I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 500 Blackwater Swamp

Duan Canghai's scalp felt numb for a while, knowing that if he went on like this, he would be torn to pieces.

So he simply burned the blood all over his body, and directly used the blood escape technique, which severely damaged his vitality, and disappeared in the same place in an instant, leaving only a cloud of blood mist.

Even so, the black slashes that shredded the void instantly hit it all around, still severely wounding it, leaving dense scars all over it.


Duan Canghai appeared out of thin air at the edge of the black water swamp, his clothes were in tatters, almost like rags hanging on his body.

And in the forest where he was before, there was a huge and terrifying wave sweeping across in an instant.


Under such fluctuations, the entire mangrove forest bowed deeply in the opposite direction, roaring and swaying endlessly.

A beautiful girl completely naked rose into the air, but beside her was a pair of huge butterfly wings.The lines on it are complicated and mysterious, and black mysterious light gathers, forming a strange scene of little black light butterflies flying around her body.

If Duan Canghai was here, his soul would be scared away.

Because the beautiful girl with the wings of a butterfly has the purest bloodline of the Heaven Cracking Demon Butterfly, and she is a terrifying beast that can fight dragons and phoenixes.Not only that, she even has the terrifying fluctuations of divine power in the void realm.

I'm afraid that by vibrating his wings lightly, Duan Canghai in the late stage of Huashen will be wiped out.

As the head of the four forbidden lands, Donghuang deserves its reputation, but because the monsters are also a situation where there are hundreds of clans, they fight each other and cannot unite as one.Otherwise, if they were twisted together, the other three forbidden areas would not be worth mentioning at all.

Seeing the girl's appearance, the black cats flying all over the sky flapped their wings and flew to worship.Among them, the two strongest ones landed on her crystal-like jade feet gently and respectfully, as if they were kissing her toes.

"Interesting, a mortal who cultivates demons can have such a deep and pure demon energy." The girl didn't even open her red lips, and her spiritual thoughts resounded through the entire mangrove forest.

"Old Ancestor, do you want to chase after him?" A black dog with only Yuanying realm asked in the language of the clan.

"Don't chase after him, he has already reached True Monarch Xuan Snake's territory, let him go." The girl gave such an answer, and then slowly landed and sank into the forest.

A crowd of black people immediately responded, and then scattered away, hiding in the forest.

The Sky-Splitting Demon Butterfly landed on the broken black giant cocoon, and the corners of its mouth curled up in a playful arc.

"This man has Chi You's aura, and he probably came here for Chi You's corpse. Letting him go is of great use." She gently twisted a strand of hair at her temples, with a hint of anticipation.

As the emperor of a generation, the Yellow Emperor once ruthlessly dealt with Donghuang for the sake of the luck and future of the human race.He personally led the army to the Eastern Wasteland, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, and set up a large formation to restrain all the monsters in the Eastern Wasteland so that they would not be born.

At that time, there were many strange people under the Yellow Emperor's command, with the support of Jiutian Xuannv and Guangchengzi behind him, and it was the period when the luck of the human race was at its peak, and the monsters in the Eastern Wilderness simply dared not speak out.

The fairy "Feng Hou" under the command of the Yellow Emperor used the unique art of armor-tunning in the "Dragon Armor God Chapter" bestowed by the Nine Heavens Xuannv to set up a total of [-] rounds of formations, making Donghuang a forbidden place for life forever, where people can enter and cannot exit .

This emperor with brilliant achievements even came up with a plan to kill two birds with one stone.He buried Chi You's body in the eye of the formation, and took advantage of its indestructible property of absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to provide the formation with an endless stream of spiritual power, which was endless.

In this way, not only can the demons of the Eastern Desolation be trapped for a long time, but also Chi You's corpse can never see the light of day—no matter how much spiritual energy the corpse absorbs, it will be used by a large formation, and it will never be able to turn the tide!

Except for the powerhouse at the Golden Immortal level who "breaks all spells with one force" and directly erases the [-] rounds of formations, there is only one way to free Donghuang from its shackles.

At least find Chi You's hands and feet, and use his original demon power to get him out of trouble!

"In the world..." The girl smiled, and she actually had the beauty of Fengqingyueji, "I'm looking forward to it very much."

In her heart, Duan Canghai had already been labeled a "tool man".

Duan Canghai didn't know anything about it, and was in a panic.

In front of him was an endless swamp of black mud, which exuded some kind of unfathomable force field, in which the gravity was so strong that it was unimaginable.

The swamp "Gululu" was bubbling and filled with a strange aura, which made Duan Canghai not dare to set foot in it easily.

"Little brother, it's your turn to come on stage." Duan Canghai turned his head and stared straight at the miserable Howling Demon Dog who was bald, bloody, and had no tail.

The Howling Demon Dog seemed to have sensed the danger, and immediately frowned, and the few remaining hairs on its body stood on end.

"Let's go!" Duan Canghai grabbed him and threw him into the black water swamp.

A dog screamed, and the Sky Howling Demon Dog kicked its legs frantically in the air.

It freaked out.

Yes...really pissed.

The Sky Howling Demon Dog found that it couldn't fly in this swamp, and it sank directly into it under an unimaginable weight.

In desperation, it directly demonstrated its "racial talent and magical powers".

Well, in layman's terms, it's dog-planing swimming.

The effect is remarkable, at least it didn't continue to sink.

When Duan Canghai saw this scene, the veins on his forehead were twitching wildly: "I am a sword demon of my generation, the most powerful man who once fought against Jiang Liuyun, will I swim in this mud?"

"No, I won't do it even if you kill me!"

He wanted to hand over the people who had found Chi You's body to Xiaotian Demon Dog, but this guy really went there under the order of his divine sense.Then he swam back frantically as if he had seen a ghost, terrified, and dared not go any more, just kept trembling.

People and dogs look at each other.

After 3 minutes of tangled silence.

With a "plop", Duan Canghai threw himself directly into the filthy mud exuding a rotten stench.

"Yellow Emperor, you are still riding a horse with a human emperor. I don't think you are a human at all, you are a dog!"

"Let your own dark army come to such a ghostly place to die, what are you thinking in your mind?"

Duan Canghai resisted the urge to vomit, roaring angrily in his heart.Just thinking of this, he suddenly froze for a moment, realizing something was wrong.

"Speaking of which, how could his dark army reach such a place? Is it so fierce?" Duan Canghai finally found out that something was wrong, but he didn't grasp the key point, "This bastard hides so deep, Are there still immortals in the dark army?!"

He never dreamed that the Yellow Emperor personally dispatched that time, and even brought Fuxi and Nuwa's eldest son, Fenghou.


Suddenly there was a loud noise ahead, and the black mud all over the sky fell like raindrops.

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