I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 498 3 Flowers gather at the top, the primordial spirit comes out of the body

A cold voice echoed in Nanming Lake, but there was no response.

Because everything in this world is frozen in place, unable to move at all.

Even the old woman was not spared. Its terrifying domain, which could be said to turn magic into decay, collapsed in an instant.

The emotions of extreme panic spread endlessly in the hearts of every member of Nanming Palace, submerging them like sea water.

There is a faint and translucent figure in the sky, like a black sun, the blazing black light makes people's eyes hurt, but they can't even close them.

An extremely terrifying aura permeated Nanming Lake, and even the eyes of the demon corpse showed fear.

Beside that translucent phantom, there is actually a faint picture of stars dying, and there is even a trace of mysterious and mysterious dao pattern.The mysterious Dao patterns flowed like flowing water, unexpectedly converging into three purple flowers above his head.

"Three flowers gather on the top, body and Tao are in harmony!"

"The primordial spirit is out of the body, the one who is strong in the void!"

"There is such a terrifying existence in the Heavenly Demon Palace?!"

Everyone in the entire Nanming Palace was horrified, and their hearts almost collapsed.

The old woman was about to go crazy, the divine power in her body was violent and violent, and she wanted to forcibly break free from the shackles with her strong cultivation.

However, all this was in vain. In front of Lin Kunpeng who was out of the customs, she didn't even have a chance to resist!

But everyone in Tianmo Palace was overjoyed in an instant!

"It's the master who has left the customs!"

"Master has broken into the void realm!"

"Nanming Palace will be destroyed today and will never exist!"

Such thoughts popped into my mind instantly, making everyone ecstatic.

After Lin Kunpeng broke into the cave, his lifespan increased dramatically, and he looked like a young man at this moment.His long black hair was loosely scattered behind him, dancing wildly in the wind, his eyes were as sharp as lightning, his figure was tall and burly, exuding a majestic and powerful aura like a demon god.

When Lin Fei saw his face, a trace of trance and emotion flashed in his eyes.

Because of his facial features, he vaguely resembles Lin Yuan.

At this time, Lin Kunpeng put his hands behind his back, and walked slowly towards the old woman like a leisurely stroll.

Those demon corpses tried their best to break free from the shackles and desperately protect the Lord, but they couldn't move a single finger.

The entire Nanming Lake seemed to have stopped flowing, even the waves that turned up were still stagnant in the air, and it took a long time to take pictures.But in such a still world, only Lin Kunpeng's primordial spirit moved freely without being hindered in the slightest.

All the demon corpses could only watch him walk towards the old woman.

And as he approached step by step, the fear in the old woman's heart also increased sharply, and it was always thought that she would be scared to death on the spot before Lin Kunpeng made a move...

Lin Kunpeng calmly stretched out his right hand, using his finger as a sword, and lightly stabbed the old woman's forehead.


The old woman's body instantly shattered like porcelain, unable to even make a scream, and her soul was instantly annihilated.

Not only that, her entire body was also shattered, leaving only a Nascent Soul quietly suspended in the blood mist.

Lin Kunpeng grabbed the old woman's Nascent Soul, and squeezed it lightly without blinking her eyelids.


The Nascent Soul exploded, and the majestic divine power contained in it turned into light rain, and all the members of the Heavenly Demon Palace present were submerged.

The four direct disciples benefited the most, and Lin Fei, the new disciple who met for the first time, was the most among them.Amidst such majestic divine power, their injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their bodies exuded strong life energy, bursting with rays of light.

Everyone in Tianmo Palace was naturally overjoyed, but everyone in Nanming Palace was instantly pale with shock.

The ancestor who stepped half of his foot into the hole had no chance to resist in front of Lin Kunpeng, and would die if he touched it!

Lin Kunpeng swept his sleeves, blood flashed one after another in an instant.

"Puff puff--"

From top to bottom of Nanming Palace, whether it was a living person or a demon corpse, they all exploded into blood mist in an instant.Only a piece of Nascent Soul and Golden Elixir remained, quietly suspended in the air.

Immediately, the black light all over his body subsided, and the world returned to normal in an instant.


The monstrous waves were frozen in the air for a long time, and at this moment they were finally photographed, splashing a large amount of water.

"Greetings to the Deputy Palace Master!" Hong Tu and the others did not neglect at all, and immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted him respectfully.

As direct disciples, Su Tianshuang and the others obviously had a higher status, so they just bent down and saluted: "Congratulations, master, for leaving the customs and breaking into the cave realm!"

Lin Fei also pretended to salute, but he couldn't help but feel a little weird.

This is an unknown number of generations of descendants of his apprentice, and he actually saluted him in reverse?

Lin Kunpeng waved his hand and said flatly, "Excuse me."

Immediately, he looked at Lin Fei, nodded with a little approval, and said with emotion: "It's really awesome for young people. Combining the Xuanxian Transformation and the Heavenly Demon Transformation is really impressive."

Su Tianshuang gritted his teeth when he heard this, and tightly clenched the Heavenly Demon Fan.

This was the first time he heard Master praise someone so much, but that person was not him.

Lin Fei smiled wryly, pretending to be helpless, and said, "Master is overrated. Two completely different forces collided together, and the destructive power caused is unimaginable. Before it turns into a killer move, it will attack my body immediately. The body does devastating damage."

"As you can see, it was only a split second to cast the Immortal Transformation before, but it almost killed me directly. Even if it is the body of the fairy sword, it is difficult to resist its destructive power in a split second."

Lin Kunpeng nodded slightly, deeply convinced of this point.Even the body of the fairy sword can't withstand its instantaneous destructive power, this move can basically only be regarded as a move of burning jade and stone, and it has been put on the shelf.

And inevitably, he asked another question: "Where are your second and third senior brothers?"

Not only did Lin Kunpeng not see them in the Tianmo Palace, he even disappeared from the second and third teams of the Black Wind Society. Anyway, he still had such doubts in his heart.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't answer for a while.

"Su Tianshuang, tell me." Lin Kunpeng looked slightly cold, and immediately looked at the highest-ranked disciple on the scene.

Su Tianshuang's expression changed, but he could only bite the bullet and say: "We don't know the details, but we guess that the second senior brother and the third senior brother should have clashed, leading to both of them falling..."

Lin Kunpeng's eyes froze, and then he asked, "What about your elder brother?"

Su Tianshuang lowered his head: "I don't know where I'm going."

Lin Kunpeng frowned, and then said: "I will find out these things myself, you don't need to worry about it anymore. In my opinion, there must be ice souls born in Nanming Lake tonight, and you can take it yourself."

Su Tianshuang raised his head and asked, "Master, what about you?"

Lin Kunpeng put his hands behind his back, and looked to the north with deep eyes: "I'm going to Beihai to deal with some things."

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