I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 482 Who is more arrogant?

Ji Yaoguang was not surprised by this at all, and even thought strangely: Could this be the legendary "dog's head will be blown away for you"?

Those who saw this scene in the park were shocked and dumbfounded on the spot.

"Fuck, are my eyes blurry?"

"Slapped the hell three-headed dog's head away... Is he a messenger from God?"

"It's incredible!"

And the hell three-headed dog was knocked off a dog's head, and the whole dog was stunned immediately!

Looking at that appearance, there is a feeling of doubting life - who am I?where am I?Why did my head fly off?

Before it could react, Lin Fei slapped him backhand again.


This time, its two remaining heads exploded like watermelons, and it died completely violently.

Everyone was so frightened that they screamed and felt that Lin Fei was even more terrifying than a demon.

And Lin Fei seemed to have done an extremely insignificant thing, and he didn't even have the slightest reaction.He calmly put the body of the hell three-headed dog into the space ring, and even said to Ji Yaoguang: "Eat dog meat hot pot tonight."

An understatement of a sentence, but like a thunderbolt on the ground, it shocked several Chinese Americans and a translator.The translator who was proficient in Huaxia even made a "plop" and sat down on the ground.

What international joke are you making? !

That's the demon guarding the gates of hell, you eat dog meat hot pot with him?


Unreasonable and extremely sturdy!

And at this moment, the gate of hell finally opened with a loud bang.

The sky suddenly changed in an instant.

It was still night before, but it turned into dusk in an instant.

The sun appeared strangely at the end of the sky, exuding a blood-like sunset light.

"Ragnarok!" A Christian yelled out in horror, clutching the necklace of the cross tightly, and praying to Jehovah incessantly.

In the light of dusk, countless demons roared and rushed out from the gate of hell.

There are also black silhouettes against the light, spreading pairs of black wings and soaring into the sky.

That's a fallen angel.

The boundless cold fear spread between the heaven and the earth in an instant.

Among the demon army in hell, there was a figure that stood out extremely.


The first of the seven deadly sins, the embodiment of "arrogance", Lucifer.

Lucifer, formerly known as Lucifer, was once the most beautiful and powerful Archangel in the Kingdom of Heaven, the Star of Dawn.But because he refused to submit to the Son of Christ, he chose to abandon the title of "Phil" as the Archangel, and left behind the rhetoric of "I would rather go to hell to be king than to be a slave in heaven", leading one-third of the angels in heaven He launched a riot without hesitation, which ended in failure.

After Satan, the second supreme seraphim to fall into hell, second only to Satan's Lord of Hell!

"Human, you killed the hell three-headed dog?" Lucifer's appearance was exceptionally handsome, and he was indistinguishable from male to female, and his divine sense was also filled with the connotations of nobility, elegance, aloofness, and supremacy over all things.

His long silver hair fell from his forehead to his pointed chin.He is dressed in decent and luxurious clothes, and even if he falls into hell, he still maintains the glorious image of the once supreme seraphim.

Three pairs of black wings spread out, adding a bit of weirdness and mystery to the luxury, exuding a trembling aura.

"It's nothing big or small," Lin Fei said calmly with his spiritual thoughts, "Hurry up and take me to the Kunlun mirror, and then go back to your hell forever."

There was an uproar at the scene.

Whether it's the demons in hell, or the few park visitors who haven't escaped yet.

"Is it big or not?" Lucifer smiled a little, but he still didn't speak. He just resounded through the heaven and earth with his divine thoughts, "When I was Seraphim in heaven, I'm afraid you weren't born yet."

"Humble human, since you can kill the three-headed hellhound, it's not bad blood food."

"Take him."

A group of hell demons and fallen angels immediately responded to the command, and violently rushed towards Lin Fei.

"Get out!" Lin Fei said coldly, and the invisible repulsion suddenly spread loudly, instantly sending this group of hell beings flying away!

Under the horrified eyes of the audience, he flew up instantly and grabbed the black wings of Lucifer's noble status symbol.

Then fold it lightly.


With a crisp sound, Lucifer's pair of black wings were snapped off!

"Lord Lucifer!"

"how so!"

The demons and fallen angels uttered horrified divine thoughts, and the humans present trembled even more, watching the scene in front of them and couldn't help swallowing.

That is Lucifer, the head of the seven deadly sins, the ruler of hell second only to Satan!

"Human, you—" Lucifer's face changed drastically, and his whole body was violently violent, which changed the color of the world, as if he wanted to overthrow this ancient sky!

However, no matter how vast his divine power is, it is just a display in front of Lin Fei, and it can't make any waves at all.

"Crack, crack, crack!"

After three crisp and loud slaps in a row, Lucifer spit out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

A group of demons and fallen angels were terrified and hurriedly tried to borrow him.

However, the moment they touched Lucifer, their expressions all changed!


Amidst the loud noise, these hell creatures only felt an overwhelming force coming, like bowling, and they were instantly smashed and flew all over the sky.

Lucifer was terrified, he could no longer maintain his previous arrogance, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

too strong!

Unimaginably terrifying strength, definitely far surpassing that old man of Jehovah!

You know, Lucifer was once considered to have six-sevenths of the strength of Jehovah, and fell to hell for nine mornings and evenings.

A group of demons were about to go crazy, they looked at Lin Fei with extreme fear, and none of them dared to act recklessly for a while.

"Fuck, who is the devil?"

"I also want to ask, doesn't Lucifer represent the arrogance in the Seven Deadly Sins? Who is more arrogant!"

Everyone's scalps went numb for a while, and they felt that their cognition had been completely subverted.

"Have you figured out the situation a little?" Lin Fei looked at Lucifer and asked lightly.

The latter roared angrily, and with the sound of "Peng", two black wings grew again: "Die to me!"

He stretched out a hand in the void, and a black light pattern full of complicated and mysterious patterns suddenly appeared between the slender and white fingers, and directly cast the death curse on Lin Fei.

As the name suggests, the cursed person dies immediately and falls into hell forever.

Even true gods are no exception!

However, Lin Fei didn't react at all, and even bullied him again, reaching the top of his head.

The Heavenly Demon Sovereign steps on.

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