I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 517 3 Living Beings Born in Chaos

This punch contained immeasurable divine power, and with one blow, Poseidon's soul was crushed and completely annihilated.

And the power of the Nine Nether Earth was removed from Nuba's body, and her entire arm exploded into blood mist with a "poof".Not only that, her entire physical body and spirit showed signs of shattering, and would be wiped out under the terrible backlash in the next moment.

Fortunately, Lin Fei made a lightning strike to stabilize her life source and physical body, preventing such a thing from happening.Then he swept his sleeve away, and the emerald green light rippled in this space like water ripples.

Bathed in such light, Nuba's soul and body returned to their original state in an instant.It's just that the power of that drop of blood was completely exhausted in the final blow, and it collapsed without a trace.

Her face was extremely pale, and she was panting violently, and she hadn't recovered from the overwhelming pain.

The damage to the body of the "Four Absolutes" is obvious enough, but it is still far from the "Two Overlords".If Lin Fei hadn't been on the side this time, I'm afraid she would have died with Poseidon as well.

"How do you feel?" Lin Fei asked aloud.

Ji Yaoguang thought that the nun would say that it hurts or something, but the latter showed a smile, and let out a foul breath from the heart: "Happy!"

It's really enjoyable, the feeling of killing Poseidon by using the Nine Nether Sky Masters with one's own hands is absolutely incomprehensible to others.

It can be called hearty.

Ji Yaoguang was speechless for a while, thinking that the violent female devil must belong to you.

"Tianzun, the Sky-Mending Stone is in Poseidon's temple, I'll fetch it for you!" the female demon said, and sank into the sea again.

It is worth mentioning that because the foot she stepped on earlier caused the ground on the sea floor to collapse, the entire sea level has dropped significantly now.On the edge of the land, there are many creatures such as fish, shrimp, shells and squid.

The whole Atlantis was completely terrified by her, as if respecting ghosts and gods, wishing to hide as far away as possible.

Ji Yaoguang looked at the sea that had finally calmed down, and the shock in his heart still could not be subsided for a long time.After all, the dignified Lord God died in front of his eyes, it was too shocking and shocking.

"One move in the second tyrant is so fierce, what will happen to the "one kill"?" She couldn't help asking curiously.

Lin Fei sighed slightly, and said, "To put it simply, you can imagine the scene where the whole earth explodes."

Ji Yaoguang's expression changed, and he was speechless for a long time.

So creepy.

"It was once said that people in this state are scourges. They are the life and death of billions of lives in one thought, and they can easily turn everything upside down. People in this state should not exist in this world."

"No, the entire multiverse shouldn't appear even if it is a strong person in the void realm." Lin Fei seemed to have thought of something, with a trace of emotion on his face, "The life and death of all living beings are in the hands of such a person. Your will and beliefs are a joke under such power, this is the most depraved and corrupt world."

Ji Yaoguang showed surprise: "Who said that?"

Lin Fei was silent for a while, and then said in a deep voice, "Lin Yuan."

Ji Yaoguang was even more shocked.After all, she has been in the Heavenly Demon Palace for a short period of time, and she knows the strength of Lin Yuan, the Lord of Heavenly Demon.

How could such a powerful being say such a thing?

She faintly felt that there must be a story in it.

"Tianzun, I found it!" Nuba broke through the water with a "boom", stirring up a huge white wave.

She held a seemingly ordinary rock in her palm, but it kept changing its appearance in an instant.

Dragon pattern black gold, phoenix blood red copper, Xihua fairy stone, sky demon blood stone...

All the most precious immortal materials for refining the ultimate emperor's armament are constantly displayed in its changes, which is extremely miraculous.

"Let's go." Lin Fei took the sky-replenishing stone, and immediately flicked his sleeve, making the figures of the three people disappear in place.

Seeing this scene, the whole Atlantis finally breathed a sigh of relief, and some people even sat on the ground directly, feeling that they were covered in cold sweat.

With Immortal Emperor Lin Fei's cultivation base, it would take a long time to restore the Kunlun Mirror with the Sky-Mending Stone.

After all, it is an immortal weapon refining of the same level as myself, so it is naturally not something that can be easily obtained.

The most important thing is that there is no one around him who can do it for him.For beings below the Immortal Emperor, it is wishful thinking to refine the Ultimate Emperor Armament.

Faced with such a situation, Ji Yaoguang pushed her hair behind her ears, and couldn't help but smiled wryly, her eyes were a little complicated.

"What's the matter?" Lin Fei noticed this and asked aloud.

"It's nothing. I just feel that I can't help you. I'm like a cumbersome vase." Ji Yaoguang sighed, almost suffocating just thinking about the gap between the two.

The chasm is terrible.

Even if she tried her best, she couldn't catch up with Lin Fei's footsteps, and she could only watch from behind forever.

"You're still young, that's normal." Lin Fei smiled lightly, with the indifference of time, "You know, I used to be someone you could crush to death with a single finger."

Ji Yaoguang suddenly raised her head, and looked at Lin Fei in shock!

"As for it?" Lin Fei laughed dumbly, "Could it be that you think that I was born to be an existence that traverses the universe? How is this possible?"

Ji Yaoguang suddenly felt the fire of gossip burning in his heart, suddenly became interested, and was very curious: "Hey, what were you like when you were weak?"

She thought it was so unimaginable and interesting.

Before Lin Fei could answer, Ji Yaoguang took his arm again, becoming more and more interested: "By the way, there were no human beings on the earth [-] million years ago. Where did you come from?"


Lin Fei was dumbfounded for a while, why did this sound like a monkey that got out of a rock?

"Let me show you." Lin Fei stretched out a hand unhurriedly as he said.

But Ji Yaoguang shook his head and said, "Just treat it as if you were chatting with me, and let me see everything directly, so how can you talk?"

Although Lin Fei felt that this was not necessary, it was just wasting unnecessary time.But he still nodded, hugged Ji Yaoguang in his arms, rested his chin on her shoulder, and said:

"I should not have been born on this planet."

"When I was born with consciousness, I dimly felt that there should be a piece of chaos and nothingness around me. I vaguely realized that besides myself, there were two living beings in this chaos, and I guessed it should be mine. similar......"

When Ji Yaoguang heard this, his heart was shocked: "There are two existences like you?!"

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