I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 467: The Gathering of Witches

Xuan Yun is going crazy.

What kind of life-saving straw is this, why did you directly defect?

"Mr. Yuan, right?" Lin Fei still had a little impression of him, "Is Xuan Nu safe in the fairy world?"

"Reporting to Tianzun, Xuannv is all well, and I will often think of Tianzun, and I look forward to meeting you soon." Yuan Gong's voice was full of respect, and he still prostrated himself and maintained his kneeling posture.

"It's a pity that her orthodoxy in the world is not very good." Lin Fei said coldly, and directly directed a mysterious light into Yuan Gong's mind.

The latter's complexion changed drastically in an instant, he didn't expect Jiutian Xianju to be so bold, trying to attack Tianzun in vain!

"To tell you the truth, I only have cultivation in the realm of transforming gods." Lin Fei said calmly, and said nonsense in a serious manner, "If you still want to avenge Xianju after seeing the cause and effect, you can kill me."

Xuan Yun heard this, and immediately screamed: "Mr. Baiyun Cave, don't come again when this opportunity is too late! As long as you kill Lin Fei, you can take all of his creations!"

"Not only that, but there is also Yinglong, the God of Heavenly Dragons, Ba, the Ancient Goddess of Drought, Ji Yaoguang, the Empress of Yaoguang, and Wu Moling, the descendant of gods and witches—"

She didn't believe that Lord Baiyundong would not be moved.

But Xuan Yun was wrong.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl took Yuan Gong as her apprentice because she liked his character.

"Presumptuous! Don't be rude to Tianzun!" Yuan Gong raised his head in an instant, and shouted angrily, his murderous intent was undisguised, "You have caused a catastrophe and you don't know how to repent, your crime is unforgivable!"

Lin Fei then shook his head, and directly threw Xuan Yun's Nascent Soul to Yuan Gong: "You can figure it out."

Xuan Yun saw Yuan Gong showing his murderous intent, and immediately screamed, wanting to run away.

It's a pity that Yuan Gong went down with a stick and directly smashed her Nascent Soul to pieces.Lin Fei didn't wait for her divine power to dissipate and return to heaven and earth, he directly led all of them into the bodies of Ji Yaoguang and the others.

After Yuan Gong's avatar apologized to Lin Fei repeatedly, he looked at the extremely dilapidated Nine Heavens Immortal Residence with a sigh of relief.

After all, this is Xuannv's orthodoxy left in the world, and it made him a little sad to end up like this.

Lin Fei looked calm, but snapped his fingers again.

Those fairy mountain gravels suspended in the air actually reorganized at this moment, and turned into a complete appearance.

Yuan Gong suddenly looked at Lin Fei in shock: "Tianzun, who are you?"

Lin Fei said lightly: "Nearly one-third of the disciples in Xianju do not want to join forces with others, and would rather leave this orthodox system polluted by mysterious clouds. I think it will take you a quarter of an hour before you collapse. Bring them back to revitalize Xianju." Let's live."

After the words fell, he flicked his hand again.


Streams of light pierced the sky, and those spiritual peaches and elixir were all planted back to their original positions.Except for the absence of people, this place looks the same as before.

Gong Yuan's eyes were reddened immediately, and he gritted his teeth and cupped his hands in emotion, "Thank you, Tianzun!"

Lin Fei waved his hand, and didn't think there was anything to be thankful for: "You go."

Yuan Gong immediately accepted the order, stepped on the white clouds in an instant, and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

"Do you want to go to the country of America?" Lin Fei turned his head to look at Nuba and the others, and said.

The nun's eyes lit up immediately, and she asked aloud: "Tianzun, but do you want to find the entrance to hell and get the Kunlun mirror?"

Lin Fei smiled and nodded.


United States, New York.

Because of the time difference, it is still more than ten o'clock at night here - the time in the United States is 13 hours behind the time in Yanjing.

Looking around, there are brightly lit high-rise buildings all around.

Lin Fei and the others have split up and searched for several key locations to see if there are any clues leading to hell.

Although the area covered by Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness can be ignored, it does not affect the performance of Wu Moling and others. This is the main reason for bringing them here.

Wu Moling noticed two witches flying in the sky on broomsticks, and immediately followed behind, all the way to a manor in the suburbs.

Wu Moling hesitated for a while, but still cast an illusion on herself, pretending to be a blond foreign girl.Similar to the uniform attire of these witches, she also appeared to be wearing a black dress and cloak, with an inverted cross hanging on her chest.

Not only that, Wu Moling also turned Jiuli Staff into the shape of a broom, and turned a Lingshi into the shape of a crystal ball.

She pulled up the hood on the cloak, and walked towards the manor in a grand manner.

There was no gatekeeper here, so Wu Moling easily slipped in, lurking unnoticed among a group of witches.

These witches seem to be performing some kind of mystical ritual, seemingly sacrificing living people to evil gods to gain power from them.

The old witch headed by held a staff, walked directly in front of several living people, and let out a hoarse and ugly laugh.

"No, please!" A big man trembled in fear.

"You heretics will be punished by God!" A priest clutched the cross around his neck, trying his best to hide his panic.

Wu Moling frowned, his palms were already sweating.Because she realized that the strength of these witches cannot be measured by the way of the Chinese cultivation world.I can only vaguely feel that they exude an evil aura, but I can't judge their strength.

Do you want to do it?

What if something goes wrong?

The moment she was struggling, these witches had already taken out the crystal balls and began to chant strange and mysterious spells.

An unspeakable magical power emanated instantly, and the sounds of these witches' incantations gathered together, there was a kind of hypnotic magic power, which made Wu Moling's mind drowsy.

She tried her best to keep the Lingtai awake, imitating the appearance of these witches and pretending.It's just that although her mouth opened and closed, she didn't make any sound.


Over the manor, there are ten thousand layers of lead clouds hanging down, making people feel heavy and depressed.

A vortex appeared in the clouds, and then a black phantom slowly descended from it.

At this moment, Wu Moling's pupils shrank sharply, and he almost held his breath.

This is the real body of... an evil god!

Summon the evil spirits!

The earth began to rumble as the shadowy deity descended.The logs piled up in the manor moved strangely as if they had been given life.

And the trees in the entire manor suddenly turned pale.

Hecardi, goddess of the moon.

Wu Moling tried his best to conceal his aura, so as not to let any flaws in him leak out, and even used the Jiuli staff to suppress it.

A group of witches bowed down to Hecardi piously, claiming that they were willing to offer blood and flesh sacrifices to win the favor of the gods.

Wu Moling didn't dare to vent his anger, so he could only watch helplessly as Hecardi took a deep breath.

In an instant, the group of captured living people shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their blood and life source were all swallowed up by Hecardi.

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