I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 522 Death is knocking on the door

The two children of Xiaolong's mother were too young to become the main targets of the Dicrosaurus group and were able to temporarily escape.But unfortunately, one of the two children apparently encountered the wreckage of the predator.

Seeing the child reduced to such a broken pile of bones is beyond words for the emotional trauma it causes to the mother.

Tears welled up again in Xiaolong's mother's huge eyeballs.It neighed extremely sadly, as if calling for its own child.Then he squatted down cautiously, rubbing his head against the broken skeleton.

Seeing this scene, the young Lin Fei couldn't help but feel sad, and didn't know how to comfort him.In the end, I can only remind it that maybe there is a child waiting for it to take care of.

Xiaolong's mother had to cheer up and went to find another child's whereabouts again.

The two searched for a day and a night, and finally found a thin and small black pan order dinosaur that was not as tall as Lin Fei.It looked black and thin, and seemed to be frightened all the time, so much so that when it heard movement, its first reaction was to run away.

And when he found out that his mother was looking for it, the little dinosaur whimpered and rushed towards it crying.

The little dinosaur was also very curious about Lin Fei, sniffing around him, showing a suspicious look.

Lin Fei was obviously a little kid, but he acted old-fashioned in front of the little dinosaur, saying that he and her mother were good friends, so he would take good care of him.

At that time, he didn't have the concept of "uncle", otherwise he might let this little dinosaur call himself that.

No matter what, Lin Fei still got along with the little dinosaur as an elder, and even gave it a name on his own initiative: "Seeing that you are dark and thin, I will call you Xiao Hei."

In this way, Lin Fei lived with two dinosaurs, one big and one small.In order to survive, they kept running, and finally found a vast underground cave, in which even Xiaolong's mother can survive.

They went out to look for food during the day and started a division of labor and cooperation.Lin Fei is small, not easy to attract the attention of predators, and his body is flexible. He often plays the role of climbing high treetops and covering his body with lush leaves to let the wind out.

If anything goes wrong, Lin Fei will let Xiaolong's mother pick him up and run away.

And Xiaolong's mother is convenient for picking food, and can chew up non-digestible food and feed it to her children. She is the main force of foraging.Xiao Hei's survival experience is too weak, he is simply a child being taken care of by two "elders", and he is still learning various survival experiences from his mother.

In such a process, compared with creatures like dinosaurs, Lin Fei's own advantages gradually emerged.

In order to overcome all the inconveniences in life, he learned to use tools-a process that came quite quickly, without the sense of longness in the history of human evolution.

At first, it was a simple and rough stone axe, and then it was sharpened on the stone with the bones of beasts in the jungle, and the bone blade was made.

When the snowflakes began to flutter and the world was covered with silver, Lin Fei was not frozen to death because of his wit.

Not only did he use tools to make a crude wooden door for the cave, he even made a... bed for himself.

In fact, it's not really a bed, it's just a "bunk" at best.Lin Fei was often choked up in the cave, and couldn't sleep well.So he used a lot of hay and dead leaves to make a thick bed for himself, which was soft when he lay down.

Later, Lin Fei even made himself a quilt with Xiteng, and felt uncomfortable sleeping at night, so he made himself a bark pillow filled with hay.

With the lesson of being almost eaten by the water lake before, Lin Fei dug a small pond to store water near the cave.Such a project is still too big for a child, but fortunately he was very patient and completed it in a daze.

In this way, the two dinosaurs and him had the nearest safe water source.

Under these incidents, not to mention Xiao Hei's admiration for him, even Xiao Long's mother found it extremely incredible.Dimly, it sensed that the existence of Lin Fei...seemed to be more intelligent than all the lives it knew.

Originally, the three had been living like this, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with it.Xiao Hei also plays with Lin Fei every day, one person and one dragon even have a small game of head to head to see who is better.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the arrival of ferocious predators finally broke the tranquility.

It was at dusk, and the setting sun was like blood.

Two Dicrosaurus found nearby footprints, and also found a large number of plants that had been eaten, as well as the excrement left by the two dinosaurs.This ferocious predator can tell when prey is nearby just by smell.

They followed the trail all the way to find it, and even found the small pond and the footprints on the nearby wet mud.There are two kinds of footprints belonging to the ornithological order dinosaurs, one large and one small.

There is also a pair of straw sandal marks that they have never seen before.

The two double-crowned dragons looked at each other, feeling puzzled - what kind of creature left this?

But no matter what kind of creature, it is too small.

Small enough to be stuffy.

So the two double-crowned dragons were not afraid, but even more excited.

In the cave at this moment, Lin Fei was fighting with Xiao Hei, and the two little guys were rolling around on the ground as if fighting each other.Xiaolong's mother was lying on the side, watching this scene with her head slightly tilted.

Suddenly, there was a "boom"!

The crude wooden door that Lin Fei worked so hard to shatter in an instant, and countless pieces of wood splashed out, allowing the bloody rays of the setting sun to shine in.


A thunderous roar resounded throughout the cave in an instant.

When Lin Fei and Xiao Hei saw the ferocious face of the dinosaur, they were instantly scared out of their wits.

This is an adult Dicrosaurus, with a height of 2.6 meters.There are two half-moon-shaped bone crests on the top of its head, and there are many small and sharp fangs in its mouth; its forelimbs are short, and its hind legs are long and thick. It walks on its hind legs and moves extremely agilely; its tail is long and powerful, and it can also run at full speed. Can maintain body balance.

A cruel and bloodthirsty light shone in the huge pupils of the Dicrosaurus.There was even more saliva dripping from the mouth of the bloody mouth.

The light of the setting sun was mostly covered by it, leaving a huge and terrifying silhouette in the cave.

Xiaolong's mother was also trembling, like a mouse seeing a cat, having a natural fear of this kind of creature.

But it took a look at Lin Fei and Xiao Hei, who were about to cry, and somehow got the courage to let out a roar.

This herbivorous dinosaur ran wildly, rushing towards the predator without hesitation!

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