhua Palace is located is naturally the top priority.The second is the Central Plains Dragon Vein, and Zhongnan Mountain.

Yunhua Palace directly set up a large formation in the Kunlun Mountains, and there are elders and elite disciples on standby every day, a posture of defending the creation of spiritual energy to the end.

Of course, there is a major premise for such a move—they proposed to the Heavenly Demon Palace that they are willing to hand over one-fifth of the aura.

Other blessed places also expressed their willingness to hand over one-tenth of their aura.

The reason why Yunhua Palace is willing to give one-fifth is mainly because the benefits they have received are unimaginable, and it is really impossible not to make people jealous.They were also afraid that the Heavenly Demon God Palace would come directly to plunder them, so they simply took a bigger concession attitude and took the initiative to show their favor.

With Yunhua Palace's "generous generosity" as an example, the orthodoxy of Yuzhu Cave in Zhongnan Mountain founded by Yun Zhongzi can only hold his nose and admit defeat, and follow the example of Yunhua Palace, saying that he will give out one-fifth of his spiritual energy for good fortune .

Not only does the Heavenly Demon Shrine not reject anyone who comes, it also monopolizes the dragon veins of the Central Plains.

According to the current trend, the Heavenly Demon God's Palace is already the highest position respected by the Chinese cultivation world!

Those who failed to take the opportunity to join Lin Fei's command and enter the seventh team of the Black Wind Society were annoyed and envious.The people who joined it were very excited and very grateful for their original choice.

And just as all the monks were looking forward to, this day finally arrived.

Compared with the first spiritual recovery, the scene this time is quite different.

The most obvious is that the vegetation is nourished and soars, and even some mutated plants and new varieties appear.

The zoologists were overjoyed.

"My God, can you tell me what kind of fruit is on this tree? Why does it look like a dragon and is still glowing!"

"I swear! Just now I saw a ginseng here, it saw me pull the root out of the soil, and ran away like a human!"

"I beg you, catch me the wolf with wings, let me study it!"

The major new media are also boiling.

"In the big forest of Jilin Province, there are vines soaring to the sky, there are faint singing voices coming from inside, and there are human-shaped colorful moths flapping their bright wings!"

"A huge black tortoise was born in Zixia Lake, swallowing the aura of heaven and earth. Netizen: Shocked!"

"Shocking! This kind of fruit can manipulate flames after eating, it's called fire fruit!"

"Look quickly! This kind of clam beads have the miraculous effect of avoiding water, and are called water-avoiding beads in the cultivation world!"

The news may be true or false, but no matter what, the headlines are always full of gimmicks, which can attract clicks and attention.

The major cultivation sects are also boiling.

"Hahahahaha! Old Manka has been in the late Yuanying period for more than 600 years, and finally he can break through to the realm of transforming gods!"

"Sect Leader! That Divine Phoenix Grass that has stopped growing for a long time has suddenly swallowed a large amount of spiritual energy, and it has already matured!"

"Master, the "Dragon Armor God Chapter" left by Xuannv is shining, and the part of the secret volume that we cannot spy on has been opened on its own!"

This drastic change brought about by spiritual energy has affected every corner of the entire world, and the shadow god of death in the United States is also one of the beneficiary forces.

The witches soared into the sky on broomsticks, and the werewolves howled up to the sky under the moonlight. They and the vampires further returned to their ancestors under the baptism of spiritual energy and became stronger.

And the hell of the west is also coming quietly at this moment...

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