I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 465: Heavenly Book?I know better than you

After Lin Fei's words fell, those fierce wind dragons that seemed to destroy the world disappeared in an instant!

Only bursts of violent wind swept towards the surroundings, blowing people's clothes dancing wildly, and it was almost impossible to open their eyes.The disciples with slightly higher cultivation bases staggered backwards, and those with lower cultivation bases were even blown away on the spot.

"No, how is this possible!"

"Sovereign, what happened? Why did the wind dragon suddenly collapse?!"

Everyone was so frightened that they were terrified.

Feng Zong's esoteric mentality is really like juggling in front of Lin Fei!

Such a thought is simply the greatest devastation and blow to the hearts of Fengzong members, which is completely unacceptable.

The master of Fengzong trembled all over, and looked at Lin Fei as if he had seen a ghost: "Just now... you were the one who dissolved the wind dragons and turned them into a breeze?!"

Seeing the latter nod his head slightly, he suddenly exclaimed in shock: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Lin Fei glanced at him, and wrote lightly: "I am more familiar with the three volumes of heavenly scriptures than you."

After his words fell, the sky was suddenly shrouded in dark clouds.The trees and stones on the ground were torn apart by the strong wind, rolled up and thrown into the air.

Above the dark clouds for thousands of miles, there is even a flash of thunder, as if a thunder disaster is about to fall, which makes people feel frightened.

"Feng Qilei?!" The lord of the Feng Sect almost bit off his tongue, and his eyes almost popped out. "Why do you master the supreme forbidden technique of the Feng Sect in the "Dragon Armor God Chapter"?"

The entire Nine Heavens Immortal Residence was terrified, and many people felt chills all over their bodies, and the chill pierced their bones.

Xuan Yun's eyelids twitched wildly, and his heart shrank into a ball.

How could this terrible power be displayed by the Nascent Soul Realm?

"You are not in the Nascent Soul realm!" Xuan Yun screamed, full of collapse, "What realm are you!"

Ji Yaoguang glanced at her full of sympathy, and couldn't bear to tell her the truth.

"Let's do it together!" Xuan Yun could no longer be sure of winning, at this moment he could only decide to put all his eggs in one basket.

She didn't believe it anymore, with the power of the entire Nine Heavens Immortal Residence, she still couldn't deal with Lin Fei in front of her.

Lin Fei was carried by the wind dragon and stepped in the void, surrounded by members of the three sects of the Nine Heavens Immortal Residence.

One person against a thousand people!

Pick the fairy family's orthodox alone!

The sound of Qingyue's phoenix cry resounded through the sky, and the densely integrated fire phoenix danced in the sky, causing the void to be on fire, and the space was also distorted under the high temperature.

Followed by the sound of the dragon chant, a series of frost dragons spread all over the void, making one space almost frozen, as if it could freeze the soul of a person into silence.

Thousands of wind blades tore through the clouds!

Thousands of fire phoenixes burn the sky!

Thousands of ice dragons broke through the void!

The members of the three sects cooperated with the suzerain to attack at the same time, displaying the most terrifying killing move, which was bound to kill with one blow.


Amidst the dark clouds, the sky thunder finally struck down.

Each sky thunder was as thick as a bucket, and it actually targeted all enemies who were hostile and aggressive towards Lin Fei.

Ji Yaoguang's face showed shock, and at a glance, he saw thunder falling like rain, making the whole space tremble and scream.


The formation light curtain of the entire Xianju shattered in an instant, and the members of the three sects also vomited blood and flew backwards in an instant.

Thousands of people were blown away like celestial maidens scattering flowers, and the scene was simply astonishing.

And those wind blades, fire phoenixes, and ice dragons also disappeared in an instant, disintegrating and disappearing.

"Continue, I haven't played enough." Lin Fei sighed slightly, almost scaring all the disciples of Xianju out of their wits!

No... Didn't play enough?

Are you a fucking devil!

The most frightening thing is that Lin Fei's words didn't seem to be out of contempt or disdain, but simply expounded his inner thoughts-I'm too boring, don't be so vulnerable, why don't you give me some fun?


"It's over, it's over now!"

"What do you think I'm crazy about? Didn't you take the initiative to leave Xianju with Junior Brother Wang earlier?!"

Feelings of fear and despair instantly spread throughout the entire Xianju.

Except for a few people who are unwilling to participate in this matter, in order to avoid further punishment, they left Jiutian Xianju earlier, I am afraid that no one present will be able to escape!

"Don't get flustered, quickly back to your respective peaks! There are fairy mountains to each other, so I guess he can't be fierce!" Xuan Yun gritted his teeth and said, he turned into a streamer first, and fled back to the Xuannv Hall with a "swish".

"Yes, run!"

Everyone in Xianju explained what it means to "defeat like a mountain", each of them showed their strength and quickly flew back to their respective fairy mountains.

Lin Fei did not obstruct their actions, and even said with great interest: "Have you hid?"

Ji Yaoguang was dumbfounded.

Why do you feel that Lin Fei's words sounded as casual as if he was playing "hide and seek"?

Everyone in Jiutian Xianju almost collapsed, they all gritted their teeth, they didn't expect to be so ignored by him.

Many people were in a state of confusion, fearing that Lin Fei would also destroy the fairy mountain - after all, seeing his confident posture is really disturbing!

And when someone comforted those who were worried: "Don't be afraid, this is the fairy mountain left by Xuannv."

Lin Fei came directly to the Huozong Xianshan, and snapped his fingers lightly.


Outside the sky, a rain of burning meteorites rained down, causing everyone in the Fire Sect to scream in terror and despair.

The comet of fire and rain tore through the air, dragging a long tail of flames behind it, and slammed into the fairy mountain violently.

Huozong Xianshan seemed to feel the danger, and suddenly the fairy light was shining brightly, and the phantom of a fairy in neon clothes appeared, and he pushed out the sky-covering light curtain to block it.

"Mysterious girl appears!"

"Sure enough, there are arrangements left by Xuannv in the fairy mountain!"

"We are safe!"

Everyone became excited, feeling that things hadn't deteriorated to the most unbearable level.

However, in the next instant, their smiles froze on their faces, and immediately turned into complete panic.


Amidst the crashing sound, an invisible wave "buzzed" and swept away, crushing the clouds thousands of miles away.

The light curtain was directly shattered by the meteor fire rain, and Xuannv's faint figure also collapsed in an instant.

The entire Huozong Xianshan immediately fell apart, turning into countless broken stones suspended in the air.

And those members of the Fire Sect were either smashed into meat paste immediately, or burned in the flames along with these stones, making heart-piercing screams like human torches, and died in an instant.

Only golden pills and nascent souls, spiritual peaches and elixir rose up in the air and were not destroyed.

"Fire Heaven Punishment!"

"It is the ultimate forbidden fire scroll in "Dragon Armor God Chapter"!"

"Oh my god, is he going to use our Xianju methods to deal with us?"

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