I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 472 Exterminate the Werewolves

Ji Yaoguang was a little nervous, but also a little excited: "Can I?"

That is the legendary weapon of the first evil spirit in the way of heaven, the Immortal Execution Sword!

Lin Fei didn't speak, just smiled, and handed out the Zhu Xian Sword.

Ordinary people can't hold Zhu Xian, but Ji Yaoguang can.

After all, Zhu Xian recognizes people, even if she is reincarnated, she is still the Empress Yaoguang.

Ji Yaoguang took a deep breath and held the Zhuxian Sword.

"Roar!" The wolves couldn't hold back any longer, and rushed over from all directions. At a glance, the air was full of dense afterimages, which was extremely terrifying.


Amidst a clear sword cry, Zhu Xian unsheathed.

The cold killing intent and endless sword intent instantly filled the entire wasteland.Even though these werewolves were physically tough to an unimaginable degree, they also felt bursts of tingling pain at this moment.

Ji Yaoguang burst out with white protective energy all over his body, and in an instant he fought with a group of werewolves with his sword.

"Chi, chi, chi—"

The sword qi is vertical and horizontal, as easy as chopping melons and vegetables.

Under the edge of the sword, there is no piece of armor!

The powerful bodies of the werewolves were killed in an instant, and the wounds were as smooth as a mirror. It can be seen that the sword energy broke through the body with ease, without any stagnation.

After all, Ji Yaoguang's actual combat experience is insufficient, and the situation that should have been absolutely crushed has repeatedly exposed flaws.

A werewolf suddenly attacked from behind her, its huge body directly overwhelmed her to the ground, and a group of werewolves swarmed up immediately.

"The lotus is in full bloom." Lin Fei knew that these miscellaneous soldiers would not be able to break through her protective energy, so he didn't do it himself, but reminded him from the side.

Ji Yaoguang was flustered to the point of confusion, but when he heard this sentence, he immediately used the sword technique in "Yaoguang Immortal Art" without hesitation.

"White jade blooms with lotus flowers, and the breeze sees off the clouds!"

Ji Yaoguang gave a soft drink, and suddenly layers of jade-white sword energy bloomed around him, like a lotus of sword energy in full bloom.

"Chi Chi Chi—"

The sword energy shuttled fiercely, tearing the werewolf around her into pieces in an instant, leaving a bloody mess.

"Don't pay attention to these miscellaneous soldiers, just go straight to the wolf king on the hill." Lin Fei slapped the attacking wolf into a bloody mist, and said without changing his face, "Lotus grows every step of the way."

Ji Yaoguang's heart gradually stabilized, and she was not as flustered as before.

She flew up immediately, stepping into the void.

Every time Ji Yaoguang's feet touch the void, a phantom of a dreamlike lotus flower must appear, floating like a fairy.

As graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a dragon swimming.

The group of wolf king's personal guards roared immediately, and even stepped on the void, and went to intercept and kill Ji Yaoguang.

"Feng Yi Pianxia." Lin Fei reminded again.


Immediately behind Ji Yaoguang, a pair of phoenix wings that look like maple leaves and sunset glow spread out, and with a flick of the wings, they slashed towards the werewolf in front of him like a phoenix.

At such a frightening speed, this group of mutant werewolves who could rise from the sky only saw a fire phoenix passing by in a trance, the silver sword light and fiery red wings intertwined beautifully to the extreme.


There was a rain of blood in the air, and these werewolves were dismembered in an instant, and they were even covered in flames.

The wolf king was furious!

It never thought that this Huaxia woman could be so strong.

"Roar!" It raised its head to the sky and let out a growl. The muscles all over its body became stronger, and its body was already the size of a truck.Not only that, but behind it, it displayed a pair of wings in a "puffy" manner, covered with a body-protecting demon, and flew into the sky to attack Ji Yaoguang.

"Sirius?" Lin Fei couldn't help being slightly surprised, he didn't expect such a species to appear.

Even among the first generation of werewolves, Sirius has absolute dominance, and can be called the strongest existence of the wolf clan!

This Sirius is very vigilant, and he must not even touch the fairy sword in Ji Yaoguang's hand, otherwise he will die in an instant.

And Ji Yaoguang didn't want to cut it accidentally, after all, he still wanted to get information from it, so he simply returned the Zhuxian sword into the scabbard with a "clang".

The Sirius was extremely ferocious, and Ji Yaoguang was severely lacking in combat experience, so he was defeated steadily by this wild beast with natural fighting talent, and his figure was getting further and further away.


Lin Fei kicked a werewolf flying out, and instantly let it hit a large group of companions.

He got a little impatient, so he snapped his fingers.

Fire day punishment.

In an instant, these werewolves felt an extremely dangerous aura relying on the instinctive intuition of beasts.The pack of wolves that had been rushing forward stopped their movements neatly at this moment, their hair stood on end, and they looked up at the sky in horror.

The originally pitch-black wilderness turned red at this moment.Above the sky, countless house-sized comets trailed flames and roared violently through the sky, gathered into a piece, and covered the entire wilderness.


The wolves were boiling, and the sense of panic made them run away desperately.


Run as fast as you can!

This is Tianwei at all, completely irresistible!

Unfortunately, everything was in vain.

"Boom boom-"

Burning meteorites crashed down one after another, and a large number of werewolves were hit by them, turning into bloody pancakes and then burning into ashes.

Even those who were lucky enough not to be hit by the impact would still be thrown away by its terrifying impact.For a while, the sky was full of werewolves who were smashed into the air, some fell directly on the flames and were burned to ashes, while others were shattered, and they could not escape the end of instant death.

The entire wilderness was devastated and turned into a sea of ​​flames.Originally, there were endless werewolves, but at this moment, none of them survived.

"Water dragon chant." Lin Fei muttered silently, and immediately there were countless water dragons circling around with a rumbling sound, directly annihilating the fire of the wasteland.

Seeing this scene, Sirius in the far sky almost suffocated on the spot.

"God! Definitely a god!" Sirius felt his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys tremble, and he was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

Originally, it had suppressed Ji Yaoguang, who was not good at fighting, but at this moment, he no longer had the courage to fight to the end, and directly vibrated his wings to escape.

"Dancing under the moon." Lin Fei spoke again, as if he believed that Ji Yaoguang could take it down, but he lacked enough combat experience.

The six figures of Ji Yaoguang waved the Zhuxian sword with sheath in unison, and slashed at Sirius.

The six figures waved a dazzling sword shadow, completely covering him from all directions.

Luanwu under the moon, the word "luan" is well-deserved.

Faced with such a scene, Sirius has no way of distinguishing which is real and which is false.

It could only instinctively tell it that the six figures all had the same lethality, and the effect of being injured by the scabbard in any one of them would be the same.

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