I'm just a big Luo Jinxian

Chapter 529 The death of Xiao Hei, the runaway Lin Fei

Lin Fei no longer panicked at first.Such a dangerous situation made him calm down instead.

Without hesitation, he directly rejected the idea of ​​breaking out.

At least, there is no way to break through now.

Seven monolophosaurus with rich predation experience have surrounded the cave in a semicircle.No matter where they run, they put themselves near their mouths, waiting to be bitten to death.

"They must be reduced, and then get out of here quickly!" Lin Fei quickly took off the wooden bow behind him, put the keel and feather arrow on the bowstring, and pulled it away suddenly.

The bow is like a full moon.

Lin Fei knew that this place was absolutely not safe, because there was a group of predators approaching from afar.

He couldn't deal with this group of people, so he let Xiao Hei slip away. Naturally, he wouldn't let himself give his life here.

Lin Fei hoped that the trap could trap all seven dinosaurs, but the reality was cruel.

The monolophosaurus in the middle seems to be the leader, and the other six dinosaurs did not move rashly, and handed over the "easy to get" prey to it.

So the leader of the monolophosaurus rushed towards him without any hesitation.

Then with a "boom", it fell directly into the trap, pierced in many places, bloody.The leader of the monolophosaurus let out a shrill scream and neighed, and struggled with all his strength, which shocked the other monolophosaurus, and they dared not move rashly.

Lin Fei cursed a dirty word in his heart, and said to himself, why don't you step into the trap together?

There was only a gap in the middle, and he didn't dare to break through at all.The venomous gaze and life experience reminded him that such an adventure would be a double attack and a dead end.

He ignored the monolophosaurus leader who couldn't get up, but shot an arrow at the monolophosaurus on the far right.


There was a startling sound from the bowstring, and the keel feather arrow instantly turned into a white cold light, sharply piercing through the rain curtain.


It was as fast and fierce as lightning, and directly pierced the eyeball of the monolophosaurus, causing the latter to fall to the ground screaming, struggling almost convulsively.

"It's now!" Lin Fei roared in his heart, and ran over directly, passing by.

And behind him, there are five Monolophosaurus in a rage.

Lin Fei's speed was almost on par with this kind of creature.He couldn't open the distance, and the Monolophosaurus behind him couldn't shorten the distance either.

The meaning of letting Xiao Hei run first was fully manifested at this moment.If he runs with Xiao Hei, then the latter will inevitably become the target of hunting and will inevitably die.

Lin Fei not only ran fast, but also had terrifying physical strength and endurance.Especially in these years, he has figured out a set of breathing and exhalation rhythms suitable for running, which is combined with the pace, which is very effective in long-distance running.

It's not something special, and the army also pays attention to a breathing rhythm in cross-country cross-country, but it's terrible to be discovered by a teenager.

Lin Fei actually discovered the direction of Xiao Hei's running through the tracks, but he deliberately chose a different direction to run away.Otherwise, Xiao Hei will definitely not be able to escape if this group of Monolophosaurus is led there, and there is only one dead end!

He could only pray secretly that Xiao Hei would not have any bad luck to meet such a swift and fierce predator.

Lin Fei, such a ruthless person, unexpectedly exhausted a group of natural predators like Monolophosaurus!

Their footsteps gradually slowed down, and they even began to pant violently, making the leaves in front of them flutter non-stop.But Lin Fei's speed remained unabated, causing them to stare blankly.

Damn it, how can such a big thing run like this?

Lin Fei's devil-like training for himself in these years has once again shown excellent results.After making sure to get rid of the group of Monolophosaurus, he didn't dare to delay for a moment, so he went to look for Xiao Hei's trace.

This land jungle is too dangerous, he is worried about Xiao Hei.

Since Lin Fei chose to escape in a different direction from Xiao Hei, he was not sure where Xiao Hei ran to at this moment.He could only roughly determine the possible route based on the direction it was escaping at that time—after all, which places are dangerous and which places are relatively safe, through his own teaching, Xiao Hei also has some points.

After thinking for a while, Lin Fei only slightly adjusted his breathing rhythm, chopped off a vine with sufficient water, and put it in his mouth to drink.After that, he shuttled through the dark jungle again without hesitation, looking for Xiao Hei's trace.

After spending some time, he discovered where Xiao Hei had passed by.There are footprints left by it on the ground, which are very clear.

But Lin Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he felt an indescribable panic.Because behind Xiao Hei's footprint, there is another dinosaur's footprint.

It's Double Crown Dragon again!

And there are three of them!

A chill shot down Lin Fei's spine suddenly, he didn't dare to think too much, and immediately shot out like a sharp arrow, desperately chasing after the footprints.

"Xiao Hei, you must not die!" The panic in Lin Fei's heart had reached an overwhelming level.

He thought of Xiaolong's mother's gaze full of tears before she died, that extremely sad and hopeful look, and her instructions to take good care of Xiaohei.

Lin Fei flew all the way to a valley, and his eyes were tearing apart in an instant!

Because Xiao Hei had already fallen to the ground, his whole body was bloody and bloody, full of signs of being bitten.And beside it, there are three Dicrosaurus, two big and one small, looking like a family of three.


It's raining harder.

The three double-crowned dragons didn't notice Lin Fei, but excitedly gnawed on Xiao Hei's body.The head that rubbed against Lin Fei's body countless times was bitten by the male dicrosaurus, pulled it hard, and twisted off!

In an instant, Lin Fei felt like a volcano erupted in his chest, causing endless flames to burn his chest.

Hot, scorching hot.

"I'm so stupid, you're all going to die!" He let out a hoarse roar, his eyes were red, and he completely lost his mind.

Before he finished speaking, Lin Fei had already taken off the wooden bow behind him, and placed the keel and feather arrow on the string.The veins in his arms bulged, the muscles bulged, and he opened his bow like lightning.

The bow is like a full moon, making it make an overwhelmed "creaking" sound.

The three dinosaurs also turned their heads suddenly when they heard the movement.

The hatred in Lin Fei's heart had reached its peak, and he even twisted the bowstring with three fingers.


After a loud thunderous sound from the bowstring, a keel-feathered arrow whizzed through the air in a spiral manner, piercing through the rain curtain.


This keel-feathered arrow not only pierced the eyeballs of the adult male Dicrosaurus, but also spun his eyeballs to pieces, and penetrated into his brain like a drill bit!


There was a loud thunder, and the sky and the earth were as bright as day, which also illuminated Lin Fei's hideous, almost distorted face full of hatred.

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