I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 495 The old witch at the bottom of Nanming Lake

Thousands of miles are frozen, thousands of miles are covered with snow, and the world is vast.

But this is just the beginning.


Countless ice dragons roared and violently attacked the two demon corpses.

After all, the two demon corpses don't have real intelligence and don't know what fear is.Seeing such a terrifying attack, he brazenly used the killing technique.


The hilts of the three magic swords joined together, and immediately spun.The sword light soared in an instant, turning into a light wheel covering a range of [-] meters.It is airtight, and seems to be able to tear everything it touches into pieces instantly, and blatantly circled and roared towards the group of ice dragons.

And the demon corpse holding the heavy knife on the door panel also raised his arm high, and the giant knife in his hand turned into the size of a mountain, which made it extremely difficult for him to lift it with such a strong physique.Holding a mountain heavy knife, the demon corpse slammed at the ice dragon with a terrifying momentum that could destroy the world.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the ice crystals danced wildly between the sky and the earth, and countless ice crystal fragments shot fiercely in all directions like bullets.

The two demon corpses were covered with scars, and a small amount of half-dried black blood flowed out.And their weapons are also full of gaps and cracks, which shows how terrible the impact they suffered before.

Especially for the demon corpse holding a heavy knife, the entire right arm was covered in blood and flesh at this moment, and the shining bones of the gods could even be seen in many places.And even on such an indestructible bone, there are already scars.

Nanming Xuan Ce's pupils shrank sharply, and he felt a deep shock in his heart.

Is this... the body of Taiyin?It seems to be much stronger than I imagined!

The most frightening thing was that Jiang Qingyue didn't blush or breathe after hitting Nanming Lake with such a stunning blow. Obviously, the cost of this blow was nothing.

"Tch——" Su Tianshuang made a sound through his teeth, clenched his fists secretly, his expression complicated, "This guy..."

Liu Meng smiled instantly. Although this sixth junior brother is usually extremely embarrassing, his terrifying strength is beyond doubt.From this point of view, I am afraid that Nanming Palace is just throwing stones at its feet.

Just waiting for Jiang Qingyue to get rid of the two entangled demon corpses can help others turn the tide of the battle.

"Nanming Xuance, how about it? Your organization is too clever, and you missed Qingqing's life!" Liu Meng sneered and said sarcastically.

"That's right, you've calculated thousands of times, but you've missed a little bit, and it's time for you to reap the consequences!" Su Tianshuang also had a cold light in his eyes, revealing his murderous intent.

Only Lin Fei remained silent, seeming to think that things were not as simple as they seemed.

"Hahahaha!" Sure enough, Nanming Xuan Ce smiled instead of anger in such a situation, teasing, "Jiang Qingyue is the body of the Taiyin, this is something that is known to the world, and it is not a secret at all."

"Think about it with your brains, this news is already on the surface—won't I know to include this?"

Liu Meng's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Nanming Xuance showed a cruel smile: "Even if the Taiyin body is here, it will only end up falling!"

After his words fell, an old woman's hoarse and weak voice came faintly: "The body of the Taiyin really lives up to its reputation, it is really a fear of future generations..."

Lin Fei was not surprised to hear this voice at all, but the rest of the Tianmo Palace felt the creeps!

Because before that, with everyone's extremely keen sense of spirit, they didn't realize the existence of such an old woman at all.Even now that she has spoken, everyone still can't detect where the voice is coming from!

But at this moment, an extremely corrupt and decayed atmosphere suddenly came out from the depths of the lake.


The frozen lake surface was covered with cracks, and then shattered and melted into lake water.

The invisible aura of decay spread between the heaven and the earth, disintegrating everyone's body-protecting qi in an instant, and even the state of everyone's demonic transformation was unsustainable, and there was a faint feeling that it was about to dissipate.

Such a discovery horrified Jiang Qingyue and the others, and the monks in the Nascent Soul Realm were even more horrified to find that they could not use their cultivation at all!

"What kind of monster is this?!" Su Tianshuang tightly clenched the fan handle, his knuckles turned bluish white.

With a "crash", a white-haired old woman with extremely stooped figure suddenly floated out of the water.

The wrinkles all over her body were like old tree bark, her face was covered with age spots, and her eye bags were extremely serious.A pair of cloudy eyes showed only a slit, and it seemed that it was already extremely difficult to open them.

Moreover, the old woman exuded a lifeless aura all over her body, and she looked like she had half of her body buried in the ground.

"See the old ancestor!" Nanming Xuance hurriedly knelt down on one knee to salute in the void, and said guiltily, "It's because Xuance is not good at doing things, and he even bothered the old ancestor to do it himself!"

The old woman chuckled, and said hoarsely: "It's okay. Although this old man's body can no longer be frightened, it doesn't matter if he has the body of Taiyin that can be seized right now."

Jiang Qingyue was terrified when she heard "Duoshe", she was as nervous as a little girl: "Old witch, don't mess around! I, I, I... I am a man, it is very difficult for you to take my body away." inconvenient!"

The old woman was stunned, she tried her best to widen her eyes, and leaned forward slightly: "A man?"

Jiang Qingyue nodded hurriedly.

The old woman actually laughed, and even faintly felt a little excited: "Men are better, the old man has lived a long life and is very boring. I have long wanted to experience what it is like for a man to play with a woman!"

Liu Meng's eyes widened in an instant, thinking that Nima is a bt old woman, right? !

Lin Fei frowned slightly. He wanted to kill this self-confident old woman with a sword, but suddenly his heart moved and he dismissed the idea.

Because he left a chasing soul mark on the letter he left to Lin Kunpeng.

But now, this chasing soul seal has been triggered.

That is to say, Lin Kunpeng, the deputy lord of the Tianmo Palace, has left the customs!

After 30 years of retreat and painstaking practice, he finally succeeded in one day.

And besides him, obviously no one knew this information.

The old woman was still arrogant and arrogant, she didn't pay attention to everyone at all, she just pretended to sigh: "The Heavenly Demon God Palace is really full of talents. A body of a fairy sword, a body of Taiyin, and even the other two At a young age, he has cultivated to the late stage of the Nascent Soul."

"It's a pity, you are still too young. If you want to blame, blame your bad luck and meet the old."

She tried her best to straighten her hunched body, and grinned, revealing a leaky mouth with missing teeth: "Come up one by one or come together, there is only one dead end."

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